Chapter 863

“Is this a secret weapon made by the eastern powers to deal with the global storm?”

“It’s actually packed in a container, it’s too mysterious, isn’t it? What exactly is inside it?”

“No matter what’s in it, it’s over quickly. I really can’t stand this damn weather!”

“In this windy weather, I don’t even dare to go out, for fear of being blown away by the strong wind outside.”

This audience is not telling a joke. In some places closer to the center of the storm, the wind can even blow people up. So far, there have been several cases of missing persons who have been blown off across the country.

Therefore, the Great Eastern Powers also officially reminded the people not to go out easily and try to hide at home.

At this moment, a behemoth appeared in the screen of the live broadcast room, and someone recognized it at that time. Isn’t this the city in the sky built by the great eastern country?

I saw a city in the sky, descending from the sky, and from his body dropped a lot of steel cables. These steel cables fell on the containers, and the staff immediately tied the steel locks to the containers.(Read more @

“Unexpectedly, this city in the sky could still be used for transportation〃ˇ?”

“This city in the sky is much stronger than those transport helicopters, so many containers can be transported all at once.”

“Originally, the contents of these containers had to wait for the Sky City to rise to a high altitude before being released.”

Afterwards, these numerous containers slowly rose with the Sky City. Under the eyes of everyone, the Sky City began to move slowly. A worker took a crowbar in his hand and opened one of the containers.

All of a sudden, a black object fell from the container, like a small black ball, and then spread its wings. The black ball was transformed into a small satellite suspended high in the sky. Above.

Not only that, after this small satellite is suspended in the sky, it is still using the propeller above its head to continuously ascend, and some flames will be ejected from its tail for propulsion.

Suddenly one after another small black balls fell from the container, and then they all began to rise into the sky uniformly.

“Dear viewers, what everyone sees is the surface satellites we have developed, and these surface satellites are now climbing according to their own set altitudes.”

“` ¨After they climb to a certain height, they will begin to adjust their positions according to the program settings, and then they will form a system network covering the world.”

Realization of the Sky City began to move to the west, not only that, workers on it would open a container every once in a while, and then these surface satellites would fall out of it.

After the gradual sky (the king’s) city surrounds the entire earth, these surface satellites are all scattered, and these surface satellites gradually rise into the sky. After three days and three nights, all the surface satellites are all. reset.

When all these surface satellites were back in place, a voice suddenly sounded in the central control room of the National Weather Service.

“Welcome to use the Fengshen system, the air corridor system is being connected, the connection is completed, and the data adjustment is in progress.”.

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