At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty: Falling into the trap he carefully designed

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Pei Yilin did not stay by Qin Xirong's side, always watching the doctor to check her body. He only valued the blood of the child in her stomach. Without that child, he would not be able to save Qian Mengmeng, and he could not repay the guilt he had missed over the years.

He sent the two most capable maids in the villa to take care of Qin Xirong’s room, while he walked into the study room. Suddenly there was no money in the villa and Song Qian, which seemed to be a dungeon. Inside, even if he was made king, his heart was bitter.

Pei Yilin turned on the computer and looked at the photo of a family of three sweetly embracing each other on the screen with her eyes tenderly, feeling nervous and relaxed.

"Mengmeng, don't worry, Daddy won't let your mom know about you." Pei Yilin paused, "And, Daddy swears, he will take care of you."

In the photo, Qian Mengmeng smiled very cheerfully, not like a patient with leukemia at all.

Pei Yilin's eyes dimmed again, and this unfortunate thing happened to his daughter before he realized how small his survival was.

Pei Yilin gently stroked the computer screen with his fingertips. He seemed to be stroking Qian Mengmeng's fleshy cheeks with a pampered mouth.

However, before the temperature reached the heart from the fingertips, the sharp cell phone bell suddenly rang.

"What? Something happened to Mengmeng?" Picking up the phone, Pei Yilin tried his best to stabilize her heartbeat, "I will go over now. You must save Mengmeng, otherwise I want you to go to hell to accompany her!"

Hanging up the phone, Pei Yilin immediately called into Kang Road, which was waiting at the door.

"Is that woman gone?" Pei Yilin's eyes were filled with dismay.

"Yes, Bodyguard Song has just left." Kang Lu pleaded for Song Qian, "President Pei, according to his subordinates' understanding of Bodyguard Song, this time Miss Peipei must have nothing to do with Bodyguard Song. Someone must have framed his wife. "

"Do you know her well?" Pei Yilin's reluctance was replaced by anger, "Go down!"

Damn Song Qian!

Is her charm really so great, enough to make her most loyal subordinates rebel?

Pei Yilin's fist was clenched tightly, not knowing whether it was anger or worry.

"Yes, the subordinate knows the fault." Kang Lu knew that he had violated Pei Yilin's taboo, and immediately said his intention of coming this time, "President Pei, Xia Erlan and Qin Xirong are not in the room, but went to the garden with their front and back feet. According to the dark The bodyguards guarding the garden answered, they seemed to be planning something."

"I see. You continue to monitor the whereabouts of the two, and I want to go out. Until I come back, you can't act rashly." Pei Yilin ordered, putting on his clothes, and drove quickly to Dr. Hao's residence.

In the residence, Qian Mengmeng was lying on the operating table with a pale face. Dr. Hao looked anxiously just after giving her first aid and was hanging a bottle for her.

Cheng Xian sat next to Qian Mengmeng, his face was stiff, and his eyes were filled with unwavering horror. He held her poorly thin hands tightly. Qian Mengmeng, who was once bloody and ruddy, had lost a lot of weight. .

"I'm fine. Even if I leave, you don't have to worry. I'm relieved to have you take care of my mommy!" Qian Mengmeng said with a smile, but he glanced at the door unconsciously.

She could feel the vital signs passing from her body, as if she was about to return to heaven.

In fact, she was really not afraid of death, she was just afraid that before she died, she would not see a scene of Daddy and Mommy getting along in harmony.

They obviously love each other so much, they deserve to live happily together, even if there is no participation in their happiness.

"I only take care of you." Cheng Xian said coldly, "The others have nothing to do with me."

"Sheng Xian!" Qian Mengmeng was anxious. "You mean you won't help me?"

Seeing that Cheng Xian did not speak, Qian Mengmeng continued: "You have said clearly, as long as I say, you will listen to me. I want to...cough cough..."

Qian Mengmeng coughed very badly, and her weak body was like a kite flying in the wind, she would leave before Cheng Xian at any time.

"I promise you." Cheng Xian squeezed Qian Mengmeng's hand tightly, and his voice was rough and impatient, "But, Mengmeng, would you also promise me one condition, OK?"

"Well. What is it? As long as you say, I will agree." Qian Mengmeng smiled very relieved.


"Cheng boy, what are you doing holding my daughter's hand?" Pei Yilin scolded, interrupting what Cheng Xian was about to say.

Pei Yilin had arrived long ago, and he could clearly hear what Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian had just said.

Seeing her daughter entrusted Song Qian to Cheng Xian while speaking, Pei Yilin's guilt surged from the bottom of her heart, unable to restrain herself anymore, and opened the door.

"Uncle Pei, you are here." Cheng Xian let go of Qian Mengmeng's hand and sighed slightly.

Cheng Xian was actually very scared just now. He was afraid that once the deal between himself and Qian Mengmeng was concluded, she would leave the world without worry.

And he didn't want her to leave, he didn't want to let her go.

"Yeah." Pei Yilin replied dullly.

Pei Yilin frowned and looked at Doctor Hao and asked, "Didn't you say that Mengmeng is okay? Why is her face so ugly? How did you become a doctor? Do you want the Medical Association to revoke your industry license? Will do things well?"

"Daddy. Don't blame Dr. Hao." Qian Mengmeng held the furious Pei Yilin's hand, "I have no cure for my disease. If it weren't for Dr. Hao's superb medical skills, I might already be..."

"Mengmeng, what are you talking about!" Pei Yilin roared, but her heart was violently pulled, looking at Qian Mengmeng's eyes full of apology.

But Qian Mengmeng smiled at Pei Yilin Yuyue and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this. Daddy, how are you and Mommy getting together recently? Have you got a little brother out for Mengmeng? "

"You only need to see the doctor well, don't care about adults." Pei Yilin stiffly interrupted Qian Mengmeng's questioning, kissed her on the cheek, turned and called Doctor Hao out.

Pei Yilin and Dr. Hao talked outside for a long time, until Qian Mengmeng felt that he was about to fall asleep, and Pei Yilin walked in with ease.

"Mengmeng, Dr. Hao just said that there is a new method to treat your disease, but you need to cooperate fully with him, can you do it?" Pei Yilin coaxed Qian Mengmeng with a gentle voice, and she seemed to be a good man. Good daddy.

Cheng Xian stood aside, looked out suspiciously, hesitated for a moment, and finally did not express his doubts.

"Well, I will. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up!" Qian Mengmeng blinked her clear eyes, "Because I want to be with Daddy, Mommy, and the new members of our family in the future."

"Daddy will work hard to get you a little brother out!" Pei Yilin said, laughing and leaning into Qian Mengmeng's armpits and itching her, making Qian Mengmeng giggling nonstop.

Pei Yilin made a fuss with Qian Mengmeng while swearing in his heart: Mengmeng, Daddy will definitely save you!Although this brother was not born to me and your mom, but as long as I can save you!

Pei Yilin, with a firm gaze, played with Qian Mengmeng for a while, until Qian Mengmeng was so tired that he coaxed her to fall asleep, and then he calmed down and watched her silently.

"Boy, you have to take good care of her." Pei Yilin touched Cheng Xian's head, "When she is ready, I agree to marry her to you."

Cheng Xian's cheeks blushed, but when he was talking about these things, Qian Mengmeng didn't have the feeling of feelings at all. He just wanted her to live a long life in a healthy way.

As soon as Pei Yilin left, Qian Mengmeng, who was asleep just now, opened his eyes.

Qian Mengmeng looked at Cheng Xian, sighed, and said, "My daddy must have provoke my mom again. I'm not in good health now and can't help them to mediate. Think of a way, contact Uncle Madness, and let him Be the peacemaker between my daddy and mom, okay?"

"No." Cheng Xian shook his head, disapproving of Qian Mengmeng's proposal, "Fang Zikang is now extremely decadent, he may not be able to bear this responsibility."

"What should I do?" Qian Mengmeng was a little anxious and said in a very small voice: "I want to see Daddy and Mommy make up."

"Leave those things to me. You just need to take good care of yourself." Cheng Xian said in a very sophisticated tone, "Doctor Hao, Mengmeng's face is much better. Come and take a look."

Dr. Hao walked in, his eyes narrowed slightly under the light, but the slight red thread in his eyes did not escape the constitutional eye.

Qian Mengmeng's condition is probably not as optimistic as Pei Yilin said.

And what Pei Yilin said to Qian Mengmeng just now was probably just to keep her up and up for more time.

Qian Mengmeng is still so young, how can he leave easily?

Cheng Xian clenched his fists tightly, but on the surface he was calm-he wanted Qian Mengmeng to get better as soon as possible, he also wanted to protect the people she wanted to protect, and he wanted to do what she wanted to see.

"Doctor Hao, take a good look at Mengmeng, I'll go to the bathroom first." Cheng Xian found an excuse and slipped out of the room.

Cheng Xian came to the second floor of the villa, turned on the mobile phone he carried, dialed a phone number and went out, instructing: "Always observe Aunt Song's movements. If there is any disturbance, please tell me immediately."

"Yes." There was a response from the phone, and Cheng Xian hung up.

Cheng Xian looked out the window with a deep gaze, only to see the bright sky that should have been full of stars. I don't know when it turned out to be foggy and foggy, making it difficult to see the future.


After Song Qian left Pei's house, she came to the Red Lotus Killer Employment Center for the first time. She roughly told Xiao Honglian that she needed a lot of people at night and asked him to lend her.

"Song Qian." Xiao Honglian did not agree or refuse, "Are you sure you want to fight Pei Yilin? I can't afford him."

"Mengmeng is in his hand." Song Qian said coldly.

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Honglian said, "Maybe she is already dead?"

Song Qian's fists were tight, she had already won all the time, and she was bound to rescue Qian Mengmeng!

"I will guarantee the safety of those killers. If they make any mistakes, you can ask me." Song Qian said.

"It's not that I don't want to help you." Xiao Honglian frowned, "I have to stand here too! Offended Pei Yilin, am I closing the door?"

"I beg you." Song Qian's eyes were slightly moist. "As long as you help me save Mengmeng, let me be your professional killer and do whatever you want for you."

Xiao Honglian looked at Song Qian, "I know how important Mengmeng is to you, and I like her very much, but..."

"Those people can be very concealed. If the situation is wrong, they can retreat at any time." Song Qian continued, "I need help."

Xiao Honglian sighed, then reluctantly shook her head, chose more than 20 super-powerful assassins, and followed Song Qian to rescue people.

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