At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 12 Your muscles are a little soft

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!On the big bed in the bedroom, Pei Yilin was bare-chested, wearing only a pair of shorts that did not reach his knees.

His body is burly and sturdy, the bronze-colored muscles are well proportioned, there is no extra fat, and his limbs are thick and powerful, which makes him tempted to rush to take a bite.

Qian Mengmeng wore a sexy lady's suspender pajamas, with a small body stretched out, lying on Pei Yilin's chest, listening to his heartbeat, every time it was calm and powerful.

"What's the matter?" Pei Yilin squinted her cold black eyes, and the thick anger was boiling.

"I thought there was a killer." Song Qian found a bad reason.

Facing Pei Yilin's obvious distrust, Song Qian moved her lips and said: "I just think that President Pei's action against such a small child is a bit contrary to common sense."

"Song Qian!" Kang Lu scolded, "Can't be rude to President Pei!"

Song Qian tightened her eyebrows and looked at Qian Mengmeng. She was completely indulged in Pei Yilin's handsomeness, her eyes radiating with hearts of hearts.

"Kang Lu." Pei Yilin's voice didn't have any warmth, "You go out first."

Kang Lu led his orders and looked at Song Qian sympathetically when he left, presumably, the days they worked together were over.

"Little brother." This is what Qian Mengmeng now calls Song Qian, "I got my clothes wet when I took a shower. This was what I found in the elder brother's closet. Look, I look great on it, right? "

With that said, Qian Mengmeng also made a special turn to show Song Qian.

The sexy pajamas cover Qian Mengmeng's body as a long skirt. The petite body is wrapped in top-quality silk.

"It's not pretty." Song Qian said rudely, "a child should look like a child."

Qian Mengmeng smiled happily. After kissing Song Qian's cheek, she lay down, resting on Pei Yilin's arm, and said, "But I don't have any other clothes to wear! The eldest brother will only take me to buy it someday."

Song Qian was not in the mood to chat with Qian Mengmeng. Right now, Pei Yilin's coldness was aimed at her, as if she wanted to eat her alive.

"Mr. Pei." Song Qian was determined, "I didn't mean to offend you, but Mengmeng is too young after all."

Pei Yilin was neither mad nor furious, but sneered: "What is in Song Bodyguard's mind all the time?"

Song Qian couldn't help wondering: Did he misunderstand it?

Seeing that Pei Yilin's pajamas are well dressed, Qian Mengmeng's clothes were also found by herself. The two of them seem to be just about to sleep.


Song Qian was embarrassed for a while, if Pei Yilin's playful gaze continued, she was worried that her body would catch fire.

"No, nothing, I'll go out first." Song Qian was nervous, not even speaking loudly.

"Isn't Song Bodyguard guarding here?" Pei Yilin continued to mock, "What if my animalism is out of order?"

Song Qian took a deep breath and said with a smile on her face: "I will send Mengmeng to her room to sleep."

"I'm going to sleep with Big Brother tonight!" Qian Mengmeng hugged Pei Yilin tightly, "Little brother, you come too, can we sleep together with the three of us?"

Qian Mengmeng feels that there is a big brother on the left, mommy on the right, and the feeling of hugging left and right is super awesome!

"There is a difference between men and women." Song Qian interrupted Qian Mengmeng's thoughts.

"No," Qian Mengmeng said seriously, "I will never say goodbye to my big brother in my entire life."

Song Qian could not wait to throw Qian Mengmeng into her belly, conceive her again for ten months, and told her that dangerous men should not be touched during prenatal education!

Qian Mengmeng didn't understand what Song Qian was worried about, so she yawned and couldn't open her eyes sleepily.

"Big brother, say yes, you have to dream about me!" Qian Mengmeng gave Pei Yilin a goodnight kiss, one not enough, and another kiss.

Song Qian's face was green. Why didn't she realize that her daughter had the potential to be a sex girl?

The atmosphere was deadlocked, and Qian Mengmeng's misfortune, he closed his eyes and ignored it.

Pei Yilin's dark and deep eagle eyes showed deep complexity, and his thin lips moved slightly, "Bodyguard Song, do you not sleep?"

Song Qian seemed to have no other choice.

"I'm sleeping!" Song Qian's voice squeezed out of his teeth.

After turning off the light, Song Qian was still uncomfortable with the sudden darkness. She felt the darkness, and walked forward in small steps. When she touched the edge of the bed, her hanging heart was slightly stabilized.

"President Pei, Mengmeng and I have a bedding. You sleep well, and I will take care of her tonight." Song Qian said, lying down and pulling the bedding over her body.

Song Qian leaned over and reached out to hug Qian Mengmeng, only to discover how her baby girl suddenly grew bigger-it turned out to be Pei Yilin that she was holding!

Just about to let go, Pei Yilin grabbed Song Qian's wrist and jokingly said, "The muscles on Song Bodyguard's chest are a bit soft."

Chest your sister's muscles!

That's her...

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