At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 129 Then kill your daughter to vent your anger!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Song Qian, your tricks are really endless!" Pei Yilin hugged Qin Xirong, pretending to be affectionate, "In order to save the money Mengmeng, you really have to work hard."

"She is really your daughter!" Song Qian yelled, "Have you not found that she looks a lot like you? Also, you are all allergic to seafood, and you do many things with the same reaction!"

Pei Yilin frowned and sneered: "Song Qian, do you think Pei Yilin is a fool? You can tell such lies!"

Song Qian looked at him sadly: "Why can't you believe me?"

"Why should I believe you? Do you really think I would like your second-hand goods? What status and status is Pei Yilin, and how could I like you, a woman who wants to have no body and looks like you!" Pei Yilin squeezed tightly Fist, "I said I like you before, just want to play with you, after all, you are here, don’t let it go, I didn’t expect you stupid woman to believe it!"

Pei Yilin clenched his fists, and thick blue veins appeared on his fists. His face was as gray as death, and his sharp eyes showed a penetrating spirit and a chill.

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin in disbelief. She didn't have the time to pursue what he thought of her. There were too many obstacles between him and her anyway, and getting such feelings might be a burden to her.

But... Qian Mengmeng is still in his hands!

Song Qian was most worried about Pei Yilin's anger on Qian Mengmeng because of Pei Peipei's death!

"Yilin, you believe me, Mengmeng is really your daughter, you can do a paternity test if you don't believe it, no matter what you do to me, she is innocent!" Song Qian cried out to Pei Yilin.

Pei Yilin's eyes narrowed slightly, and a terrible cold light burst out, and said coldly: "She is innocent? Song Qian, Qian Mengmeng is a mystery. What is the purpose of her coming into my house? If you tell me, I can consider leaving it to She is a whole body."

Pei Yilin's words turned into tens of thousands of sharp knives inserted into Song Qian's chest, painful as if they were about to split.

Song Qian held her chest tightly with her hands, her eyes were already drenched when she thought of Qian Mengmeng's current danger.

Song Qian is so strong, only Qian Mengmeng can defeat her.

Pei Yilin knew well, so he couldn't let the news of Qian Mengmeng's illness tell her.

Either he can make Qian Mengmeng return to Song Qian in a healthy and healthy manner, or he can only carry Qian Mengmeng's life on his back, so that Song Qian will have revenge.

Pei Yilin turned her head too far, not daring to look into Song Qian's eyes, and said sharply: "Song Qian, you killed Pepe, I won't let you pay with your life, I want you to taste the pain of loss! Losing Qian Mengmeng , I see how you live! Get out! Get out of my house!"

The atmosphere has dropped to freezing point, and no one dared to stand up and speak. Everyone was shocked by Pei Peipei's death. Such a quirky girl had died like this...

Song Qian wiped away her tears, she raised her head again, her eyes were firm and unbreakable, and she turned into that strong and fearless "killing pill".

She looked at Pei Yilin coldly: "I can roll, roll far away, and never show up in front of you again, but you must return Mengmeng to me, otherwise, I will overturn the villa and find her. !"

"Dreaming!" Pei still said coldly, "You want to find someone from me who has been sent to Death, do you think you can make a deal with the devil?"

"Pei Yilin!" Song Qian shouted angrily, and softened her attitude. "I have never begged anyone in my life. I beg you not to kill Mengmeng for the time being. She is only a five-year-old child. In my three days, I must be able to prove that Pepe’s matter has nothing to do with me!"

Song Qian now doesn't expect Pei Yilin to let Qian Mengmeng let go of their past affection, but only wants him to be awake, even if he can keep Qian Mengmeng's life for a few days.

Qin Xirong agreed to Song Qian's request for fear that Pei Yilin would be soft-hearted.

Although she did very cleanly with Peipei, Song Qian is no ordinary person. She is the best killer in the Red Lotus Killer organization. If Song Qian finds out some clues, how can we continue with the next thing?

With Pei Yilin's love for Pei Peipei, he will definitely tear himself up!

Thinking of the possible consequences, Qin Xirong only felt cold sweat bursting out of her back.

No way!

She absolutely cannot let Song Qian succeed!

Today, the two of them must score the winner!

Qin Xirong rolled her eyes, the corners of her lips twitched upwards, and then bent down, pretending to say "Ouch".

Qin Xirong's movements really caused Pei Yilin's nervousness. He quickly asked: "What's wrong with you?"

"Lin, my stomach hurts, I must have had a fetal gas just now!" Qin Xirong said with a painful expression.

Pei Yilin tightened her brows. The child in Qin Xirong's belly was the only hope for Qian Mengmeng to save her life. He wanted to kill him now, but she must not have trouble now!

If Qian Mengmeng is really gone, Pei Yilin is very sure that he will be ashamed of their mother and daughter for a lifetime.

Pei Yilin knows even more that as long as there is money in Mengmeng, there will be constant involvement between him and Song Qian. No matter how Song Qian hates him now, he will understand the truth in the future. Seeing Qian Mengmeng’s face, he will definitely forgive himself. of.

Even if it wasn't for Song Qian, Pei Yilin would definitely not allow his children to have trouble!

Song Qian stared at Qin Xirong, she had never had any relationship with Pei Yilin, she couldn't have a baby, she couldn't have a stomachache at all!

Song Qian knew that Qin Xirong must have made Pei Yilin kill Qian Mengmeng.

"Ah—Yilin, my stomach hurts! Is something wrong with the child?" Qin Xirong cried exaggeratedly.

Pei Yilin looked at Qin Xirong's painful look, and was not sure whether her stomach pain was real or fake.

Although he had no affection for Qin Xirong, the child in her stomach was now a treasure, and no mistakes were allowed.

"I'll take you to the hospital." Pei Yilin bent down and hugged Qin Xirong, about to rush out.

Song Qian blocked Pei Yilin's path, "You return Mengmeng to me!"

"You die this heart!" Pei Yilin said blankly, "Qian Mengmeng is dead now, do you want me to show you the video to kill her?"

Hearing these words, Song Qian only felt cold from head to toe.

"If you dare to be cute, I will definitely let you be buried." Song Qian paused, feeling like a knife.

"Lin, my stomach hurts..." Qin Xirong lying in Pei Yilin's arms pretended to be very painful and said.

"Kang Lu, throw this woman out for me!" Pei Yilin ordered.

"This..." Conro suddenly hesitated.

Kang Lu was stumped by this sudden incident. He knew that Pei Yilin hadn't killed Qian Mengmeng yet, but he could be 100% sure that Song Qian would definitely not kill Peipei.

Pei Yilin swept over with a cold look and asked Kang Lu: "Why, am I not instructing you to move you now?"

Kang Lu's body shivered, and he immediately recovered, blocking Song Qian's front, and said, "Bodyguard Song, you should go first."

"No, I must see Mengmeng today." Song Qian said stubbornly.

While talking, Pei Yilin had already ran far away with Qin Xirong in his arms. Song Qian wanted to chase after her, but Kanglu stood in front of her like an iron tower.

"Bodyguard Song, I'm sorry!" Kang Lu looked apologetic.

Song Qian could only stop if he couldn't catch Pei Yilin.

"Kang Lu, you are Pei Yilin's bodyguard, you have been following him, do you know where he hides Mengmeng?" Song Qian asked anxiously, clutching Kang Lu's sleeve.

Seeing Song Qian's pale and bloodless face, Kang Lu was in a mood to comfort her, but he shook his head honestly.

The last glimmer of hope was shattered, and Song Qian squeezed his hands sullenly, shaking constantly.

"Go and tell Pei Yilin, if Mengmeng is a little wrong, Song Qian swears that even if I lose my life, I will let him pay for it." Song Qian said surely.

Kang Lu wanted to tell Song Qian that he had been with Pei Yilin for so many years. Although he was a cold person, he was always upright and honest. He would never embarrass a child.

Intuition tells Kang Lu that there must be complicated reasons for Pei Yilin's revenge for taking money Mengmeng today.

But since there was something Pei Yilin chose to keep Song Qian from, Kang Lu could only choose to be silent as a bodyguard.

Hearing Song Qian's decisive words, Kang Lu just nodded and comforted her and said, "Bodyguard Song, don't be too sad. Mengmengji people have their own things, and she will be fine."

Song Qian smiled bitterly and shook his head, walked out desperately, looking up at the sky, it was gray.

Looking at Song Qian's thin background, Kang Lu wanted to stop her, but in the end he didn't say anything, letting her go out like a wandering soul.

Song Qian grew up in an orphanage. She didn't know who her parents were. When she grew up, she joined the Red Lotus Killer Organization and she didn't know how much she suffered.

Qian Mengmeng is her only relative in this world, and also her hope and motivation to live. If Mengmeng is gone, she doesn't know what it means to live.

The power of the Dark Night Empire is too strong, she can't save Qian Mengmeng with her power alone.

"Mengmeng, I'm sorry, I blame my mother for being too helpful and can't protect you! But if you wait for your mother, I will sneak into Pei's house to rescue you immediately!" Song Qian looked firm.

She looked at the direction in which Pei Yilin and Qin Xirong had disappeared, and said coldly: "You two better pray that Mengmeng is okay, otherwise I will hunt you down after my entire life and harm your offspring!"

Not far away, Qin Xirong, who was leaning in Pei Yilin's arms, shuddered inexplicably, and her back was numb.

Qin Xirong looked at Pei Yilin, who had a handsome face beside him. Although he looked the same as usual, the light in his black eyes was very cold. The severe cold radiated from his body and harmed everyone around him. people.

Qin Xirong felt a little sad. Seeing how Pei Yilin treated Song Qian, she knew that she had never approached his heart. His true love was reserved for Song Qian.

If another person kills Pei Peipei right now, there will definitely be no life left, and Pei Yilin will do it all, right?

The partial birth is Song Qian, and Pei Yilin only threatened to kill her daughter.

Qin Xirong gently held Pei Yilin's hand and said coquettishly: "Lin, don't worry, I will never let myself and my child have trouble."

"I hope so!" Pei Yilin got up, and at the same time, Qin Xirong's hand fell free, and she herself was pushed out by Pei Yilin.

"Lin?" Qin Xirong raised her head and looked at his eagle eyes, which was as dark as a midnight. She felt a puff of ice water poured from her head, freezing every cell in her body.

"You'd better make sure that the child in your abdomen will not suffer any loss, otherwise, you know the consequences!" Pei Yilin scolded coldly, "Doctor, come here!"

Qin Xirong was surprised at Pei Yilin's attitude. Was it because Pei Peipei died that made him do this, or did Song Qian's departure make him do this?

Qin Xirong's eyes dimmed for a moment. As a punching bag, she could not express any dissatisfaction.

She was nervous, angry, resentful, and mixed emotions all rushed to her heart, but on the surface she nodded her head obediently. She hated Song Qian to death in her heart, wishing to take her skin and her daughter personally. Must not stay!

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