Chapter 942

In a blink of an eye, another period of time passed. Fortunately, after the city bunker was established, they stored a large amount of energy in the city bunker just in case this happened.

However, under the influence of this global storm cold wave, their energy reserves are also consumed rapidly, but fortunately, this global storm cold wave did not last long, and returned to the original time in a blink of an eye.

The staff in the situation of cosmic observation also breathed a sigh of relief. Now the peak of global anomaly has finally passed, which means that they only need to wait for the energy of global anomaly to reach a normal value before they can return to the ground. To survive.

This global change lasted for nearly half a year 02, but within this half a year, they experienced a series of disasters like the end of the world, such as global earthquakes, global storms, and global volcanic eruptions.

In this disaster, all they can rely on is their city fortress.

Ying Ziyue also breathed a sigh of relief, and as the earth’s energy changes gradually stopped, his tense nerves could be considered to be able to relax a little.(Read more @

With the gradual dispersal of global anomalies, the abnormal phenomena that occurred around the world are gradually calming down. The citizens in the city can gradually feel the changes around them. First of all, the external storm begins to stop gradually.

Then the earthquake that gradually affected their lives no longer occurred, the volcanoes regained their enthusiasm, and the whole earth fell into silence.

In this way, in the dark city fortress, human beings stared at the live broadcast and watched the constant changes outside, and their hearts gradually began to relax.

Gradually it passed. I don’t know how long it will take. Just then a voice suddenly sounded and the official release of the latest news.

“Dear folks, now the global change has finally stopped. After a series of surveys, we found that the current earth environment can be used for our continued exploration. Therefore, starting from today, the city fortresses will be opened one after another. Please actively participate in the post-disaster reconstruction work. Thank you for your cooperation.”

All of the citizens in the city bunker suddenly cheered. They can finally get out of this city bunker. Human beings yearn for freedom.

During this time they have been living in the city bunkers, and their only way to connect to the outside world is live broadcast.

Now the city bunkers can finally be reopened. They are about to face the harsh environment, but they are not afraid at all, because they are the freedom that humans on earth aspire to, and they don’t hesitate to do anything for freedom.

“Attention everyone, please note that the city bunkers will be opened soon, and the city bunkers will be opened soon. Please don’t stand at the junction of the bunkers to prevent unnecessary accidents.”

With a click, I saw a large amount of snow and ice falling on the junction of the city bunker, and the sun shone in. All the city residents couldn’t help but squinted and looked at the blurry sun in the sky.

Within this year’s time, the sun also resumed its recovery.

[In January of the 36th Ice Age, global change stopped all human beings returning to the ground from the urban bunker, which means that their voices represent humanity’s yearning for freedom. At this moment, a new century is about to begin. 】.

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