Chapter 858

Ying Ziyue took the ufo aircraft to the National Meteorological Administration. This time, the staff of the National Meteorological Administration welcomed him as soon as possible.

“Leader Ying, you are finally here. We have already drawn up the anomalies about the whole country into a summary awaiting your review.”

After the team leader Ying found the summary report in the hands of the National Meteorological Administration staff, he went to the central control room of the National Meteorological Administration while watching, and the National Meteorological Administration staff on the side was also explaining to him.

“Nowadays, abnormal winds are happening all over the world. We have monitored the climate around the world based on the air corridor system and found clues.”

“Nowadays, there are a large number of storm sources in the sea or land in the wilderness all over the world. These storm sources seem to occur at the same time. They complement each other and form a rare meteorological symbiosis chain.”

“Together, they caused a large amount of airflow effect on each other, which made them continue to circulate and purify the wind phenomenon, and it became more obvious. The wind phenomenon caused by all parts of the world is that they are at work.”(Read more @

Ying Ziyue checked their summary report. There are indeed a large number of these storm sources, distributed all over the world, and their distribution is extremely clever, it is simply the ingenious work of nature.

Don’t underestimate the squally wind phenomenon caused by these storms. It is now a squally wind phenomenon, but it was also mentioned in the summary report just now.

These storms will continue to evolve with the increase of air currents. When they reach a certain level, they will not be squally wind phenomenon but typhoon phenomenon.

Not only that, these storms seem harmless to humans and animals, but as long as a little reaction is added, such as the collapse of some icebergs and a large amount of cold air entering the eye of the storm from a certain place, these storms will immediately become A ferocious beast.

At that time, not only a typhoon, but also a large number of cold waves will follow.

At this moment, the air corridor system issued an alarm.

“The air corridor system reminds you that after a lot of our calculations, there will be a cold wave sweeping the entire eastern country. Please be prepared.”

Upon hearing this news, Ying Ziyue couldn’t help but frowned. It seemed that this cold wave was the effect of a certain storm, which produced a series of chain reactions, and the resulting Hanshang.

Afterwards, Ying Ziyue instructed the secretary on the side: “` ¨You don’t need to follow me now, you go to other departments to release the evacuation requirements for He Chao, I will go to the central control room of the National Meteorological Administration to wait for you and release Come back after you are finished.”

This cold wave is inevitable, so take precautions before the cold wave arrives. The cold wave is not a catastrophic disaster for human beings today, and it can be successfully passed as long as it is carefully guarded against.

Art nodded, and then began to contact other state departments to prepare for (Dr. Li Zhao) Korean and North Korean protective measures.

Ying Ziyue followed the staff of the National Meteorological Administration to the central control room to check the distribution of storms around the world.

When he came to the central control room of the National Meteorological Administration and saw the evenly distributed red dots on the screen, he couldn’t help but touch his chin: “These storms really complement each other, destroy any one, and the other storms will soon There is a new storm in the area.”.

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