Chapter 862

Suddenly, the National Engineering Department set up a factory in the open space, and all the factories in this factory are air compressors. These air compressors frantically absorb the surrounding air and then compress it into iron balls one after another.

These iron balls have a friendly name called Storm Balls, and these storm balls will be the most important cornerstone for the establishment of the Fengshen Project.

Ying Ziyue came to the factory. If there is a machine that can see the changes in gasoline, you can see the current factory 02, just like a storm vortex, continuously drawing air from the surroundings.

“Now what point has the production of these storm balls reached?”

“According to your instructions from Team Leader Ying, there are now thousands of Storm Balls produced, and they are still approaching according to your indicators.”

After hearing this report, Ying Ziyue couldn’t help but smiled, and then said encouragingly: “Very well, please continue to produce. It must reach the target I said. It doesn’t matter if you produce more.”

On the other side of the National Space Administration, they are studying the latest satellite. For this satellite, they even invited researchers from the National Research Center to conduct research together.

Because this satellite is different from the satellites they have developed before, the satellites they have developed before are all designed to be able to work in outer space.(Read more @

The satellite they are developing now is to be able to work in the high altitudes on the earth’s surface.

It’s not so much a satellite, it’s better to say that this is a global fort, because its role is to store these storm balls, and then ship these storm balls to all parts of the world.

“Before the team leader Ying specifically explained that these satellites are not required to be suspended in space, as long as they can patrol the surface of the earth.”

“But the height of these satellites needs to be in the atmosphere, otherwise they are easily affected by the air currents generated on the earth’s surface.”

“This satellite needs to be designed with more precision. After all, to add an automatic cruise system, its mechanical parts may be more complicated than ordinary satellites.”

In a blink of an eye, these surface satellites have also been gradually developed and mass production has begun, because these surface satellites are not the same as those in the sky. They are smaller and smarter.

If those space satellites are the eyes of the earth, then these surface satellites are the guards of the earth, and they will be suspended in the atmosphere according to the set height.

Drop storm bombs anytime and anywhere in the center of the cold wave or in the center of the storm to prevent these storms or cold waves from occurring.

In a blink of an eye, a large number of surface satellites were produced, and because of the continuous occurrence of storms in various parts of the earth, all parts of the earth were also affected by strong winds.

Even in some areas, because these winds are mixed with cold waves, they have to endure the severe cold brought by these winds.

The impact of these storms on humans is getting more and more serious, and they must establish the control device of the surface Fengshen system as soon as possible.

In the blink of an eye, it was the official start date of the Aeolus Project, and that was the official launch date of the Aeolus Project. On this day, the official live broadcast of the Aeolus Project will be launched so that all audiences can see the official launch of the Aeolus Project.

All of a sudden a large number of viewers poured into the live broadcast room, only to see black containers appearing in the live broadcast room screen. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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