Chapter 859

“If you want to destroy something, you must have the same power as her or even stronger than him.”

Ying Ziyue thought of using the storm messenger to fight against powerful storms. At that time, they used the storm messenger to create an artificial storm. They used the power of the artificial storm to fight against the nature and produced a huge storm.

It’s just that the huge storms at that time only spread to the coastal areas, but now the storm swarms produced cover the entire global area.

So they must and be able to have the power on par with the global storm.

Immediately, Ying Ziyue suddenly thought, why not build a weather system that controls the global climate of the sky.

We must know that before the ice age, they used artificial rainfall, artificial snow and other methods to adjust the climate around the world.

Now that the earth’s environment is even worse, why don’t they use today’s technology to build a climate system unique to human civilization?

We must know that the air corridor system was established at that time to monitor abnormally changing climate phenomena around the world. Now the air corridor system is fully mature and can be constructed in the next step.(Read more @

Why not use the air corridor system and the meteorological system to be built next to build a human meteorological system unique to the earth’s civilization.

Just do it, Ying Ziyue contacted the National Meteorological Administration immediately and proposed this plan. After hearing the news, the National Meteorological Administration also stated that the plan was executable.

Today’s earth civilization is no longer the previous state or even close to the state of the second-level civilization. The current earth civilization technology is sufficient to support Ying Ziyue’s wild plan, which is to build a global artificial climate control system.

“So far, the only weather control machine we have studied is the Stormbringer.”

“But the shortcoming of the storm messenger is also obvious, that is, it takes a lot of accurate calculations and long-term accumulation to generate huge storms. If it is to be used as a storm control system for a global artificial climate control system, it is simply impossible to achieve. .”

First of all, the global artificial climate control system needs to be suspended in the sky to adjust the global climate anytime and anywhere, so their positions are changing all the time.

That is to say, at all times, the storm messengers have to adjust their data according to the changes in their positions. Such data calculations must be very huge.

In addition, the time required for the storm messenger to save is very long. In such a long time, a lot of changes can take place.

Therefore, the Stormbringer can only be used as part of the artificial climate control system after improvement.

“Leader Ying, if you want to create a huge gust of wind in a short period of time, you may as well go to the Everest Military Base and ask them. They have a wind god bomb that can create a gust of wind.”

Indeed, before the disaster, the Everest military base had a special missile called the Fengshen bomb.

The original intention of the Fengshen bomb was to destroy the eye of the wind in the center of the cold wave.

However, with the increasing of the storm nowadays, the huge Aeolus bomb is gradually eliminated. After all, the main core of the Aeolus bomb is gas compression technology.

The gas was compressed and stuffed into the bomb, and then when the bomb exploded, the gas re-diffused and formed a huge gust of wind. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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