Chapter 810

Although today’s windbreak has reached a fixed stage, it is also the most critical and fragile part.

Today’s windbreak has just been constructed, and the work of merging and welding has not yet been carried out. It is in a very fragile state. If there is a gust of wind, their efforts will be wasted.

“Everyone should move faster, as long as the welding and merging work is completed, we will be a bit easier afterwards.”

Many workers from the National Engineering Department also knew the importance of the work before them, so they all began to work hard for fear of the harm it might cause.

At this moment, the chief engineer of the National Engineering Department received a message from the air corridor system that a huge cold current was coming towards them.

Seeing this news, the chief engineer of the Ministry of Engineering couldn’t help frowning and cursed inwardly: “I am really afraid of something. If this strong airflow washing machine comes over, I am afraid that the iceberg fragments are-unstoppable.”

At this time, a cold current was attacking them and saw that the temporary protective belts made of iceberg fragments had already begun to falter, and there must be no way to meet the next cold current.

At this moment, the chief engineer of the National Engineering Department looked at Temporary Fang Feng, where suddenly his eyes lit up, and a touch of green appeared in front of him, which made him stunned.(Read more @

“What is it? How could there be a forest here? Why didn’t it happen yesterday?”

“Boss, you don’t even know it. The tree of life given to us by the country at that time is a product of genetic engineering and can grow rapidly. It is less than half a month since we planted it. It has grown into a big tree in the sky.”

“What is the genetically engineered tree of life, why don’t I know?”

“Tian He is currently taking care of this tree of life. You can ask him.”

In order to understand the doubts in happiness, the chief engineer of the Ministry of Engineering called Tian He, one of his workers.

“Lao Tian, ​​you planted those trees of life?”

Tian He was stunned for a moment. He thought that his superiors knew about this a long time ago, but he didn’t know: “I thought you knew about this a long time ago. This is the tree of life, and it won before leaving. The group leader gave it to me so that I can plant it in front of the windbreak, which can create a forest to temporarily resist some strong winds.”

0 ··Find flowers············

“Very well, you did a good job. In this way, with the shelter of this tree of life, we don’t need to be afraid of the cold current, and the frame of the wind-proof belt can also complete the welding work as usual.”

0 ……… …….

Then according to the prediction of the air corridor system, the strong cold current arrived as scheduled, and they directly rushed away the temporary windbreak belt formed by the accumulation of iceberg fragments.

But they stopped when they faced the tree of life, because the tree of life in front of them was too large, and according to the results of genetic engineering research and development, these trees of life were very cold-resistant.

The strong cold current appeared insignificant in front of the tree of life, and the tree of life only shook slightly and the cold current was blocked in front of the tree of life.

The workers of the national engineering team also took this opportunity to quickly complete the welding and merging work of the windbreak belt. In this way, the framework of the windbreak belt is basically established. Door.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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