Chapter 825

That is, the glacial star orbits are broken into pieces and turned into countless parts, and then these parts are assembled in the space where they are transported to form a glacial star orbit around the entire earth.

On the other side, Ying Ziyue did not stay in her office, but came to the Everest military base.

Today’s huge planets only need one year to reach the solar system, and they must successfully complete the glacial orbits and glacial stars in space within this year.

Not only that, they will also develop huge heat bombs that can counter huge planets and laser cannons that penetrate planets.

And he came to the Everest Military Base today to explain the construction of the third planetary project, which is precisely research.

Arriving at the Everest military base, the person in charge of the military base immediately received him, and then said: “Leader Ying, regarding the huge planet, we have all learned that if there is anything we need, we will definitely Follow the instructions of the Eastern Powers!”

“Then the first instruction I want to say now is that all military scientific research projects at the Everest Military Base should be stopped. That’s right, all of them!”

Hearing these words, the person in charge of the military base was also slightly taken aback. Then he reacted with a serious face and nodded: “If this is the fate of the eastern powers, I will stop all military scientific research projects on Mount Everest at that moment. Scientific research plan!”(Read more @

“Yes, it is to stop the scientific research plan of all projects. The second instruction is to gather all the scientific research personnel of the Everest military base to build a glacier spear that can destroy huge planets!~”

That’s right, Ying Ziyue, no, the entire eastern country has sacrificed a lot of scientific research points, all of which injects the psychology of scientific research into the scientific research results that deal with the huge planet.

The Everest military base has the highest military scientific research level in the world, so this is also an important reason why the eastern powers have asked them to stop all military scientific research projects and make all-out efforts to develop the glacier-spear.

After hearing this sentence, the personnel in charge of the Everest Military Base also immediately understood the purpose of the Eastern Power: “Don’t worry, I will definitely complete the task that the country has entrusted to me!”

0 ··Find flowers············

For a time, the entire military scientific research projects on Mount Everest were all stopped for storage, and all scientific research personnel gathered together to start studying the construction of the glacier awn!

“How to study the glacier spear, my opinion is to conduct a more in-depth study of the power of the space-based gun on the basis of the space-based gun. Everyone has seen that if the space-based gun can be more powerful, it can be destroyed. It’s not just a comet, it’s also a huge planet!”

. … …….

That’s right, the sky thunder system on the earth except outer space can protect the earth from the threat of small meteorites and space junk in outer space.

The most powerful weapon against the universe is the space-based cannon.

If they are now allowed to create a weapon that can penetrate huge planets out of thin air, one year is definitely not enough, so they must transform and upgrade on the existing basis.

Space-based artillery is a good example. It has a wealth of qualifications and can show its strong power. There is nothing wrong with using it to improve and upgrade. Door.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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