Chapter 970

“So far, we have developed these three different types of spaceships. In the future, our researchers will continue to study different types of spaceships with different functions.”

After listening to the introduction by the person in charge of the ship manufacturing center, Ying Ziyue nodded in satisfaction.

Being able to research out three spaceships with different functions in such a short period of time is already a very big progress.

“So far, how far have these spaceships been developed~?”

After hearing this question, the person in charge of the ship manufacturing center also said with confidence: “So far, we have manufactured 50 combat ships, approximately 70 transport ships, and detection ships-100. Ship.”

“But 50% of the ships are under construction. It will take at least one month to fully become an organization.”

At this time, what the person in charge said is quite conservative. The difficulty of building a space fleet is no less than building a city. A space fleet can be built within a month. If this is the case, the West People will sneer when they hear it. In their impression, this is an impossible task.

Ying Ziyue patted him on the shoulder, and then said, “Don’t worry too much about time or anything, but the quality of these spaceships must be guaranteed. After all, they are going to invest in the universe for development tasks, which represents the face of our great eastern country. If something unexpected happens, it will make people look at jokes.”(Read more @

“Don’t worry, team leader Ying, we will definitely complete the tasks assigned above.”

In a blink of an eye, more than a month passed in a hurry. Just today, all the media received an official announcement that today’s first Dragon City fleet will officially take off from the earth.

This is big news. All the media have gathered in the space ship manufacturing center, wanting to see what the space fleet is built by the great eastern powers.

It hasn’t started yet, outside the cordon around the space ship manufacturing center, there are already a large number of news media reporters who come to watch. They stand outside the cordon and look at the space ship manufacturing center in front of them.

“Isn’t it said that today is the day when the first space fleet takes off? Why are we here?”

0 ··Find flowers············

“You don’t understand, right now, these space fleets are all in the space ship manufacturing center. In this case, after the right time, they will start to take off.”

“This is a historic moment. People all over the world are looking forward to what the space fleet built by the eastern powers looks like.”

.. ……. …

At this moment, a roar caused everyone’s eyes to gather on the spaceship manufacturing center, and a large number of air waves came out from the cosmic process manufacturing center.

Under everyone’s attention, a silver-white spaceship slowly lifted off, and all news media reporters immediately picked up their cameras and frantically took pictures of the silver-white ship.

But then one after another silver-white ships rose, everyone was shocked, and they slowly lifted into the sky from the space ship manufacturing center like a pyramid.

Then these space ships formed a special formation in the air, and with a roar, they disappeared into the sky. Door.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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