Chapter 824

To say that the busiest among all the national departments is the State Engineering Department. The State Engineering Department at the Siberian Proving Ground began to build the huge parts of the Glacier Star.

But in the western construction site on the other side, in front of a huge open space, all the engineers from the National Engineering Department are building another huge project.

I saw that they built one after another huge track, and these tracks were about one kilometer wide, and the length reached five kilometers.

After these tracks were built, they fell together, and the entire western construction plant could see a huge iron block that fell on the western land.

Nowadays, the East does not have a lot of land for them to experiment with, so they opened up a new laboratory in the West.

It is also the first time that the people in the West have seen such a powerful and terrifying construction capability and such a huge track. They actually built more than ten in less than a month.

“My God, what are the engineering teams of these major eastern countries doing? This is the first time they are building in our West.”

“It looks like they are making a track, but what kind of track is so huge, I have never seen it.”(Read more @

“Seeing that the surrounding blast furnaces are not there. Those blast furnaces continuously provide a large amount of molten iron 24 hours a day for them to develop those special tracks.”

“The daily steel output of these blast furnaces is comparable to our three-day steel output in the West!”

After seeing these special tracks, those people in the West were very curious, and some even went to the official website of the East to check it out.

But I don’t know that I was shocked when I saw it, what they built was actually an outer space orbit that would circumvent the entire earth, known as the glacier star orbit!

“I just inquired. Didn’t you read the official website of Dongfang? The one they built is a glacier star track, did you know? It’s a star track! A space star track to be built in outer space!”

“My God, isn’t the East finally satisfied that the surface of the earth is starting to go into outer space?”

“I heard that the construction of these glacial star orbits is still to prevent huge planets!”

“The Great Eastern Country is really a powerful country. Compared with our West, they are much stronger. Now they can even slam huge planets, and we can only wait for the shelter of the East here.”

At this time, the number of these glacial star orbits piled up on construction sites in the West is far from enough. What they want to build is a space star orbit around the entire earth.

The interior of these glacial star trails is made of the most common steel, but its exterior is wrapped with graphene for protection.

The outermost layer is also protected from cold measures, so that material consumption can be minimized as much as possible, and the sturdiness of the glacier star track can also be increased.

Even so, the material consumed by the glacier star orbit is an astronomical figure, but the value it brings is not just as simple as sniping huge planets. This means that humans can start working on the outer surface of the earth. It is human beings outside. The first base location in space.

Today’s glacier star track has been constructed close to the point of one-tenth, and their ideas are the same as those of the workers at the construction site in Siberia. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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