Chapter 937

To suppress the impact of global swamping through the eruption of a volcano is indeed a crazy idea to fight poison with poison.

But nowadays, human beings all over the world are hiding in urban bunkers, and there are very few ways to deal with disasters. Therefore, they can only use existing methods to detonate natural forces and fight against them through natural forces and disaster forces.

Subsequently, the National Geological Survey Bureau immediately carried out a series of plans based on the map images transmitted by the aerial satellites. Their missiles are limited and it is impossible to detonate all the volcanoes in the world at the same time.

So they must look for those volcanoes that are about to erupt and those near the city bunker. Only in this way can the power of the volcano erupt to be maximized. 02

Soon, the investigators of the National Geological Survey Bureau painted several target locations on the map. These target locations are all very large volcanoes, and they are about to erupt, and there are even urban areas around them.

Nowadays, large-scale swamping is eroding urban areas. In order to prevent the foundations under the urban bunker from being eroded by the marsh, they must use magma to erode the land around the urban bunker and use the high temperature of lava to lock the stability of the foundation.(Read more @

Then the staff of the National Geological Survey sent the coordinates they had just researched to the Everest Military Base. After receiving the coordinates, the staff of the Everest Military Base immediately began bombing the designated locations with missiles.

Suddenly, a large number of missiles were launched from the Everest military base and attacked volcanoes all over the world.

In the urban bunker area, all citizens watched the live broadcast on the screen closely, and saw one missile after another falling from the sky, landing in the crater, and the volcano that was still eager to try suddenly erupted.

A large amount of lava spurted out, mixed with meteors, fire rain, and fell from the sky. The endless magma stretched down the crater. The entire volcano was covered by magma. A large amount of magma spread out, and the surrounding plains emitted rich steam.

At this time, the swamped area and hot lava interlaced, one side is rich in moisture, and the other is hot lava. The combination of water and fire forms a large amount of water vapor.

Realizing that the entire live broadcast screen is filled with a lot of water vapor, but with the hot lava, these swampy areas continue to spread, and ultimately it is unable to withstand such a continuous high temperature.

Lava gradually became the ruler of the entire world. Looking around, the entire earth was surrounded by red lava.

“It’s so hot. After these volcanoes erupted, there was a high temperature. We can feel it in the urban bunker.”

“We are now in a steamer basket. I don’t know when the lava will disperse.”

“First was the Ice Age, and now there are volcanoes erupting all over the world. I feel that our earth will be cold for a while and hot for a while, and I really can’t stand it.”

Because of the geographical energy change caused by the volcanic eruption, other volcanoes also erupted at the same time. At this time, hot lava was everywhere on the land except for the ocean.

At this time, the staff of the Geological Survey Bureau looked at the endless crimson lava on the land: “Don’t worry, these lava will not last long.”.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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