Chapter 939

Nowadays, the materials in the city bunker are limited, especially the medical materials are very scarce. If you have a cold, a small cold is better, if it is a big cold, it will be uncomfortable.

Therefore, today’s urban management departments are also calling on citizens to exercise more and get less sick, so that the output of some medical resources can also be reduced.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month has passed. The global volcanic eruption has stopped, and the global volcanoes have continued to erupt one after another for more than a month. It is also a torture for the citizens in these city bunkers. The surrounding temperature is fluctuating. The heat makes them very uncomfortable.

In the Universe Observatory at this time, Ying Ziyue looked at the data on the screen in front of her, and then asked the staff next to her and said, “If I didn’t guess wrong, the data above should be the data on airflow changes.”

The staff member of the Universe Observatory also nodded and then said: “Yes, the data above is just so far. The changes in the airflow over the earth are only accompanied by the effects of the earth’s abnormal changes. Mutation reactions continue to occur.”

“According to our latest news, it is very likely that a strong cold wave will erupt in the near future. I don’t know how long this cold wave will last. Anyway, it will not stop until the airflow returns to normal.”(Read more @

Ying Ziyue touched her chin: “Now we are all taking refuge in the city bunker. The cold wave outside should not have any effect on us. After all, our city bunker is mainly focused on cold resistance.”

After hearing these words, the staff of the Bureau of Space Observation next to him also shook his head and said: “Although the global earthquakes have stopped, aftershocks are still happening, and volcanic eruptions have stopped, but lava is also from time to time. The outbreak.”

“The obsidian on the ground was affected by the earthquake and turned into endless fragments. Once these cold waves come, they will sweep these fragments like a storm and attack the city bunker.”

“We must know that under the influence of the earth’s abnormal changes, He Chao is not only South Korea, it is a combination of cold air currents and storms, which means that it has the destructive nature of global storms and the freezing low temperature of cold air currents.”

After hearing the explanation from the staff of the Bureau of Space Observation, Ying Ziyue also frowned slightly: “It seems that under the influence of the earth’s abnormal changes, the cold wave we are familiar with has also become different from before.”

“But please rest assured, team leader Ying. Our city bunker is indeed very strong. Recently, we have received specific data on city bunker from all over the world. Under the influence of global earthquakes and global volcanoes, their damage degree is only about 10%. ”

You should know that global earthquakes and global volcanic eruptions are disasters like natural disasters. In the face of such a terrible disaster, the urban bunker has only 10% damage, which really proves his strength.

At this time, in the outer space, the violent wind was not only in the urban bunker. Through the live broadcast, the citizens saw a large amount of violent wind blowing outside, which rolled up the obsidian fragments on the ground.

The squally wind at this time was no less than the level of an ordinary storm, but the city bunker was too hard, and the storm blew on the city bunker just like itching. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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