Chapter 941

The first time they heard this broadcast, all the citizens immediately started their cold resistance work. It turned out that the strange sound just now was the sound of frost condensing on the outer layer of the city fortress. At this time, the city fortress also immediately turned on the artificial sun. Heating mode.

The artificial sun emits a scorching glow and also emits a lot of heat. The temperature in the entire city fortress benefited from the artificial, and the heat emitted by the sun’s “Twenty Four Seven” gradually returned to normal levels.

At this time, the outside world has already turned into a vast white world. The cold wave came suddenly and came suddenly without warning. During the entire storm raging, it suddenly appeared, so the whole storm and the cold wave merged into one. A cold wave of storms swept across the globe.

The staff of the National Meteorological Administration immediately began to investigate global climate change, and found that the entire planet was covered by this storm cold wave and turned into an ice-bound planet.

“This is the National Weather Service. So far, about a thousand different wind eyes have been found around the world. These wind eyes, large and small, will produce some storms. These storms are connected to form this global storm.”

“A huge pothole appeared near the South Pole of the earth, and a powerful cold air is being released in this pothole. So far, I don’t understand what the cold air is, but what is certain is that he takes care of the Koreans. More terrible than any cold wave we have ever encountered.”(Read more @

“Because of the impact of global storms, this cold air has been transported to all parts of the world by these storms, forming a terrifying storm cold wave.”

After hearing the report from the National Meteorological Administration, the staff of the Universe Observation Agency immediately thought of this cold wave, possibly due to the influence of global changes, and then they investigated the energy activities below the Antarctic and found the clues.

The energy change of the earth is not just as simple as heat release, it also releases a large amount of heat-absorbing material, and the source of this cold air is the earth and the center of the earth. They are not so much cold air, let alone they are caused by a large amount An unknown gas composed of endothermic substances.

“This cold air is too strong. Even if we launch a missile, we will be frozen into ice before it approaches. Therefore, we have no way to release this cold air. We can only use the city bunker. Artificial sun to resist 0 ..”

These words also made the final definition of this storm cold wave, people can only face such a terrifying cold wave in the city bunker.

The citizens in the city bunker at this time also kept complaining.

“This year is too unlucky. First, there was a global earthquake, then a global volcanic eruption, and then a global storm cold wave. It is really unbearable to be cold for a while and hot for a while.”

“There is no way, who will let us all live on the earth. This is the ice age. Without the leadership of the leader of Ying, we would have been buried under this ice and snow long ago, even if we are today.”

“I don’t know when this ghost day will pass.”

Another month passed in a blink of an eye, and the global cold wave finally began to dissipate. During this period of time, citizens in the bunkers of major cities could only survive on the heat emitted by the artificial sun. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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