At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Suddenly Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian disappeared from the villa, Song Qian and Pei Yilin also became enemies, and there was no more laughter.

Song Qian was only worried about finding money for Mengmeng, but she couldn't find a clue, and she hadn't seen Pei Yilin for nearly a week. Sometimes Kang Lu wanted to mention Pei Yilin in front of her, but she was blocked by her. go back.

"Mengmeng." Song Qian murmured, "Where are you? Did you miss Mommy?"

"Song Qian!" A familiar voice sounded. Song Qian turned his head and saw Qin Xirong as expected.

"I didn't expect that I would come to the villa and I would really meet you." Qin Xirong chuckled lightly. On her face, there was a kind of tenderness of a little woman, which was very well moisturized by love.

Song Qian gave Qin Xirong a cold look, then turned around to leave.

"Don't leave so quickly!" Qin Xirong called to Song Qian, "Don't you want to know why I can come into the villa?"

Song Qian's eyes are cold, Qin Xirong can come into the villa, isn't it because she is getting better with Pei Yilin?

Qin Xirong has to ask this kind of question that can be thought of with his toes. Apart from coming to show off his power, he has no other purpose.

"Thank you for your willingness to quit, Yilin knows how much he loves me!" Qin Xirong chuckled, "Furthermore, he hasn't seen him for years, his bed skills are really better! I faint every night ."

"Miss Qin." Song Qian didn't have a good tone. "Perhaps it is showing off in your opinion, but in my opinion, you say this as if a lady is talking about her customers. Things in bed are not between husband and wife. Is it private?"

Qin Xirong's face turned pale, and she didn't expect Song Qian to have such sharp teeth after a week.

When Pei Yilin's heart was most vulnerable, Qin Xirong took advantage of the vacancy, but without the effect she expected, she discovered how deep Pei Yilin's love for Song Qian was.

For this week, Qin Xirong had been with Pei Yilin almost every day, but he only hugged her a few times casually, indifferent to her, and even kissing him was something he had explicitly forbidden.

Qin Xirong was angry and hated. She didn't know what Song Qian was so good about that she let Pei Yilin inject such a deep love!

"Song Qian, don't try your best. I know you are uncomfortable now. You can't find your daughter. Yilin doesn't want you anymore. And Yuchi Haolan seems to be unable to do anything for you. The dog kept in the cage can't get out!" Qin Xirong deliberately mocked Song Qian.


Song Qian's speed was very fast, and a slap fell on Qin Xirong's face.

"Do you dare to hit me?" Qin Xirong stepped forward to seek justice for herself.

But Song Qian is so easy to deal with, especially now that she can't find her daughter, she is so anxious and can't vent her heart, Qin Xirong is clearly here to die.

Song Qian restrained Qin Xirong, slapped her to nothing, and then slapped her twice.

"Qin Xirong, let me tell you, I not only dare to hit you." Song Qian said in a low voice, "I dare to do more."

Qin Xirong was frightened by Song Qian's eyes, so she searched fiercely, and it was so cold that she was so cold.

"If you like Pei Yilin, you will try your best to keep him for the rest of your life. If you do something in front of me, or let me know what tricks you are playing around behind, my life is only temporarily stored with me." Song Talking briefly, she let go of Qin Xirong's hands and left coldly.

Qin Xirong was covering her face and was already swollen. She looked pitifully in the direction Song Qian left, with more resentment in her heart and more poisonous expression in her eyes.

She wants Song Qian to die, and she wants Song Qian to completely disappear into this world, with no corpse capital left!

Song Qian sighed secretly until he was far away, looking into the distance, missing Qian Mengmeng.

"Song Qian." Peipei persisted, "Do you know that Qin Xirong has come to the villa!"


"I'm upset to see her weak and vulnerable, but with the expression of triumphant pride!" Pei Peipei said, "Aren't you angry? She robbed your man!"


"When did you become so perverted? Uncle Yilin loves you so much. Qin Xirong must have used all kinds of shameful means to return to Uncle Yilin, and there must be a misunderstanding between you and Uncle Yilin. Well, can't it just be fine?"

"Peipei." Song Qian didn't want to hear so much nagging anymore, "this time it's not a misunderstanding."

"Impossible!" Peipei said in a sure voice.

"Do you know where Mengmeng is?" Song Qian couldn't remember how many times she had asked Peipei this question. "Have you found out a little bit of news for me?"

"No..." Pei Peipei was also very depressed, "I also asked Fang Zikuang, he doesn't know where Mengmeng is, nor does Kang Lu, it seems that only Uncle Yilin knows."

Song Qian smiled bitterly, yes, Pei Yilin did it very secretly in order to keep her under house arrest and not to lose to Yuchi Haolan.

"What the hell are you all for!" Pei Peipei stomped anxiously. "Uncle Yilin is also deadly. You are even worse than him, but you clearly love each other so deeply!"

"Peipei." Song Qian said coldly, "I don't love him anymore."

When the voice fell, Song Qian felt a cold deterrent. She was already familiar with this aura: Pei Yilin.

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian's back. She said just now that she didn't love him anymore. He has always been involved. Is she just cooperating in a scene?

"Did you hit Xirong?" Pei Yilin said indifferently.

"Yes!" Song Qian turned around, with a smile in her eyes.

When they met a week later, Song Qian and Pei Yilin had never thought about it. The anger between each other did not diminish in the slightest, but it increased exponentially.

"What?" Song Qian asked with a smile, "Do you want to call back?"

"Do you think I will not?" Pei Yilin said coldly.

Song Qian shrugged indifferently, she didn't expect Pei Yilin to have much love for her.

"Where does President Pei have anything that he can't do?" Song Qian's voice was very upset.

"Uncle Yilin, Song Qian, both of you don't quarrel!" Pei Peipei hurriedly persuaded the fight, hoping to eliminate a little war. "Can you talk about it? Can you talk about everything? Why is it so stale? ?"

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian, and a touch of tenderness flashed between his eyebrows. He wished to hear Song Qian even if he could say a soft word to him, saying that she actually loved him, he could fly to her.

But... she said clearly that she didn't love him, she didn't love him anymore!

There was a brief silence between Song Qian and Pei Yilin. Pei Peipei pushed Pei Yilin secretly and whispered: "Uncle Yilin, think about the last time you wanted to kill Xiangjia for Song Qian. You love her, don't Regret for some poor self-esteem, some things, once missed, really can't look back.

With that said, Peipei looked at Song Qian again before walking away quickly.

Pei Yilin's heart also softened. Peipei was right. If Song Qian is lost, he doesn't know what will happen next.

"You know that Yuchi Haolan is the elder brother you liked when you were young. Are you very happy?" Pei Yilin's tone was still cold and cool, but he was tentative.

Song Qian looked away and said coldly, "Of course I am happy!"

Pei Yilin clenched his fists, and the anger that was desperately suppressed from the bottom of his heart came out again, "You are really precocious, do you know your lover when you are young?"

"I don't know if I'm older than you, my love is good!" Song Qian didn't have a good tone.

"Oh! No! I was wrong! President Pei still knows his lover." Song Qian continued, "Isn't it a long-term love for Qin Xirong?"

"At least I am the only one in her heart." Pei Yilin gritted his teeth.

"That's really congratulations to President Pei." Song Qian's voice squeezed from the gap between his teeth, "got a single-minded lover."

"Song Qian!" Pei Yilin's lungs were about to explode, and he roared: "I'm having a good conversation with you!"

Song Qian suffocated his breath, talk about it?

He took Qin Xirong out to press her, is it a good talk with her?

Pei Yilin approached Song Qian. He hadn't seen her for so many days. He really missed her so much.

Where's her?

Will you miss him for a moment, don't you think about Yuchi Haolan all?

She was thin again, and obviously didn't sleep well, her eyes were bloodshot, her dark circles were so heavy, she finally got a little blood on her face, she definitely didn't eat well these days, and it's gone.

Song Qian lowered her head, her heartbeat suddenly increased, but she still didn't want to pay attention to Pei Yilin.

Pei Yilin couldn't help holding Song Qian's hand and hugged her into his arms.

Song Qian's body stiffened, and before he could refuse, he was already held tighter.

Feeling Song Qian's warmth, Pei Yilin's heart had been mad for so many days before finally calming down.

"Qian'er." Pei Yilin's voice was very soft and very soft, as if it scared the person in her arms, "Many things are not what you think or see."

Song Qian couldn't help but pursed his small mouth, pressed his face against Pei Yilin's chest, feeling his heartbeat.

Pei Yilin was overjoyed and hugged Song Qian for a long time before letting her go.

"Are you hungry? Let's go to dinner? I haven't had a good meal for several days." Pei Yilin was half demanding and half coaxing.

"It's okay to eat." Song Qian said softly, "You tell me where Mengmeng is."

I saw Pei Yilin's brows suddenly frowned, "You are willing to stand here with me just to ask me where is Mengmeng?"

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin speechlessly, really wondering why he wanted to go there.

Song Qian puffed up: "Otherwise, what else?"

"You look for her so hard, just to take her away!" Pei Yilin is almost certain, "Song Qian, you are tired of life!"

"Pei Yilin, you are tired of life!" Song Qian gasped out of anger, "How good do you think you are? You can hide your cuteness for a while, but you can't hide her life! I will find her one day!"

"Then see who is better!"

"Let's see!"

"Don't even think about going to Yuchi Haolan in this life!"

"If you don't go, don't go!"



After a battle of words and lips, Pei Yilin and Song Qian parted ways, and the two of them hurriedly started to slow down.

Pei Yilin clenched his fists, damn Song Qian, how long will she torture him!

Pei Yilin looked back at Song Qian, could she not see how he treated her?

Seeing Song Qian walking so resolutely, Pei Yilin's eyes were dim, so she could only turn around and continue walking forward.

After walking for a few steps, Song Qian couldn't help but stop. She looked back at Pei Yilin and saw him go further and further, her eyes slightly moistened.

He still loves her more or less, right?

But why should he be with Qin Xirong?

Can a man always love only one person, always holding the idea that more is better?

Song Qian wiped his eyes, raised his head, sniffed, turned around, and continued to walk forward.

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