At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 128 I have to let you go!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Song Qian's fists were tight. She had checked the wounds on Peipei's body just now. There were countless bruises on her white body that had been abused by men, and bullets that fatally wounded her chest.

"Song Qian, wait. You killed Peipei and stayed lurking in the villa for a long time. Yilin will definitely not let you go!" Qin Xirong said addictedly.

Song Qian looked at Qin Xirong coldly. It was only a momentary thing to kill her, but she wanted Qin Xirong to die a hundred times worse than Peipei!

Pei Yilin didn't speak at all. He was waiting for the result of Pei Peipei's death. Although it was unnecessary, he also needed to know.

The man undergoing the autopsy soon came down. Song Qian watched the man and waited for him to say the result.

The man held an ultra-small plastic bag with a bullet in it, and then gave it to Pei Yilin.

"This is the bullet taken from Miss Pei's wound." The man said.

Song Qian's brows tightened. She knew the bullet very well, it was exclusively for her, and Pei Yilin was also very familiar with it.

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian, and all of his black eyes were indifferent and brutal.

"What else do you have to say?" Pei Yilin asked Song Qian coldly, "Is it accidental injury?"

Song Qian opened his mouth to explain, but when the words came to his lips, he said nothing.

If Pei Yilin cares so much about the evidence and doesn't believe what she says at all, what else can she say?

What's more, at the hotel just now, when Pei Yilin saved Qin Xirong, Song Qian was already a little frustrated.

Qin Xirong's face couldn't conceal a happy smile. As early as the last time he sent someone to attack Joyce to frame Song Qian and failed, Qin Xirong had already noticed that the bullets of Song Qian's gun were unusual.

After so many days, Qin Xirong sent Xia Erlan in the villa to investigate the Pei’s family crest, and did not spend much time. He was always thinking of ways to steal Song Qian’s bullets, and he also asked someone to use the bullets to create a Put

The exact same gun was just to plant Song Qian today.

Song Qian couldn't help looking at Qin Xirong, she finally realized how stupid it was to let Qin Xirong replace her when she was in Pei Yilin's office.

But now... Song Qian doesn't know anymore, what's the point of mentioning that matter again.

"Do you believe her?" Song Qian asked Pei Yilin unwillingly. Before he could answer, she smiled and said, "You believe her!"

"It's not about believing her or not!" Pei Yilin said coldly, "The evidence points to you. You have to prove your innocence and show evidence!"

"That bullet was indeed mine, but it wasn't Pepe I killed." Song Qian said softly, "When I arrived, Pepe had been shot."

Pei Yilin looked away. In order to hunt, the villa had become very insecure. He had to drive Song Qian away without involving her.

"Where is the evidence?" Pei Yilin's expression was as indifferent as possible, and she also pretended to be a face firmly guarding Qin Xirong, "What I want is evidence!"

"What's the matter with you?" Song Qian couldn't help but increase his voice, "Can't you understand? This incident is clearly framed me! If I want to kill Peipei, I will wait for you to arrive? I will let Qin Xirong Waiting in the closet for your rescue?"

An obscurity flashed deep in Pei Yilin's eyes, and soon disappeared.

"Song Qian." Pei Yilin's voice squeezed through the teeth, "I have found evidence that you are an undercover agent several times, but you all used the same trick to deceive me and make me believe you."

Song Qian suffocated his breath, and a bad feeling came from the bottom of his heart.

"This time, it was Pepe's life. How much did you hate her and let her suffer such suffering before she died?" Pei Yilin roared, "You killed my favorite person, I, It will also kill the person you love the most."

"No!" Song Qian screamed, "You promised me that no matter what happens, it won't be cute!"

"I regret it." Pei Yilin didn't even look at Song Qian. "Song Qian, you lied to me several times, and you lied to me with Qian Mengmeng. Do you think I really don't know anything?"

Song Qian was stunned and didn't say anything, thinking about how to wash his innocence, thinking that only by washing his innocence can he save Mengmeng Qian.

Pei Yilin continued: "I have always hoped that one day you can confess to me, but not only did you have no repentance, but you also became more vigorous and killed Pepe!"

"I didn't kill Peipei." Song Qian paused, "Pei Yilin, are you worried? Or are you afraid? Why don't you check it again? You are afraid that Qin Xirong will be found out in the end. Can you not accept it?"

"Song Qian, you're still arguing here!" Qin Xirong came out to speak at the right time, trying to dispel Pei Yilin's worries, "You are a killer, your gun and bullets never leave your body, the gun in Pepe was not shot by you. Someone else?"

Song Qian tightened her eyebrows. Anyway, the next situation would be messed up. She killed Qin Xirong first and avenged Peipei Pei Pei.

Saying that the time is too late, Pei Yilin once again stopped Song Qian, and drew his gun at her.

Song Qian seemed to be able to accept Pei Yilin's care for Qin Xirong, but smiled coldly. Just now, she shouldn't hand the gun to him honestly, so that she is so passive now.

"Song Qian, you're enough!" Pei Yilin was full of cold violence, like a deterrent force like a storm, "Do you still want to kill my child?"

"Child?" Song Qian's eyes were moist.

She couldn't help but tell Pei Yilin that Qian Mengmeng is your child!

"Yilin." Qin Xirong was especially aggrieved and afraid to hide behind Pei Yilin, "Last night, Song Qian wanted me to die in this way. If it weren't for Pei Pei to protect me, I would be dead now."

Pei Yilin stared at Song Qian, took out his mobile phone, made a casual call out, and said, "You can kill Qian Mengmeng. Anyway, there is nothing to tell from her."

Song Qian's eyes widened. At first, she thought it was just Pei Yilin's anger, that he was sane and wouldn't really want to kill Qian Mengmeng.

But now...

"No!" Song Qian panicked, "You can't kill Mengmeng!"

Pei Yilin's eyes narrowed dangerously.Q: "Why?"

"Because..." Song Qian clenched her fists, "because..."

"Song Qian, you also have someone you love. Why do you treat Pepe so cruelly?" Qin Xirong cried and wiped her tears. "You are so cruel, and Pepe is still crying miserably in my ears. She is so cruel. A proud person, how can you treat her like this?"

Pei Yilin closed his eyes, and when he heard Qin Xirong's words, he could imagine how tortured Pei Peipei at that time.

Pei Yilin finally found out that he was wrong. He shouldn't have chosen Qin Xirong to enter the villa for the sake of angering Song Qian. He could find all kinds of women to give birth to children and save money Mengmeng, but it happened by mistake and chose Qin Xirong.

Now, Pei Yilin is riding a tiger with difficulty and has to send the arrow on the string. He can only hold back the anger and save Qian Mengmeng first.

Song Qian clenched her fists. She didn't care about Qin Xirong's ridicule and slander. She just looked at Pei Yilin and said again: "Are you really completely blinded by her? Are you really going to kill Mengmeng?"

"Song Qian, don't treat me as a fool." Pei Yilin decided to make a quick decision. He couldn't let Qin Xirong see that he was just playing a bitter trick.

"Do you think I really don't know the identity of Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian?" Pei Yilin asked.

Song Qian felt cold all over and found that the matter was much more serious than she thought.

"The two of them are Interpol. They are lurking in the villa, just to steal my most important information!" Pei Yilin said loudly.

"No!" Song Qian said quickly, "You misunderstood!"

"You are so stupid." Pei Yilin sneered, "Do you know why I didn't let you meet Qian Mengmeng? Because she has been beaten up by my subordinates so much, how could I take her to see you?"

Seeing Song Qian's shocked expression, Pei Yilin continued: "Why do you think you can't find her? Because, I didn't tell you the true location of her hiding!"

"Why do you think she didn't call you? Because she was only half of her breath left, she still refused to confess, was unconscious, and had no energy to call you!" Every time Pei Yilin said a word, his heart was It seemed that he had been struck by a knife, and he didn't know it was hurting.

Song Qian opened her mouth dumbly, tears streaming out unconsciously, she wished Pei Yilin was joking with her!

How could he be willing to kill Qian Mengmeng?

Will not!


"You can't kill her." Song Qian yelled like crazy, "Pei Yilin, you can't kill her!"

"It's too late." There was a cruel smile at the corner of Pei Yilin's mouth, "I planned to kill her. Now, if you kill Peipei, she will certainly die!"

"It's not me!" Song Qian ran to Pei Yilin, clutching his arm tightly, and said: "You can't kill Mengmeng! She is your daughter! She approached you not for any evidence, she just I just want to see Daddy, just want her Daddy and Mommy to be together!"

Seeing Song Qian's face full of tears, Pei Yilin pushed her away cruelly.

"President Pei." Kang Lu couldn't see it. He stabilized Song Qian and said, "Mengmeng and Song Bodyguard have been in the villa for so long, and they have never done anything bad. There must be a misunderstanding about this matter."

"Kang Lu?" Pei Yilin's voice was very cold and cold, "You have always been close to Qian Mengmeng and Song Qian. You have known their private affairs a long time ago, right?"

Kang Lu and Song Qian were both stunned, Pei Yilin in front of them seemed to have changed.

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian again and asked with a sneer, "You said Qian Mengmeng is my daughter? I really didn't expect that I have a daughter that old. When did it happen?"

"Haha!" Pei Yilin raised his eyes, "Song Qian, in order to save Qian Mengmeng's life, you lied like this?"

"Do you remember that six years ago, at the hotel, it was dark at that time, and you and a woman in the room...neither could see each other's faces." Song Qian knew that Pei Yilin would definitely remember.

Because he told her that he had a crush on her at that time.

"Didn't I tell you about this?" Pei Yilin said coldly, "What? Do you want to pretend about this again?"

Song Qian said anxiously: "That person is me!"

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