Chapter 925

“This is the transportation center of the Ministry of Engineering. Our transportation force encountered a strong earthquake on the Xishan Prairie. A large number of transportation teams fell into the ground cracks and requested rescue.”

After receiving the news, the staff of the National Rescue Team immediately began to prepare for rescue work. It is important to know that the transportation force of the National Engineering Transportation Center is a force that transports various strategic materials.

Once this team suffers any danger, they will lose a lot of materials, thereby dragging the entire project progress.

Now the global change is imminent, their every minute and every second is very precious, the later the progress of the project is completed, the more their danger will increase by one point.

Thinking of this, the National Rescue Team immediately sent a large number of rescue chariots and rescue helicopters to the Xishan Prairie for search and rescue work.

At this time, after the national rescue team came to the Xishan prairie, they realized that there was no way for the rescue chariot to enter the Xishan prairie.

Because the Xishan prairie in front of us has been torn apart, a large number of ground cracks appear on the Xishan prairie like open cracks.

If they use rescue tanks to provide support, they will fall into the huge crevice before taking a few steps. In desperation, they can only use other rescue helicopters to go to the Xishan prairie for rescue work.(Read more @

Soon, the staff of the National Rescue Team found the transportation team of the Ministry of Engineering they wanted to rescue.

At this time, these transportation teams were docking on a piece of land, next to them were huge cracks that did not reach the bottom.

Today’s transportation team seems to be much smaller than the intelligence, and it seems that a lot of materials and vehicles have fallen into this huge crack.

“This is the report headquarters of the air rescue unit. Our manpower may be a little insufficient. Please send other air rescue units to assist immediately.”

After receiving this news, the National Rescue Center couldn’t help but frowned. Now because of the huge cracks that can be seen everywhere in the Xishan prairie, their land units are no longer able to carry out rescue work, and can only carry out rescue work through air units.

But air rescue units are limited after all. At this moment, the minister of the National Rescue Center thought of the Air Force Command for the first time. They have a large number of airships. These airships can also be used as reliable rescuers with a little command. unit.

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So the Minister of the National Rescue Center immediately applied to the Air Command for the airship to carry out rescue work, and the Minister of the Air Command quickly approved the operation of the airship.

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Soon, a large number of airships came to the Xishan Prairie to rescue the transportation team of the Ministry of Engineering in front of them.

The news reached Ying Ziyue. Ying Ziyue frowned slightly. Nowadays, the occurrence of global earthquakes has caused huge topographical changes in a large number of areas. Some land transportation units can no longer continue to transport materials.

But now their project is urgent and requires a large amount of materials to be piled up, and they are about to be completed as soon as they are seen, and it is so short of the transportation of materials. This kind of thing happened unexpectedly.

The progress of the project must not be slowed down. Now they must find a new and safe transportation route. Only in this way can they transport strategic resources to the target location. Door.

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