Chapter 938

At this time, some citizens in the city bunker took off their cold-resistant protective clothing early. At this time, the area in the city bunker has risen to more than 30 degrees Celsius, which is a high temperature that they have never felt for many years. .

All the citizens have turned over the records and inquired about how human beings carried out the summer escape plan before the ice age. All of a sudden, the entire city began to carry out a vigorous summer escape plan.

This phenomenon has almost never been seen since the advent of the ice age, after all, their temperature never exceeded zero during the ice age.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky, and all citizens could hear the sound, and then they quickly came to the live broadcast room to watch it.

I saw that the sky above the entire city was surrounded by a layer of black thunderclouds, and the sound they had just heard was the loud noise caused by the thunder in the thundercloud.

“What’s the matter? Isn’t the whole world caught in the high temperature of volcanic eruption now? Why are there rain clouds appearing in the sky?”(Read more @

“This dark cloud appears over our city, which means that it will rain in our area soon. After it rains, the lava can disappear for a while, and the temperature of our city will drop a little.”

“I never imagined that when the global volcano erupts and the temperature is rising rapidly, there will be dark clouds over our city. Is this God’s favor for us.”

At this moment, the commentator in the live broadcast room immediately stood up and began to explain the specific situation of dark clouds over all cities. It turned out that this situation was already thought of when the Geological Survey Bureau bombed the volcano.

The hot lava and the swampy ground contact each other to form a large amount of water vapor, and the large amount of water vapor rises into the atmosphere, encounters a cold air current, and recondenses into a dark cloud.

You must know how high the temperature of the lava is, it is only on the ground. In the high altitude, there is still a world of various cold air currents. When these water vapors meet the cold air currents, they become terrifying. Freezing rain.

Speaking of icy rain, everyone may be familiar with it. At the beginning, these icy rains fell on the ground, but they caused huge losses, but now these icy rains are coming like a savior. When they touched the lava, Will quickly offset the high temperature of these lava.

“` ¨The ice and rain are about to come, and the temperature will drop rapidly by then. Residents in various cities are requested to put on their own cold-resistant protective clothing immediately, and do not delay their lives because of the temporary coolness.”

After hearing the news, the citizens in those city bunkers immediately put on their cold-resistant protective clothing.

With a thunder, there was a crackling sound outside. In the live broadcast, a lot of ice and rain fell from the sky and landed in the hot lava. When they fell in the (have it been) lava, then An area suddenly turned into obsidian.

Then one after another icy rain fell on the obsidian, freezing them into icebergs.

At the same time, the temperature in the city’s bunker is also dropping rapidly, and in a blink of an eye it has returned to the temperature before the ice age. All the citizens of the city could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they were first warned, or else I don’t really say anything. Also got a cold. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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