Chapter 860

Ying Ziyue. Arrived at the Everest Military Base. At this time, all state departments including the Everest Military Base were all in a state of prosperity after the disaster.

At the Everest Military Base, all members are sorting out the materials and resources sealed up before the disaster, and are preparing for post-disaster reconstruction and reconstruction.

“Leader Ying, why are you here?”

The staff at the Everest military base did not receive the news that Ying Ziyue was coming to inspect. Ying Ziyue waved her hand, and then asked, “I heard that there is a bomb called Fengshen bomb in your Everest military base?~”

“Yes, there is a special bomb at our Mount Everest military base, called the Fengshen bomb, which is specially designed to deal with some cold waves and some storms. The missile-guided stage has been developed so far.”

Ying Ziyue was delighted after hearing this: “Then how many bombs are left now?”

Who knows that after hearing this sentence, the staff at the Everest military base couldn’t help but froze for a while, and then answered truthfully: “Leader Ying, since the storm messenger was developed, we have sealed all the Fengshen bombs. NS.”

After all, when facing the storm, the Stormbringer is stronger than the Fengshen Bomb in any aspect.(Read more @

So after the Stormbringer’s interview, these Fengshen bombs were gradually sealed up, after all, they were no longer suitable for use against storms.

“We just discovered these Aeolus bombs during the investigation. Because they were soaked in the flood, they were no longer usable. So now we don’t have a single Aeolus bomb in the Everest military base.”

After hearing these words, Ying Ziyue couldn’t help but frowned, and then asked: “Then I ask you, does your Everest military base still have the kind of air compression technology that is used to make Fengshen bombs?”

Hearing these words, the staff member of the Everest military base stretched his brows and smiled slightly: “This is true. I will take you to visit it immediately.”

Then they came to a laboratory that had just been restarted. In fact, there were some workers in this laboratory repairing a machine.

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“This is the air compressor we use. These air compressors can compress the air to a solid state, and then these solid air blocks will be stuffed into the Fengshen bomb. With the explosion of the Fengshen bomb, the solid air will also Was released.”

Subsequently, the staff member asked those staff members who were operating the air compressor to demonstrate the operation of the machine, and saw that the machine started to operate under the control of the staff.

. ….. …….

It was obvious that a large amount of air was being sucked into the air compressor. After a while, a square iron ball appeared under the air compressor.

“Captain Ying, the air area drawn by the air compressor just now is about the area of ​​an entire military base, and now they are all compressed into this fist-sized space.”

“The shell of this compressed air is made of purple gold alloy, otherwise no alloy can withstand the pressure of such a huge compressed air.”

“As long as this shell is broken, huge air will gush out, forming a storm.” Door.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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