Chapter 969

After visiting the space ship manufacturing center, Ying Ziyue came to the ship manufacturing plant of the space ship manufacturing center. At this time, space ships were being manufactured in the ship manufacturing center.

It’s just that most of the space ships manufactured in this ship factory are combat ships and transport ships. They are not real mother ships, and are mainly used for various functions.

Today, the space carrier has been constructed in the wilderness under the joint efforts of the Ministry of Engineering and the Yellow Sea Ship Manufacturing Base. While building the space carrier, they are also manufacturing sub-ships in this space ship manufacturing center.

“Leader Ying, you are here.”

After Ying Ziyue arrived at the ship manufacturing center, the person in charge of the ship manufacturing center immediately received him and began to introduce him to the spaceships they developed.

The whole body of the spaceship here is made of purple gold alloy, and only the key parts are made of gold air alloy.(Read more @

Because it is sailing in space, the space ship uses Vulcan energy as the core of the ship’s power.

The Vulcan energy installed on a spaceship is the Vulcan supernova energy engine system. In addition to the main system engine, there is also a backup engine system.

The manufacturing framework of the spaceship also uses graphene as its manufacturing framework, but what is more surprising is that the magnetic current graphite is used as the coating for the surface coating of the spaceship.

This is a brand new attempt, because most of the pomegranate graphite has been used as an attachment outside the building before. This is the first time it has been used on a spaceship. I don’t know what effect it will have.

However, after they tested that the pomegranate graphite was attached to the spaceship, at least the robustness of the spaceship was greatly improved, which is why they used purple gold alloy to make the outer shell of the spaceship.

Most of the usual coatings are made to protect the inner shell, but most of them only have the function of resistance to cold and heat, not so much anti-shock ability, but the magnetic flux graphite is different. It has heat resistance. The role of cold, the anti-strike ability is also first-class.

Just in case, after attaching the garnet grinding to the surface, they also applied a coating on the outside, so that the spaceship can at least sail in space for nearly several thousand years without major accidents. .

“Leader Ying, so far, our space ships are mainly divided into these types. First of all, they are combat ships. They carry a large number of laser weapons and have powerful combat capabilities, which can eliminate obstacles to engineering progress in the universe. Meteorites and other threats.”

“The laser weapon mounted on this battleship is made with reference to the laser mechanism of the Sky Thunder satellite system for details.”

“Then there is our transport ship. This transport ship has a huge space. Almost half of the entire ship’s space can be used for transportation. In order to enhance the power of the transport ship, we have specially installed other ships for it. The engine system is more powerful than other ships.”

“Then the exploration ship explores the flexible shape of the ship, which is equipped with an intelligent navigation system, which allows the pilot to navigate safely in this complex space.”.

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