Chapter 940

Strong storms struck one after another, and the various obsidian and other materials they carried with them slammed on the top of the city bunker.

Citizens in the city couldn’t help but smile when they saw these live broadcasts.

“It seems that our bunker is really strong, and these storms have nothing to do with us.”

“We must know that our city bunker is a strong fortress that can defend against lava and global earthquakes. How can they be destroyed by a few storms~”

“But according to the official explanation, these storms are just the harbingers of global storms. I don’t know what kind of horrible scenes will be produced when the energy of these storms reaches their peak.”

“Don’t worry about it. If the city fortresses can’t withstand these storms, then we have to die together. If they can withstand these storms, then you don’t have to worry.”

In the National Meteorological Administration at this time, the staff are communicating with the staff of the Space Observatory.

“The energy abnormality inside the earth’s core has reached its peak, and it is expected to have a certain impact on the airflow over the earth in a day’s time.”(Read more @

“Yes, we have detected that the airflow over the earth is exactly the same as the time you mentioned. It is expected that a powerful storm that will sweep the entire earth will occur in one day.”

Ying Ziyue said to the side: “So far, can the space-based guns built by our country be used normally?”

“Before the disaster strikes, we first made protective preparations for some important projects, and space-based guns should still be able to continue to be used.”

The staff of the Universe Observatory couldn’t help but look at Ying Ziyue who was aside, wondering why he suddenly asked this question.

Ying Ziyue was also relieved after hearing the report from the staff of the Space Observation Bureau. It seems that their country’s combat power reserve so far is relatively sufficient. He thinks that only the Mount Everest military base has strategic reserves.

“Just in case, you have prepared the Everest military base. If the storm cannot be controlled, you can use the Fengshen bomb to interfere with some of the airflow in the center of the storm.”

0 ··Find flowers············

After hearing this sentence, the staff member of the Universe Observatory also immediately understood what he meant, so he contacted the Mount Everest military base.

The Everest Military Base also stated that the reserves of Aeolian bombs on their side are limited. After precise calculations by the National Meteorological Administration, they will conduct Aeolian bomb strikes based on some core Aeolian coordinates.

.. …. …….

The wind was howling, and a large number of rubble crackled and hit the city bunker. All the citizens turned on the live broadcast and saw that there was already a windy field outside, and countless rubble was rolled up in the air and wandered back and forth.

Not only that, these gusts were still raging at a speed visible to the naked eye, and suddenly there was a click from the sky above the city bunker, as if something was constantly spreading.

At this moment, the city’s broadcast suddenly sounded: “Attention, all residents, please note, all residents, a strong cold wave is attacking us, please prepare for cold protection, so as not to cause unnecessary Hurt.” Door.

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