Chapter 924

Suddenly, a large number of people began to participate in the national project. The progress of the project also began to proceed at a rapid pace.

A large number of transport vehicles transport all kinds of strategic materials to all parts of the world.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, as if the earth’s mutation has been left behind by them.

At this moment, Ying Ziyue suddenly received news from the Universe Observation Bureau. As expected, something bad happened and the earth’s abnormal change had already begun.

“Leader Ying, we have just received the latest data on changes in the earth’s core energy. Now the core energy changes have reached about three times the normal energy. It is expected that various geological changes and disasters will occur in the future.”

“I have received it. I will let the responsible departments across the country pay attention to disaster protection.”(Read more @

At this moment, Ying Ziyue felt that the ground was shaking at her feet, and then she began to shake constantly. If it weren’t for him right in the depths of a building protected by magnetic currents, I’m afraid it would be shaking so violently now, this building would be early. It has collapsed.

At this time, the air corridor system kept sounding sirens and turned on the air corridor system. A large number of earthquakes occurred all over the world. A global earthquake swept the entire earth. Even the air corridor system did not respond, and the entire screen was scarlet. .

“Attention, everyone, everyone, now that the earth has changed, and earthquakes around the world have begun to occur frequently, please actively cooperate with the country’s arrangements while ensuring the safety of their lives.”

On the official website of the country, some people began a violent discussion about the global earthquake affecting almost the entire earth, even the western region was affected to a certain extent, and the earthquake came and went in a hurry, they did not respond at all. Time to come.

“Did you feel it just now? I was so innocent that I was scared to death. I was in the toilet just now, and suddenly it started to quake, so I almost didn’t tremble on my feet.”

“Are you serious upstairs? I also felt the earthquake just now, but fortunately, our buildings were all reinforced with magneto-current graphite, so there was not much damage.”

“Our side is also affected by the global earthquake, but what I am more worried about is whether the structure of the planned bunker above our head will be damaged by this. If this is the case, our plan will be ruined.”

“You don’t have to worry about this. Just now when the disaster came, the construction workers were much calmer than me. I also asked about it just now. This earthquake will not cause much damage to the structure of the bunker.”

Suddenly, this global earthquake seemed like a signal tsunami that triggered the earth’s abnormal changes, and volcanic eruptions continued to occur frequently.

Although it has not yet reached the point of endangering the civilization of the earth. But this is already an early warning that nature is beginning to get angry, and they must hurry up and complete the various projects of the disaster relief plan as soon as possible.

Since these disasters come and go in a hurry, cannot be located, tracked, and even prevented, we will take all disaster prevention measures.

This allows us to calmly deal with all kinds of disasters.

At this moment, the National Rescue Department received a message: “Here is the National Engineering Transportation Department requesting support. We are stuck in a crack in the ground. A large number of materials are buried in the ground and need to be rescued.”.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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