Chapter 864

In a blink of an eye, the Fengshen system has completed the conjoined sharing mode with the air corridor system, which means that afterwards, the two systems will complete the data sharing between the systems.

Only through the air corridor system can the Fengshen system know exactly where anomalies have occurred in all parts of the world, so that it can prescribe the right medicine.

Today, the Fengshen system has just been established, and it will fight the global storm to show its own strength.

After seeing these tiny surface satellites, many people are extremely unconfident in their reaction to it.

“These satellites don’t seem to be a big deal, can they really deal with global storms?”

“The size of these surface satellites is not even the size of ordinary sanitation. It is estimated that it is difficult to fight against this kind of global storm.”

“Don’t jump to conclusions before using it officially. After all, we humans are very advanced in science and technology, and we can’t make judgments based on appearance alone.”

At this time, the live broadcast room was divided into two parts, one of which was showing the surface satellites in the sky, and the other was looking at the source of a storm from a distance.(Read more @

It can be seen that the surface satellite is like a fort in the sky, with its muzzle facing downwards, and it shows that the surface satellite has reached the source of the storm.

But the surface satellite has been hanging above the source of the storm for a long time, but there is no movement for a long time, and the audience in the live broadcast room can’t sit still for a while.

“What’s the matter? This satellite is only hanging on the head and doesn’t move a bit. Let us see what it can do.”

At this moment, the host of the live broadcast room immediately stood up, and then said: “Don’t worry, viewers, so far, surface satellites around the world are calibrating the source of the storm.”

“As a chain effect of global storms, we must defeat these storms at the same time to be able to stop the global storms, otherwise they will continue to produce.”

“So the reason why these surface satellites hang above the source of these storms and stay motionless is to wait for other satellites to launch together.”

After the host in the live broadcast room explained it, many viewers gradually understood it.

Then the surface satellite in the live broadcast moved, only to see it hit a small iron ball, and the iron ball fell straight to the source of the storm.

Just when all the spectators were at a loss, the small iron ball suddenly exploded, and then a violent storm swept across the source of the storm, and the source of the storm gradually subsided under the interference of the huge wind and waves.

At the same time, the sources of storms all over the world were attacked by storm balls, and a global storm swept the entire earth.

Everyone could feel a huge wind and wave blowing over their faces, but when the wind and wave passed, they could no longer feel the continuous gust of wind.

The great eastern powers succeeded, and they successfully defeated the global storm, which also means that they will fully control the wind of the entire earth.

“My God! The Great Eastern Countries actually did it. They are now the true creators of the world.”

“I don’t believe in God anymore. I am now changing my faith. My faith is the East!”.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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