At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 114 I miss you so much!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Pei Yilin came to a small room, gradually approached, and gradually heard the laughter of Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian playing.

"Daddy!" Qian Mengmeng rushed towards Pei Yilin.

Pei Yilin took Qian Mengmeng in her arms, kissed her little cheek, and asked, "How about? Did you have a nosebleed today? Did you listen to Dr. Hao obediently?"

"Everyone said that I am healthy!" Qian Mengmeng said, "I don't need to be treated here alone!"

A week ago, on the day Pei Yilin and Song Qian quarreled, Qian Mengmeng suddenly fell ill and passed out.

In order to prevent Song Qian from worrying too much, Pei Yilin transferred Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian secretly to Dr. Hao’s residence for treatment. The medical equipment needed here anyway.

Pei Yilin touched Qian Mengmeng's forehead, and then asked, "Did you take medicine on time?" The tone was full of concern.

"Of course there is!" Qian Mengmeng said with joy.

Pei Yilin nodded in relief, holding Qian Mengmeng sitting on the swing outside.

"Daddy, haven't you made up with Mommy?" Qian Mengmeng asked in a low voice.

Although Qian Mengmeng didn't know the specific reasons for the quarrel between Daddy and Mommy, Qian Mengmeng saw that Daddy's expression on his face was not good every time he came, and knew that their relationship must have gone wrong.

"Children don't care about adults." Pei Yilin said coldly.

Qian Mengmeng wrinkled her little nose and muttered: "I am the person who knows Mommy best in the world, Daddy, if you have any questions about Mommy that you can't figure out, you can ask me!"

Pei Yilin frowned, but Qian Mengmeng was right!

Qian Mengmeng continued: "Furthermore, Daddy, what reason did you use to tell Mommy that I was missing? Does Mommy believe it? Can you accept it?"

"Mengmeng, what do you think of Daddy?" Pei Yilin asked.

"Can't find words to describe." Qian Mengmeng said.

Pei Yilin was ashamed.

Qian Mengmeng smiled and continued: "Because Daddy is the best, best, and N best man in my heart!"

Pei Yilin smiled, and then asked: "Compared to that guy in Yuchi? From a woman's point of view, is Daddy better than him?"

"Absolutely good!" Qian Mengmeng was very supportive.

"But your mommy just doesn't know the goods!" Pei Yilin said angrily.

"How could it be!" Qian Mengmeng didn't believe it at all. "I can be 100% sure that Mommy only has Daddy in her heart, not Uncle Yuchi."

Pei Yilin was dissatisfied. If he were to compare with Yuchi Haoran, he would certainly be confident that he could compare it, but, unfortunately, he is now competing with Qian Duoduo!

Qian Mengmeng asked, "Daddy, are you eating Uncle Yuchi's jealousy?"

Pei Yilin shook his head, then nodded, and finally, he could only sigh for a long time.

"When your mommy was a child, he liked a person named Brother Duoduo, Yuchi." Pei Yilin said this sentence unwillingly.

Pei Yilin hoped that in Song Qian's heart, apart from Qian Mengmeng, there was only him.

"Hahaha—" Qian Mengmeng smiled happily, "Daddy, I know what you are struggling with!"

Pei Yilin looked at Qian Mengmeng suspiciously. If she really knew, could she laugh so happily?

Seeing Qian Mengmeng's pale face, Pei Yilin couldn't get angry.

"Daddy, you are wondering if Mommy will leave you and be with Uncle Yuchi, right?" Qian Mengmeng was very accurate and guessed right.

Pei Yilin once again looked up at Qian Mengmeng. This kid has such a high EQ, plus this impeccable and beautiful appearance. When he grows up, he will not become a fanatic?

The more Pei Yilin looked, the more he felt that Qian Mengmeng looked like him, just like his own child.

"Daddy, you are so stupid in terms of feelings!" Qian Mengmeng sighed and shook his head. "How many things have you experienced between Mommy and you? And how many things have you experienced between Mommy and Uncle Yuchi?"


"What's more, Uncle Yuchi is already the little lover of Mommy's love affair many years ago. You are Mommy's husband and my daddy. You don't need to worry at all!"

"But your mom likes a lot of money." Pei Yilin gritted her teeth, thinking that Qian Mengmeng still followed the surname Qian, so she wanted to strip Song Qian's skin off.

"But Mommy loves you." Qian Mengmeng blinked her eyes earnestly, "Daddy, Mommy loves you very much, really! You promised me that you will be happy for her. Is it going to be like this? Are you angry with her, quarreling with her?"

"Love me?" Pei Yilin said uncertainly.

"I have been with Mommy for so many years. When have I seen her blushing and dazed, but she has the temperament of these little women in front of Daddy. What's more, Mommy is not only a glass heart when facing my affairs, love People who cry and make troubles will cry only in front of Daddy." Qian Mengmeng said.

Seeing that Pei Yilin was still hesitating, Qian Mengmeng could only continue to persuade: "Daddy, Mommy is a killer. She has a strong psychological quality. Those who can hurt her are the people she cares deeply about. One is me and the other. You are the one."

"Don't you find out that it is because she loves us, so no matter what we make wrong, she can forgive it regardless of the past? And, forgiveness has no bottom line." Qian Mengmeng said, "because she loves us deeply Follow us."

"What a good girl!" Pei Yilin kissed Qian Mengmeng fiercely, "When I go back, I will go to your mommy!"

"Daddy, Mommy's weakness is to eat soft but not hard. If you behave cutely to her, she will be all right!" Qian Mengmeng said.

Pei Yilin nodded heavily, thinking that Song Qian loved him, and instantly exulted.

Qian Mengmeng let out a sigh of relief. Her physical condition is very bad. She doesn't even know if she can survive the next second. If Daddy and Mommy are not together, she will die!

Pei Yilin and Qian Mengmeng hurried back to the villa alone after having dinner. He again asked Dr. Hao to send him to Yan Wang if Qian Mengmeng's illness did not recover.

Pei Yilin rushed to the villa to meet Song Qian, who would not act like a baby or be cute, as long as she loves him, don't leave him, he can do all kinds of things.

What Pei Yilin didn't expect was that he would receive a text message while driving home.

The content of the text message was ascertained that it was Qian Mengmeng, Song Qian and Cheng Xian who stole into the dungeon that day.

Pei Yilin suddenly stepped on the brake.

Qian Mengmeng.

Why would Qian Mengmeng steal into the dungeon?

Pei Yilin has always suspected that Qian Mengmeng's cleverness is a bit too much, and Cheng Xian's sometimes shown talent is also shocking. These two children, plus Song Qian, the trio, are not simple at all!

Is it possible...

The ghost of the villa...

Pei Yilin clenched his fists and cut off his thoughts.

When the car changed directions, Pei Yilin didn't return to the villa, but drove to the company.

The cubicle in Pei Yilin's office is a bedroom. There are a lot of wine in it, all of which he bought to Song Qian last time, but she didn't appreciate it, and only chose a bottle of high-end wine.

Pei Yilin sat inside, drinking from bottle to bottle.

At this time, Song Qian was sneaking to Pei Yilin's company. She wanted to check Pei Yilin's office surveillance, maybe she would find some clues about Qian Mengmeng.

As he got closer and closer to the office, Song Qian's first reaction was: What a strong smell of alcohol!

Song Qian took a look inside and found nothing, so he walked in and turned on Pei Yilin's office computer.

Need a password!

"Grass!" Song Qian couldn't help but explode.

It's just that Song Qian is also half a hacker anyway, she curled her lips and smiled, preparing to steal Pei Yilin's computer system.

"Huh—" Song Qian cautiously, "Why is it so complicated?"

Faced with such a powerful program in the computer, Song Qian had a headache.

But for Qian Mengmeng, Song Qian has to do any headaches!

Song Qian tried several methods, but couldn't crack Pei Yilin's computer password, but almost stepped on a safe minefield.

Song Qian bit her lips tightly, rolled her eyes a few times, and tried Pei Yilin's birthday password.

Incorrect password.

Song Qian thought for a while, then used Pei Yilin's phone number to try the password, but it was still wrong.

Song Qian was so anxious that she wanted to scratch people. She was annoyed and entered her birthday casually.

The computer is unlocked successfully!

Song Qian was completely stunned. After staying for a long time, he saw that Pei Yilin's computer desktop turned out to be a photo of her with Qian Mengmeng and him.

At that time, the three people were still smiling so brightly.

"This man..." Song Qian's heart warmed.

Although she knew that Pei Yilin would not treat him badly by hiding Qian Mengmeng, she missed her baby girl very much.

Song Qian curled up the corners of her lips and smiled, could not help touching Qian Mengmeng's face on the computer screen, and then touching Pei Yilin's face.

A family of three, Song Qian has been expecting that they will live happily.

But... now...

Manic jealousy surged in Song Qian's heart: Pei Yilin must be in Qin Xirong's bed, and the two of them are very busy!

"A mean man!" Song Qian clenched his fists, "Can't you live without a woman?"

"Who?" Pei Yilin's voice suddenly sounded.

Song Qian was taken aback, her first reaction was to run away, and a shadow followed and fell heavily on her.

"It's heavy!" Song Qian barely supported her body, knowing it was Pei Yilin by smelling the smell.

"Why are you drinking so much wine!" Song Qian discovered that Pei Yilin had just come out from behind a wall.

"Qian'er?" Pei Yilin said suspiciously, his tongue still rolling, "Qian'er, is that you?"

"..." Song Qian didn't reply. She rushed into the office at night and used Pei Yilin's computer. He must suspect that she was an undercover again!

Really depressed, why can she do anything to get involved with undercover agents?

Pei Yilin hugged Song Qian tightly, "Qian'er!"


Pei Yilin couldn't help but kissed Song Qian's lips, put her big palm on her face, and pressed her against the wall.

"Don't..." Song Qian resisted with difficulty, but he didn't expect Pei Yilin to become stronger after being drunk.

"Don't! Pei Yilin! Don't touch me! I think you are dirty!" Song Qian was furious.

Pei Yilin blinked aggrievedly and said, "I'm not dirty, and I didn't vomit."

After listening, Song Qian's lips hooked awkwardly. Seeing Pei Yilin's confused eyes, he should be so drunk that he couldn't tell the east, the west, and the north.

"Qian'er, I miss you, I miss you so much!" Pei Yilin said, kissing Song Qian's mouth again.

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