At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 137 Mystery, where have you all gone?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Wu Qing followed Dr. Hao to the outside of the ward, closed the door first, and then asked worriedly: "Dr. Hao, is President Pei's condition not good? Does he need a blood transfusion? I always have the same blood type as Pei... "

"No." Dr. Hao shook his head, "Wu Qing, Mr. Pei has suffered a serious injury all over his body. It is best not to let him touch water again within three months, and take good care of him."

Hearing this, Wu Qing nodded, "I will take good care of President Pei, but can't he take a bath for these three months?"

"No." Doctor Hao chuckled, "Blame me for not saying clearly. I mean that President Pei should not go to a cold place again within three months. This will not be good for his wound recovery. When taking a bath, Just be careful not to touch the wound to sleep."

"Where is Song Qian?" Dr. Hao's eyes wandered around, frowning, "She is also badly injured? Where did you put her? I will show her now."

"She..." Wu Qing sighed and said, "She is gone."

The cronies temporarily placed Song Qian in a safe place, and turned back to help Pei Yilin and the others deal with the crocodile. When the matter was settled, she went to find Song Qian, she was gone.

Wu Qing could only guess: "Perhaps her injury is not serious, so let's go first?"

"Send someone to find it." Dr. Hao frowned. "Mengmeng kept asking about the president, but I didn't dare to tell her. When the president wakes up, you tell him, I will go back first. Mengmeng is there. Open people."

"Yes." Wu Qing nodded with a straight face, "Doctor Hao, take good care of Mengmeng, and I will bring your words to the president."

Doctor Hao looked at Pei Yilin again and told Wu Qing something, and then left quickly.

In the ward, Pei Yilin was still asleep, but he still whispered Song Qian's name softly, sentence by sentence, and every sound made people feel uncomfortable.

Wu Qing sighed, he walked forward, trying to help Pei Yilin pull the quilt up, but Pei Yilin grabbed his hand and opened his eyes quickly.

"President Pei!" Wu Qing showed a look of joy.

Pei Yilin looked around, then frowned slightly and asked, "Where is Song Qian?"

He clearly remembered that she was rescued by his own bodyguard, but why can't he see her now?

Pei Yilin released Wu Qing's hand and said coldly: "Which ward is she in? How is the injury? Take me to see her immediately!"

During the time he was in a coma, he had a series of dreams. There will always be one person in the dream, that is, Song Qian.

It was only then that he clearly realized that he couldn't do without her. The pain of losing once was melancholy and emptiness. He never wanted to endure the feeling of loneliness anymore.

"President Pei, Bodyguard Song is not in the ward." Wu Qing's expression changed slightly, "Our people are going to rescue you. When we go ashore, Bodyguard Song is no longer there."

Seeing that Pei Yilin's face suddenly became difficult to look, Wu Qing said quickly: "Perhaps...Bodyguard Song left by himself."

"Impossible." Pei Yilin categorically denied.

He finally persuaded himself to keep Song Qian by his side, how could he endure the fact that she was missing again?

Besides, didn't he go to save her?Didn't he send someone to protect Song Qian?How could she leave?

In response to Pei Yilinsen’s cold-to-kill gaze, Wu Qing knelt down abruptly and begged: “President Pei, I’m sorry. At that time, seeing Bodyguard Song fall asleep, the bodyguard put her in a safe place before he went into the water to rescue you. I don’t know why the unconscious Bodyguard Song would leave in the blink of an eye."

Pei Yilin clenched his fists, only feeling a tearing pain from his back shoulder. He couldn't take care of it, and he had to find someone when he got up.

"President Pei, you have been injured, so you shouldn't move around now!" Wu Qing said anxiously, "This matter is improperly arranged by your subordinates. If you want to punish, you should punish them. Your subordinates will take the initiative to go to the crocodile pool. go with."

"Stop!" Pei Yilin called to Wu Qing, and then said coldly: "You are not allowed to mention the crocodile pool in the future, you and I have never been there."

"Yes." Wu Qing agreed with kindness, and then said again, "President, Dr. Hao just told you that you can't go to cold and cold places within three months, and your wounds should not get water when you take a bath. Miss Qin. Now that you are physically inconvenient, I wonder if the president needs to arrange for a maid to take care of you personally?

"No, you immediately contact Fang Zikuang, and he will arrange for me." Pei Yilin ordered.

"Yes." Wu Qing nodded, turned and walked out.

Halfway through, he looked back at Pei Yilin, "President, Miss Qin has been looking for you yesterday. If Miss Qin asks where the president is going, how should I answer?"

Pei Yilin's brows tightened, and he said coldly: "I don't want to be disturbed by anyone now." Except Song Qian and Qian Mengmeng!

"Yes." Wu Qing responded to Pei Yilin's gaze.

He opened the door and walked out, already thinking about how to deal with Qin Xirong.

"Wu Qing, have you seen Lin? Where is he now? Is it inside?"

Not long after Wu Qing left the ward, he ran into an anxious Qin Xirong in the garden of the villa.

She wore a PRADA personalized dress, painted light makeup, and an intoxicating smile evoked at the corner of her mouth. Even if she was pregnant, she would not miss the chance to be beautiful.

In Qin Xirong's view, even if she is absent one day, she may be abandoned by a man. Therefore, her makeup removal side hardly appears in front of others.

"Hello Miss Qin, I have always been responsible for the guard work of the villa, and I have never had a chance to meet the president." Wu Qing said lightly, and walked outside Qin Xirong.

Qin Xirong had been looking for Pei Yilin's figure in the villa, and now he almost turned the villa over, but he could not be found.

Now that I finally saw Wu Qing, how could she give up so easily?

Qin Xirong stepped forward, stopped Wu Qing, took a look at him, and then said: "Wuqing, someone told me that you have been to Crocodile Pool. Also, someone saw you brought Dr. Hao here. You must know where Lin is now. , Tell me right away!"

Qin Xirong looked at Wu Qing with a cold expression, and said, "Did Lin jump into the crocodile pool to save Song Qian? Was it injured?"

"Miss Qin, I really don't know where the president is." In response to Qin Xirong's sharp eyes, Wu Qing was calm, "Also, the crocodile pool is a place to punish traitors. I won't go there."

Qin Xirong was angry with Wu Qing and pointed at Wu Qing's nose, "You! You...wait!"

"Yes." Wu Qing replied, "If Miss Qin has nothing else to do, I will leave first."

After that, Wu Qing bypassed Qin Xirong and continued on.

Qin Xirong looked at Wu Qing's back, thought for a moment, turned and left.


"We carried out a carpet search of City Z and did not find Song Qian's figure. She seemed to have disappeared from the world, and there was no trace at all." Fang Zi madly sat beside Pei Yilin, looking at Pei Yilin's cold appearance, faint. Sighed.

Some time ago, Fang Zikuang was still decadent about Yin Baoer's affairs, but after receiving the order from Pei Yilin, he couldn't be more decadent.

After carefully packing up, Fang Zi Kuang immediately integrated all the resources of the Dark Night Empire and the Pei family, and carried out a carpet-like search for Song Qian.

At first, he wanted to detect Song Qian by cracking the computer.

However, as soon as he met the computer, he couldn't help but think of Yin Baoer, a former computer master.

After Yin Bao'er left him, Fang Zikuang was inexplicably afraid of the computer. Not only did he dare not use the computer to find people anymore, he could not even simply go online.

"Find, find again!" Pei Yilin roared.

Song Qian's disappearance was like a gouging in Pei Yilin's heart. As time passed, inch by inch eroded his tough heart.

Fang Zi Kuang looked at Pei Yilin's depression, and could only sigh again.

The word "love" has always been the most hurtful, whether it is Song Qian and Pei Yilin, or himself and Yin Baoer.

"Is Bao'er really taken away? Why hasn't she contacted me yet?" Fang Zi frowned and looked at Pei Yilin, and fell into his own madness again.

Hearing this, Pei Yilin paused for a while, and then said: "It's not time. When the time is up, she will naturally come to you."

While speaking, Pei Yilin murmured again: "No one can love you more than Bo'er. She will definitely live well and work hard to find you." There was a hidden expectation in her tone.

"Yeah." Fang Zikang always believed Pei Yilin's words.

Seeing Pei Yilin so determined at this moment, Fang Zikang was even more convinced.

Fang Zi Kuang instructed Pei Yilin to take a good rest, while summoning all the personnel of the Dark Night Empire to conduct a carpet search on Song Qian again.

It lasted for a whole week, and they didn't find Song Qian.

Pei Yilin had already expected this frustrating result, but when he really faced it, he felt uncomfortably tight, as if a nail was pierced into his heart, making him uncomfortable and unable to Sleep well.

Wu Qing stood beside Pei Yilin, looking at his cold and arrogant expression, that heart also hung in the air and did not fall.

"President, Dr. Hao was here again just now, saying that Mengmeng is much better now, and I really miss the president." Wu Qing said.

"I see." Pei Yilin rubbed his brows. In just a week, he felt that he was much older and he felt uncomfortable everywhere. "Continue looking for Song Qian and Kang Lu. Let Kang Lu see me directly after he comes back. If you find Song Qian, send her to Dr. Hao."

Pei Yilin wondered, why did Song Qian disappear, and Kang Lu also disappeared. Could it be that Kang Lu was also caught in the crocodile pool?

Wu Qing nodded and drove Pei Yilin to Dr. Hao's house before calling the men in the villa outside.

"Daddy, you're here. You don't want to be cute, you hate it!" As soon as Pei Yilin entered Dr. Hao's residence, Qian Mengmeng, wearing a big red sweater, rushed over.

Her pink lips pursed slightly, seeming to complain about Pei Yilin's neglect of herself.

There is no daddy, no mommy, and only one Rory talky Cheng Xian accompanied, Qian Mengmeng feels so bored.

"Yeah. Daddy is very annoying." Seeing Qian Mengmeng, Pei Yilin was like seeing a sunny day, and he hugged her. The smile on his face was brilliant, "How are you? Are you getting better? ?"

Dr. Hao had been staying by the side, seeing Pei Yilin making such violent movements, he coughed quickly.

"Mengmeng's body is just right, not suitable for such strenuous exercise. It is better for the president to put Mengmeng down." Dr. Hao said.

"It doesn't matter, I just act carefully, don't you? My good daughter?" Pei Yilin missed Qian Mengmeng very much, and missed Song Qian more.

Now Song Qian disappeared from his sphere of influence, and he could only find her shadow from Qian Mengmeng.

Therefore, Pei Yilin hugged Qian Mengmeng more tightly, as if embracing the happiness he had been waiting for for a long time, so he was unwilling to let go.

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