At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 138 I'll save my mommy!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"President Pei!" Doctor Hao continued to stop, really worried that Pei Yilin's back injury would split like this and then worsen.

Pei Yilin is now suffering from the enemy, and it has not been a good day to retreat easily.

Qian Mengmeng glanced at Dr. Hao suspiciously and realized that there was an inside story, and then took the initiative to say: "Daddy, you let me down! I am so old, if you still hold me, others will say you have pedophilia. of."

Pei Yilin smiled slightly and put down Qian Mengmeng.

"Daddy, look, I'm almost as tall as you." Qian Mengmeng exaggerated the contrast. She blinked her eyes and smiled extremely happy, but there was a touch of worry in her eyes.

Just now, she heard Pei Yilin's physical discomfort from Dr. Hao's tone. Moreover, he was holding her so hard just now, it seemed that as soon as he released her, he would lose the whole world.

"Daddy, I made a gift with Cheng Xian for you, and I will give it to you now." Qian Mengmeng involuntarily pulled Cheng Xian to the room on the second floor, while Pei Yilin was brought in by Doctor Hao on the first floor. Change the dressing in the room and see if the wound has deteriorated.

"Sheng Xian, there must be something wrong with my father and mommy. I can't stay here anymore, I'm going to find my mommy." On the second floor, Qian Mengmeng's grinning face sank a little, while Ask Cheng Xian to take out the present that the two of them had already prepared, while getting up and picking up the things he needed with him.

"Mengmeng. You can't be so rash." Cheng Xian did not agree with Qian Mengmeng's behavior. "Even if Aunt Song and your daddy have a problem, it is not caused by you. You don't need to pay for your own life. Go find Aunt Xiao Song."

"No, I want them to be together." Qian Mengmeng's hands of packing things stopped for a moment. "You must have the same experience as me. I hope that a good daddy can love and take care of my mom. I love and take care of me, and the family lives happily together."

After a pause, Qian Mengmeng continued: "My life may not be long, and I will leave at any time. I really want my mommy to have a good home."

"I know." Cheng Xian was sour in his heart when Qian Mengmeng said it, but this still couldn't change his impulse to do something for Qian Mengmeng.

None of the people of the Chengxian faction who secretly protected Song Qian brought back the letter. It is estimated that there is more and less luck, and he can also speculate that Song Qian must have something wrong.

"I must go to my mommy!" Qian Mengmeng was very determined, "Mommy is for me, regardless of any danger, I am for mommy, it is the same!"

"Mengmeng..." Cheng Xian was helpless, "Then I will go with you, you have to agree, you can't act rashly, you have to listen to me whatever happens."

"Good!" Qian Mengmeng promised.

Cheng Xian brought Qian Mengmeng downstairs, and Dr. Hao downstairs had simply treated Pei Yilin's wounds and was asking him something to pay attention to.

Seeing Qian Mengmeng coming down, Pei Yilin coughed and put on the jacket beside him.

Qian Mengmeng pretended not to see Pei Yilin's deliberate actions, and ran to Pei Yilin with a smile, Xiubao handed him the small gift he made for him, and said, "Daddy, look, this is my first I will give you a gift once!"

The gift was beautifully wrapped, and Pei Yilin glanced at it and knew that Qian Mengmeng had spent a lot of thought.

"This gift is very good, and Daddy likes it very much." Pei Yilin touched Qian Mengmeng's head fondly, but looked at her with a touch of loss.

If Song Qian could stand by his side and watch him get along with Mengmeng so harmoniously and the family enjoys a good time, how good would it be?

"Mengmeng, Daddy has something to tell you." Pei Yilin bent over to embrace Mengmeng, whispering in her ear.

Qian Mengmeng shook his head and took a step back.

And Dr. Hao, who was standing on the side, also stopped: "Mr. Pei, Mengmeng is not suitable for strenuous exercise."

Pei Yilin hesitated for a while, he nodded, and chose to squat down and look at Qian Mengmeng.

Qian Mengmeng's eyes are very beautiful, like two precious ambers, which make people happy at first glance.

And her optimistic character makes people reluctant to leave her.

So Song Qian, if you know that Mengmeng is looking for her, will she appear soon?

"Mengmeng, your mom..." After hesitating again and again, Pei Yilin couldn't help but want to tell Qian Mengmeng the news of Song Qian's disappearance.

But before he finished speaking, Qian Mengmeng interrupted him displeasedly.

"Daddy, don't you like the gifts Mengmeng gave? You haven't opened it!" Qian Mengmeng pouted his small fleshy mouth, his expression was very sad, as if his passion had been completely absorbed by Pei Yilin's cold water It seems to be poured out.

Qian Mengmeng didn't want Pei Yilin to tell her mommy in person.

Because, in Qian Mengmeng's thoughts, as long as Pei Yilin personally said it, it means that many things are irreversible and will inevitably leave regrets.

And her Qian Mengmeng dislikes regret the most.Especially... the regret of staying between Daddy and Mommy.

Pei Yilin felt helpless and continued: "Mengmeng, actually..."

"Daddy, don't you really like the gifts Mengmeng gave you?" Qian Mengmeng's eyes were misty, looking like a poor little who is about to be abandoned.

But only Cheng Xian, who is familiar with Qian Mengmeng, knew that this was actually her small expression calculating Pei Yilin.

"Well. Take it apart, Daddy will take it apart." Pei Yilin couldn't bear to live up to Qian Mengmeng, and immediately took the gift and took it apart.

Pei Yilin, who was concentrating on unwrapping the gifts, didn't notice. Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian, who stood by, looked at each other and had their own plans.

"Daddy, I'm sorry. Only by letting you rest, Mengmeng can do her own thing." Just as Pei Yilin opened the gift, a familiar smell came over. Before he could react, Qian Mengmeng pierced with a silver needle. A certain acupoint on his body.

Suddenly, Pei Yilin softened to the ground.

Qian Mengmeng looked at Doctor Hao quietly and said, "Doctor Hao, my daddy will ask you to take care of it."

"Mengmeng?" Doctor Hao was surprised and anxious, "Where are you going!"

"Go find my mommy." Qian Mengmeng said.

"But your body..."

"I have the medicine you gave me! I have enough!" Qian Mengmeng still smiled happily, "So, I will be fine! Otherwise, if you are not obedient, I will give you one too. Needle!"

"Let her go." Cheng Xian said sensibly, "I will protect her."

After spending so long with Cheng Xian and Qian Mengmeng, Dr. Hao naturally knew their personalities. After hesitating for a while, he nodded but gave a lot of advice, and said that he must keep in touch with him. If there is any problem with Meng's body, he should come back for treatment immediately.

Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian left quietly. Even if Wu Qing soon noticed something was wrong, when he entered Dr. Hao's residence to wake up the unconscious Pei Yilin, he did not have time to track the whereabouts of the two children.

"Look! Send someone to look for it right away!" The wound on Pei Yilin's shoulder was torn open suddenly because of her sudden rise. The pain was painful, but the pain was not comparable to the pain of losing Song Qian and Qian Mengmeng.

"Yes." Wu Qing led the order and left quickly.

Pei Yilin stood up, and Doctor Hao wanted to go forward to bandage his wound, but he received his cold eyes.

There were worries, heartaches, and urgency in those eyes, but there was no scolding at him.

"Did you let them go?" Pei Yilin said coldly.

"I was also stabbed!" Dr. Hao shrugged innocently, "If you don't believe me, you see..."

Pei Yilin glared at Doctor Hao, and all the anxiety in his heart appeared on his face.

"President Pei, don't worry, there is a constitution, Mengmeng should be fine." Dr. Hao said.

Dr. Hao heard from Cheng Xian mentioned that there is a strange doctor who specializes in treating strange diseases. He must take this opportunity to bring Qian Mengmeng to the doctor.

"Who said they would have something to do?" Pei Yilin pressured his inner worries and said pretentiously, "I just don't want Mengmeng's body to be changed because of this time out."

With that, Pei Yilin only felt irritable and asked, "How is your new technology research? Are you sure that as long as I have a child, I can treat Mengmeng?"

Song Qian left, Mengmeng also left, Pei Yilin's heart seemed to be hollowed out, empty, and very uncomfortable.

If there is no affirmative answer, he doubts whether he can survive.

"'s hard to say." Dr. Hao shook his head, "Theoretically, it is possible. However, the results of clinical trials have shown that the cord blood of children of the same parent has a better healing effect. If Mengmeng is supplemented with drugs With the combination of therapy and physical therapy, she is very likely to be able to hold on for a while. During this time, President Pei can have a baby with her cute mother."

Pei Yilin's body trembled upon hearing this.

He can't even find Song Qian's figure now, how can he have another child with her?

Moreover, giving birth to a child with Song Qian is to tell her that Mengmeng might die. Such cruel news can only be accepted by him alone. How can Song Qian also suffer?

Seeing Pei Yilin not speaking, Doctor Hao sighed quietly.

Indeed, for Pei Yilin, this is a dilemma.

Because if Song Qian is pregnant, it means that Song Qian, who is physically weak, is in distress. Even if Qian Mengmeng can be saved, Song Qian may be killed. How can this be done?

And if other children are used to save Qian Mengmeng, even if Qian Mengmeng is saved, Song Qian and Qian Mengmeng will have some grudges in their hearts, right?

Hey, it's hard for Pei!

"I will bring Mengmeng back as soon as possible." Pei Yilin looked very cold. In his heart, Qian Mengmeng and Song Qian are the first and no one can replace them. "Your task is to ensure Mengmeng's health. Able to wait until my other child is born."

"Yes." Dr. Hao nodded slyly and continued, "President Pei, let me dress your wound carefully to prevent it from festering and pus."

Pei Yilin nodded, untied his clothes, and let Doctor Hao bandage himself, while he picked up the phone to contact Fang Zikang.

"What? Mengmeng is missing? Cheng Xian is also missing?" Fang Zikuang was discussing with Cheng Wenfeng about using his men to find Song Qian, but he was made difficult by Cheng Wenfeng.

Fang Zi suddenly stood up when he heard that Qian Mengmeng was gone, but when he heard that Cheng Xian was gone, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Yilin, rest assured, I will help you find Song Qian, Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian." Fang Zikang said in a very positive tone.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Zi Kuang muttered in his heart: Written seal, Written seal, God helped me!Could it be that you really don't even care about your son?

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