At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter Thirteen The Ghost Idea of ​​the Genius Baby

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Song Qian's mind was in chaos. She had clearly seen that Qian Mengmeng was sleeping on the side where the light was on. Did they suddenly switch sides?

Damn night blindness!

"President Pei." Song Qian's heart hung again.

She was too close to Pei Yilin. If he found her daughter, she would have ten mouths and couldn't explain why she came!

What's more, he had been in close contact with her just now when he was in the Hao Ting Hotel. If he was recognized by him, he would still think that she was a killer accomplice!

Song Qian lowered his voice and said softly, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

Her world is completely dark, and she can't see exactly what Pei Yilin's expression is now. He can only tell from his breath and voice that he seems to want to play with people at this moment, not to kill.

Pei Yilin raised his tone, "Bodyguard Song seems to have forgotten what I said in the toilet?"

Song Qian's scalp numb for a while, she is not interested in having a sleeve break with Pei Yilin, she is a pure woman!

"President Pei really knows how to make a joke." Song Qian said in a hurry, and said flatly: "It's just that the maids in President Pei's house are all fairies. If Mr. Pei needs, he can ask someone to serve him anytime."

"Did you not realize that all those bodyguards are also very handsome?" Pei Yilin's words seemed to increase.

Song Qian's forehead was cold and sweaty. Is it possible that Pei Yilin really has a hobby of "male and female, big or small"?

"As a man, of course I like to see women!" Song Qian said, patted her chest with great effort, showing her masculinity.

"Do you like women?" Pei Yilin asked, his tone suspicious.

"Of course I like it!" Song Qian replied very positively, "Really, being admitted by President Pei is my greatest glory, and now I can see so many stunning beauties every day, it is simply love! I really want to be mine in the future My wife has such a superb quality too! That must be so cool!"

Song Qian laughed while talking and forced to pretend to be a ruffian. She was also embarrassed.

The blackout curtains blocked all light, and there was only a little light coming through the door, eavesdropping curiously.

"Have you touched a woman?" Pei Yilin spit out what Song Qian felt was pinched.

"President Pei is too small to look down on people!" Song Qian's tone couldn't hide her nervousness. "A dozen of my ex-girlfriends said that although I am small, I am so wild in bed that they can enjoy it!"

Pei Yilin stared at Song Qian's upward lips, "Really?"

"President Pei's prestige is even more incredible!" Song Qian adored, "There are many women who are proud of being slept by you!"

Song Qian's body was so hot that she could lie at her fingertips, but she was really not used to talking about this kind of purely male topic.

"Why don't we compare, who is better?" Pei Yilin suggested interestingly.

Song Qian froze, and the development of things was far from what she expected.

Pei Yilin took Song Qian's waist, his hot breath fell on her lips, and one hand moved down from her neck.

"President Pei!" Song Qian grabbed Pei Yilin's hand, "I can't wait for you!"

"This is just a competition." Pei Yilin's voice is deep and mellow, and if it is a good wine, he also invites a temptation.

Song Qian's eyes turned quickly, and she fumbled behind Pei Yilin, pulling Qian Mengmeng's hand hard.

Qian Mengmeng became very lethargic after taking the medicine.

When the light was off, Qian Mengmeng basically entered a light sleep state, and now being pulled by Song Qian, Qian Mengmeng opened his eyes in a daze.

"Mengmeng, are you asleep?" Song Qian can only help the soldiers, "Don't you want to sleep between the big brother and the little brother?"

Qian Mengmeng touched left and right, then turned Pei Yilin's body, crossing between Song Qian and Pei Yilin.

Two warmths passed over at the same time, "It's great." Qian Mengmeng sighed contentedly, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Song Qian took a breath of relief and slept on the edge of the bed, the farther away from Pei Yilin, the better.

When Pei Yilin and Song Qian were both asleep, Qian Mengmeng suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the two adults lying on the bed, and curled his mouth to reveal a big smiling face.

Qian Mengmeng went to the toilet, took out his mobile phone, and dialed out.

"Mengmeng? Why did you call so late?" There was a little boy's voice on the other end, looking very worried.

"Extremely exhausted! In order to fix my mommy and daddy, I took out all the cute housekeeping skills!" Qian Mengmeng said as she sat on the sink, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"How is the effect?" Xiao Nanbao asked.

Qian Mengmeng's big eyes blinked and asked, "Calling elder brother to Daddy, do you think the effect is swollen?"

She is naturally smart and sensitive. In order not to worry Mommy, she has been hiding many of her skills. For example, she has long been a secret member of the International Criminal Police Organization. Three years older than her, she also belongs to the secret team in the organization.

And Qian Mengmeng, who has a surplus of detective talents, naturally has no difficulty finding out who Daddy is.The difficulty is how she will seek skin with the tiger so that Daddy and Mommy will pay each other sincerely.

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