At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 136 For her, I am willing to die!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!The King of Ghosts noticed Song Qian's actions, his eyes changed slightly, he sneered, and slammed his palm to Song Qian's left chest.

Song Qian dodged subconsciously. He quickly took out another palm. After Song Qian reacted quickly, he took out his gun and hit the guardrail next to Song Qian, pressing one step harder, and forced her off the high platform, hanging on the guardrail. on.

Qin Xirong looked at Song Qian's weakness, with a triumphant smile on her lips.

But her pride did not last long, and was interrupted by the sharp cell phone ringtone.

"Ghost King, get her as soon as possible." Qin Xirong's face changed suddenly as she glanced at the phone screen and walked out quickly.

Qin Xirong's figure disappeared outside the crocodile pool, and Song Qian's body tolerance reached its limit.

The finger bones holding the guardrail were slightly white, and Song Qian's face was ugly. The ghost king in front and the crocodile below. She must find a way to escape as soon as possible.

"Song Qian, do you know that I really like the way you look now?" The Ghost King smiled lowly, probing his hand to break Song Qian's fingers, one by one, with extreme force.

Song Qian’s body was originally not well recovered, and now he has suffered heavy damage from the Ghost King. Even if she doesn’t care about her, it’s already very difficult for her to climb the high platform alone, let alone break her fingers?

Song Qian tried her best to hold herself tightly on the guardrail, but the harder she tried, the slippery her palms became, and she was about to lose her grip.

The right hand grasping the guardrail was violently broken by the ghost king, and Song Qian's left hand was overwhelmed.

"Go to hell!" A grinning smile appeared at the corner of the ghost king's mouth, and he kicked Song Qian's left hand violently, "Go down and look for your daughter's body!"

Song Qian was stunned when he heard the words, and the ghost king took the opportunity to hit the guardrail and made another serious injury.


The guardrail is bent.

Song Qian fell like a kite with a broken wire...

"Song Qian, goodbye!"

See you again!

The ghost king watched the lake with his cool eyes for a long time, until he heard the sound of heavy objects falling into the water, the ghost king smiled slightly and left like a ghost.

The ghost king's figure just disappeared, and a tall figure emerged from the dim place: Pei Yilin.

Just now, Pei Yilin received news that Song Qian was at a disadvantage against the Ghost King, so he couldn't wait to rush over, but saw Song Qian fall into the crocodile pond.

Pei Yilin looked anxiously at the dark lake. For the thousandth and first time, he regretted that he had not come out to protect Song Qian in his arms.

damn it!

What if she suspects that Qian Mengmeng is not dead?

What if she would be injured by the danger around her?

Isn't this better than letting her fall into the crocodile pond and become the prey of those crocodiles?

Pei Yilin squeezed his fist, suffocated with heartache, and some moist welled up in his eyes.

"Qian'er, don't worry, I won't let you do anything!" The pain of losing Song Qian was so clear that Pei Yilin didn't want to wait any longer. He leaped over the guardrail and leaped like a swift arrow toward the deep one. Washed deep into the pool.

The pool was deep and cold. As soon as Pei Yilin jumped into the water, dozens of giant crocodiles swam towards him quickly, while the others surrounded the frail Song Qian, trying to swallow her in his belly.

Damn it!

There was a sudden pain somewhere in the heart, Pei Yilin ignored the attack of the giant crocodile and quickly fired a shot in the direction of Song Qian.


The gun shot a giant crocodile, and bright red blood flowed out of its eyes. It became frantic. Regardless of Song Qian who was lying on its mouth, it just roared and swam quickly towards Pei Yilin. go with.

When the giant crocodiles beside it saw it swimming, they quickly swam towards Pei Yilin.

Suddenly, Pei Yilin, who was holding a gun, was surrounded by dozens of giant crocodiles, but Song Qian didn't have a giant crocodile.

Attracting the crocodile group, Pei Yilin's heart was joyful, watching everything around him, looking at Song Qian, she was temporarily out of danger, it was great!

Under the dim light, Song Qian looked at the person who had jumped into the crocodile pool, not sure who it was.

The giant crocodile was enraged by Pei Yilin. They attacked fiercely. Their snow-white teeth attacked Pei Yilin's arms like steel knives. Pei Yilin still didn't forget to glance at Song Qian and threw the gun in his hand to Song Qian.

Song Qian's consciousness was already a little confused. Looking at the trance figure in front of her, she curled up the corners of her mouth with difficulty and murmured, "Xiao Honglian, thank you."

Pei Yilin did not hear what Song Qian was talking about, and had already plunged into the bloody battle.

Song Qian took the gun, and also supported his body to deal with the challenges from the surroundings.

Around, undercurrents surged, and it seemed that some more dangerous creature was approaching her.

The snake is a water snake!

A cold touch came from her ankle, and Song Qian's face instantly turned pale.

Since childhood, Song Qian was most afraid of snakes. Although she has thousands of ways to put this cartilaginous animal to death on land, she has no way at all in water.

"Pei..." "Yilin" was yelled out unconsciously, and Song Qian panicked to discover how much he relied on him.

Maybe, it was his pretense that was too excellent before that made her heart fall, so she was so dependent on him, right?

Song Qian gave a wry smile and looked around, only to feel that the night was getting heavier.

She couldn't see anything, she could only hear the faint sound of running water, and the sound of a creature swimming fast underwater.

Song Qian couldn't see the water snake, and could only attack the cartilaginous animals in the water with his hearing.

One click, another time, there is no rules and no effect at all.

I saw more and more water snakes surrounding her, and there was an urge to divide her into pieces.

Pei Yilin had been observing Song Qian's actions, and seeing that she had obtained the pistol and did not leave, his face changed slightly, and then he concentrated on dealing with the ferocious giant crocodiles.

The attack of the giant crocodiles was very fast, but Pei Yilin was able to defeat them easily. It only took ten minutes before he defeated most of the giant crocodiles, leaving only two or three crimson-eyed giant crocodiles facing each other. He stared at him.

"Qian'er, what's the matter?" Seeing that the situation is not so critical, Pei Yilin quickly swims towards Song Qian.

He swam very fast, because he was worried about Song Qian, it was almost half a minute away, and he swam to her in ten seconds.

"I... it's okay!" Song Qianqiang supported, how could she hear Pei Yilin's voice?

Could it be that she missed him so much that she had hallucinations?

"I... can't see..." Song Qian gasped quickly, and the more and more water snakes gathered were especially terrifying to her with night blindness.

Pei Yilin didn't know that Song Qian was afraid of snakes, but he knew that Song Qian had night blindness and couldn't see anything at night.

He stared at the water snake surging in the dark with piercing eyes, protecting Song Qian behind him.

Pei Yilin was willing to protect Song Qian, but how could the ferocious giant crocodile give him a chance?Before Pei Yilin helped Song Qian get rid of the water snake, the giant crocodile launched an attack, one after another, quickly and fiercely.

Not wanting to hurt Song Qian by accident, Pei Yilin fought with the giant crocodile while pulling away from Song Qian.

Pei Yilin left, and Song Qian fell into the circle of water snakes again.Even though she was holding a pistol and hitting it exactly, she still couldn't keep up with the rapid attack of the snakes.

Soon, Song Qian's physical strength was almost exhausted, and his reaction was not so fast...

A water snake has been tentatively around Song Qian, feeling that her movements are not so fast anymore. It swung its body quickly and rushed towards her thigh.

Fortunately, Pei Yilin caught the snake's head with sharp eyes and threw it out fiercely.

Pei Yilin's hands were very strong and his movements were fierce, almost the snake had just been thrown out and became a dead snake.

Before it had time to enjoy its prey, Pei Yilin came to fruition easily.

As if they were frightened by seeing their companions killed, the snakes did not dare to continue their actions. However, they were unwilling to let go of their prey easily. They still swam around Song Qian and attacked Pei Yilin with the giant crocodiles. .

The giant crocodile moves fast, accurate and ruthless, and has great lethality; the water snake's body is soft, poisonous, and fierce.

Song Qian's hand with the gun trembled slightly, and a giant crocodile rushed towards her quickly.

The speed of the giant crocodile was very fast, and Song Qian was entangled by the group of snakes again. His physical strength was too great and his movements were much slower.

But this slowness caused the giant crocodile to take advantage of the loopholes, swept away the gun in Song Qian's hand with his tail, and then pounced on Song Qian.

Song Qian didn't have a gun, and because of the water snakes around him, he didn't dare to move the first half.

Seeing that Song Qian was about to become a giant crocodile’s plate Chinese meal, Pei Yilin no longer cared about the giant crocodile entangled around him, and quickly swam to the side of Song Qian, punching the giant crocodile and knocking it down. Aside.

And the giant crocodile next to him bit Kong fiercely on Pei Yilin's back and grabbed a few deep bloodstains.

The injured Pei Yilin hugged Song Qian. He looked at the creatures who were still staring at them, his back hurt, but he had to persist.

When Pei Yilin's blood was about to stain the water in the red pool, those bodyguards who were trying to find a way finally found the nemesis of the giant crocodile and the water snake and scattered them into the water.

As soon as the medicinal materials entered the water, the giant crocodile and the water snake quickly dispersed, leaving Pei Yilin a chance to save Song Qian. He held her almost unconscious and took her to the shore.

"Take her to a safe place, remember, don't be found!" Pei Yilin gasped as he ordered.

One of Pei Yilin's trusted bodyguards came to rescue: Wu Qing.

Wu Qing looked at the injury on Pei Yilin's back and asked, "Mr. Pei, don't you go together?"

"Go away! Right away, right away!" The giant crocodile and the water snake were chased away by the medicinal materials just now, but now the smell has faded. They attacked Pei Yilin quickly again. It was only a moment, and Pei Yilin's figure was no longer visible.

"Take Song Bodyguard right away." Wu Qing handed Song Qian into the hands of trusted men, then took the rest of his cronies, swam back, and joined Pei Yilin in the battle with the snakes and crocodiles.

They had already made preparations and learned a few hands from Pei Yilin. Although the fight was very difficult, fortunately, within ten minutes, they had already suppressed the rioting snakes and giant crocodiles.

However, Pei Yilin was injured in many places by the giant crocodile because of the many cares he took to Song Qian just now, and his left shoulder lost consciousness.

Because Pei Yilin was seriously injured, Dr. Hao was quickly invited back to the villa.

Doctor Hao carefully checked Pei Yilin's body and prescribed the medicine with a cold expression.

"Doctor, Mr. Pei?" Wu Qing accompanied Pei Yilin and clenched his fists as he watched Pei Yilin's bruised appearance.

Doctor Hao sighed quietly, "Bodyguard Wu, I have something to tell you, you come with me outside."

Wu Qing looked at Pei Yilin, who was unconscious, and nodded in a serious mood.

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