At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 127 He didn't even avenge her?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Seeing the text message, Song Qian frowned. Pei Peipei called her to the hotel in the morning.

Song Qian called Pei Peipei again, but was hung up immediately, and then another text message came.

Pepe: Come here!Important secret!

Song Qian intuitively felt something was wrong, but Peipei didn't answer her call, which made her wonder.

Song Qian bit her lip lightly. Although she felt something was wrong, she chose to go to the place Peipei said.

When Song Qian rushed to the hotel, she immediately noticed a bad breath. She touched her gun and moved to the room step by step.

The door of the room was not closed, Song Qian pushed the door in, but saw Peipei lying naked on the ground, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

"Peipei!" Song Qian exclaimed, walked over and picked up Peipei.

"Song Qian." Peipei opened his eyes weakly, "It's...Qin Xirong, Xia Erlan, and Samuel did it."

"Don't worry, I will take you to the hospital, I will take you to the hospital immediately!" Song Qian shouted.

Pei Peipei shook her head. After she was sent here yesterday, ten men took turns to force her, and they didn't leave until dawn.

Even if there is still a rescue, she does not want to live.

"And... the child in Qin Xirong's belly is not from Uncle Yilin." Peipei smiled at Song Qian, "Song Qian, I beg you."

"Don't tell me, I know, I know all!" Song Qian's heart hung up, "Peipei, don't talk, save your energy, I will send you to the hospital now!"

Song Qian took off his coat and put it on Pei Peipei, and he was ready to leave as he picked her up.

"Song Qian, no matter what happens, I can forgive...Uncle Yilin..." Pei Peipei said difficultly, "because... he is handsome..."

With that, Peipei closed her eyes, and her long eyelashes were clustered together, as if they would never separate again.

"Peipei." Song Qian felt a cool back, "Peipei!"

But no matter how Song Qian shouted, Peipei didn't wake up anymore.

Song Qian put down Peipei, put his hand under her nose, no longer breathing.

"Peipei!" Song Qian's tears suddenly flowed down."Pepe! Wake up! Wake up!"

At this time, there was movement from the toilet.

Song Qian took out the gun and moved to the toilet very vigilantly.

"Come out! I have seen you!" Song Qian shouted.

No one answered.

Song Qianqing walked over quietly, kicked open the toilet door, and quickly pointed a gun at the toilet, but there was no one.

At the same time, many people came in at the gate.

"Peipei!" Pei Yilin's voice sounded.

Song Qian was startled. When he returned, he saw Pei Yilin bringing a large number of people over.

Pei Yilin quickly took off his suit and put it on Pei Peipei's body. He ran his hand and touched her breath, his face suddenly turned pale.

Song Qian walked back to Pei Peipei, tightened her brows, and couldn't help touching her face.

Pei Peipei's body temperature had begun to get a little cold, Song Qian's hands trembled lightly, her tears could not be wiped away, "Sorry, I am late."

"Who did it?" Pei Yilin asked through gritted teeth.


"Yilin!" At this moment, the wardrobe door of the hotel was suddenly opened, and Qin Xirong's voice suddenly rang.

"Yilin!" Qin Xirong ran towards Pei Yilin, "I'm scared, I'm so scared! They raped Peipei and tied me up."

Pei Yilin's fist was tightly twisted, the blue veins on the fist appeared, and the black eyes became especially cold.

"Why are you here?" Pei Yilin asked Qin Xirong.

Qin Xirong sniffed and said, "I was kidnapped with Peipei last night, Yilin, Song Qian did it, and Song Qian did it all!"

Song Qian raised his gun and pointed it at Qin Xirong, and then said to Pei Yilin: "Before Pei died, she told me that it was Xia Erlan, Qin Xirong and Samuel."

Pei Yilin stared at Qin Xirong, naturally choosing to believe Song Qian's words.

"Song Qian!" Qin Xirong's eyes widened, "How could you frame me? It is clear that you were undercover in the villa and Pepe and I happened to find out, so you tied us, and Pepe scolded you a few words. Find someone to bring her..."

Qin Xirong said, crying, and said with difficulty: "Yilin, Song Qian also said that he would dig out the child in my stomach to give you a meeting ceremony. She is so cruel, she is not what she seems to be like. You must not be fooled by her!"

Song Qian looked at Qin Xirong coldly. The culprit who killed Peipei was right in front of her. She didn't need to explain, as long as Qin Xirong was killed!

Song Qian aimed at Qin Xirong, and Pei Yilin moved her heart to hug Qin Xirong, avoiding Song Qian's bullet.

"You?" Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin incredulously and raised her voice unconsciously: "Do you know what you are doing?"

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian and saw that she was so excited to kill Qin Xirong, he already knew that Peipei's death must be related to Qin Xirong.

He could not wait to avenge Pei Peipei with Qin Xirong, but he needed to calm down.

After all, the child in Qin Xirong's belly is currently the only hope for saving Qian Mengmeng's life, so Qin Xirong cannot die yet.

"Who killed Peipei? I still need to find out." Pei Yilin said coldly, "You and her, first of all follow me back to the villa."

Song Qian was completely puzzled. She didn't know Pei Yilin's inner struggle at this time, and could only suspect that he still had an old love for Qin Xirong.

"You hand over the gun." Pei Yilin reached out to Song Qian.

Song Qian's eyes were deeper, she didn't even dare to believe that Pei Peipei was so important in Pei Yilin's heart. Now that she was so cruelly killed, how could Pei Yilin be so calm?

"You...say it again." Song Qian blinked her eyes, and an uncomfortable feeling came out of her nose.

Seeing Song Qian's uncomfortable expression, Pei Yilin's heart was bleeding. He couldn't wait to choke Qin Xirong to death like this, but he couldn't.

Pei Yilin could only bear the thought of Qian Mengmeng's haggard face.

Pei Yilin looked away and continued to say coldly to Song Qian, "Give me the gun!"

Song Qian didn't know whether to cry or laugh at this moment, but she couldn't make a sound when she spoke to her lips, she was just desolate and expressionless.

Song Qian looked at Peipei who was still lying on the ground, her hearty laughter and her innocent thoughts were in her mind.

Song Qian always thought that the relationship between herself and Pei Peipei was just a very ordinary friend. Now that she died, she discovered that, unknowingly, Pei Peipei, a troublesome troublemaker, had already regarded her as a relative. Look.

"Peipei, don't worry, I will avenge you." After speaking, Song Qian handed the gun to Pei Yilin.

Song Qian squatted down, pulled over the mattress, and covered Peipei's whole body, then picked her up and walked towards the door.

"Qian'er!" Pei Yilin stepped forward, and Song Qian followed him back.

"Don't touch her." Song Qian said coldly, "You are not worthy to be her uncle Yilin!"

Pei Yilin clenched his fists and looked at the back of Song Qian leaving. Many things that should be done, but still have to continue.

Pei Yilin can only say sorry to Peipei in her heart: Peipei, when Qin Xirong's child is born, I will kill her immediately and avenge you!

Back at the villa, Song Qian put Peipei Pei on the bed, washed her body, and then changed into clean clothes.She did all of this silently, without anyone participating.

"Yilin, I swear by my life and the child in my stomach that Song Qian really did it. You must believe me!" Qin Xirong said.

Pei Yilin looked at Qin Xirong coldly, then looked at her belly coldly, without speaking.

"You go out first." Pei Yilin said coldly to Qin Xirong, "I want to be alone."



Qin Xirong nodded. Anyway, she has enough evidence to prove that Pei Peipei's death was done by Song Qian, and she is not at all worried that Pei Yilin will cover Song Qian in the case of Pei Peipei's tragic death!

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Qin Xirong's mouth. Pei Peipei, who had been arguing with her every day, was finally dead. From now on, her way into Pei's house was much smoother!

Pei Yilin was locked in the study alone. He smashed everything that he could smash. He really didn't think about how to deal with Peipei's affairs.

If he doesn't deal with Qin Xirong, Song Qian will definitely not forgive him. If he deals with Qin Xirong now, the silver lining of Mengmeng will have to be missed.

It's not that Pei Yilin has never thought about finding another woman for surrogacy, but Qin Xirong's baby has been three months old. If he finds someone else, he has to start all over again. He is worried that Qian Mengmeng will not be able to hold on for that long.

At this time, Pei Yilin's cell phone rang, and it was Dr. Hao.

"No way, Mengmeng's condition worsened, and she would faint again for a few minutes every time she woke up." Dr. Hao said.

"Didn't you say you can last a few months?" Pei Yilin asked, "Why has it deteriorated again?"

"The situation has been very good before, but a few days ago, Mengmeng caught a cold. How can her current physique stand the cold? It deteriorated." Dr. Hao said.

"Think of a way!" Pei Yilin roared, "We must find a way to cure her!"

Pei Yilin slammed the phone directly against the wall. Pei Peipei, who had spoiled him as a baby since he was a child, died tragically, and his biological daughter was also going to die. Could it be that the people around him, one by one, would leave?

Will Song Qian be the next person to leave him?

Pei Yilin's eyes were even more bleak. He didn't believe in fate, but now, he is about to lose two of his relatives at once, even if he doesn't believe it, he has to doubt it.

Pei Yilin thought: If Qian Mengmeng really can't make it through this time, how will he tell Song Qian the news?

Song Qian regarded Qian Mengmeng more than life. If she knew that Qian Mengmeng was dead, would she die along with her?

No way!

Pei Yilin's brows were tightened, he must let Song Qian live!

Analyzing the current situation, Pei Yilin's fingers kept falling on the desk, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

Pei Yilin walked out of the office and came to the living room. Just in time, Qin Xirong and Song Qian also came out.

"Find someone to check for injuries." Pei Yilin said coldly, "I want to know how Peipei died."

Song Qian's eyes were still dim. She vowed to avenge Pei Peipei, but she still needs to thoroughly understand Pei Yilin's attitude toward this matter.

Qin Xirong's mouth moved, she didn't smile, but she seemed to be smiling, and she deliberately fell into Song Qian's eyes.

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