At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Nine

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"What? My son is gone?" Cheng Wenfeng asked anxiously while lying on the hospital bed.

That time, Pei Yilin's secret tricks caused Cheng Wenfeng to lie down on the hospital bed for two months.

Although his body has improved a lot under the doctor's careful treatment, he still cannot get out of bed and do what he wants to do like a normal man.

But these days, Wen Feng thought to discover that the culprit of all this was Pei Yilin.

So, when Fang Zi madly approached him and asked him to help him, he refused with an ugly face.

After all, no one will help their love rivals, right?

Even if you are looking for Song Qian, he will have to write a letter and secretly look for her, and then take her into his arms and take her as his own, mad at Pei Yilin!

The written abacus is very good, and it is difficult to persuade him even if he is mad at the eloquent prescription.

Everything was originally under the control of the written letter, but now it is gone!

Cheng Wenfeng's clenched fists suddenly greeted Fang Zi violently, and roared: "What the hell does Pei Yilin do? The master of Tangtang Pei's family can't even look at the two children. Why does he eat? "

Written words are very rude and feel very upset.

His fists are very powerful, but because of his inconvenience, he is unable to cause substantial damage to the opponent.

"Who is your son? No one knows better than you. If he really insists on leaving, do you think you can stop him as a father?" Fang Zi took the conversation lazily, obviously not being written down. The aura was shocked.

"That's it!" Hearing this, he straightened his chest proudly, "My son has inherited my fine genes, so Pei Yilin can't help it naturally. Okay, I will take one third of my intelligence personnel Lend it to you, you don’t have to return them to me until you find a constitution."

"Boss Cheng is really generous, I'll thank you for President Pei." It seems that he knew that Wenfeng would agree to it sooner or later, Fang Zi Kuang said a few words politely, and took the token in Wenfeng's hand, with All of his subordinates left.

Fang Zikuang returned to Pei's mansion with the documented intelligence personnel and ordered them to wait outside the living room. He hurriedly went up to the second floor and walked directly to the study room where Pei Yilin was.

When Fang Zi hurriedly pushed the door in, Pei Yilin was looking at the photo of the family of three on the screen.

Song Qian, Mengmeng, and himself, that was Pei Yilin's happiest period.

Now, he might never get it again.

Pei Yilin's eyes were full of loneliness, even if he knew Fangzi was coming, he did not look up at him.

"I have come back from Chengwenfeng." Fang Zi sighed madly, "Cheng Xian did not go back, and Song Qian is not with him. I borrowed one-third of the intelligence personnel in Wenwenfeng and used it. With their capabilities, we can take the lead in eliminating false information that is not highly simulated."

Pei Yilin has always been a role model for Fang Zikuang. As long as Pei Yilin said a word, Fang Zikuang could get up from the edge of death and continue to live and hope.

But now, Pei Yilin, who Fang Zikuang regarded as a role model, was stumped by a little Song Qian.

Love is really embarrassing!

But Fang Zikuan didn't understand, isn't he trying to find Bao'er now?Why can't Pei Yilin actively seek Song Qian?

Seeing that Pei Yilin was just looking at the group photo in a daze, Fangzi coughed wildly, and then said: "If you think it's inappropriate, I will let them participate in our tracing plan now. However, these people are written people, I am worried. They will hinder us."

"No. Follow your original plan." Pei Yilin replied, slowly taking away his eyes from the group photo.

When he looked at Fang Zikuang, he returned to his former cold arrogance.

"Writing this person is unusual, we can't take it lightly." Pei Yilin said softly, "While you pretend to let his intelligence personnel screen for false information, you send someone to secretly instigate them and obtain the secrets of the document."

According to the information obtained by Pei Yilin, Cheng Wenfeng had cooperated with the Xiang family.

But it didn't take long for Xiang Jia to have a fight with Cheng Wen, and Xiang Jia's family crest seemed to be lost at that time.

Pei Yilin has not been able to find out the cause of the breaking up, and there is no news about the whereabouts of the Xiang family crest. Pei Yilin guessed that most of that thing was stolen by a written letter.

"I'll do it now." Fang Zi nodded wildly, "It's just that Xiangjia's business..."

Fang Zikuang hesitated. This time he went to borrow the people who had been entrusted with the letter. Firstly, to see if Song Qian and Chengxian were with him, and secondly, he wanted to determine whether Xiang's family crest was really like a guess. The written letter was taken away.

"I have my own opinion on this matter." Pei Yilin knew what Fang Zikuang was worried about, and continued coldly: "Your task is to help me find Song Qian and Mengmeng."

"I know." Fang Zikuang said lightly, "Look for Song Qian, Mengmeng, Boer..."

Fangzi was crazy like a solitary lamp in the dark night, with a faint light swaying in his eyes. Finding someone was the only driving force for him to live.

After a few more words, Fang Zi Kuang went to work, and Pei Yilin sighed quietly as he looked at the back of him leaving.

Perhaps from the beginning, Song Qian and he shouldn't have left Fang Zikang with the thought that Bao'er was not dead. If the thoughts could come true, it would definitely be a good thing for Fang Zikang.

But now, Yin Bao'er seems to have disappeared out of thin air, how can he find a Yin Baoer for Fang Zi Kuang?

And can he find Song Qian who disappeared and Qian Mengmeng who left?


At this time, in Xiao Honglian's most secret residence, Song Qian had been resting in his bed.

Song Qian's head was dizzy, her eyes opened slightly, she touched some light, and then, she heard Xiao Honglian's caring voice: "Song Qian, are you awake?"

"Yeah. Elder Xiao, you saved me? Where am I?" Song Qian replied softly, struggling to sit up.

But Song Qian's body seemed to be filled with lead, so she couldn't get up.

It was not until she experienced several failures that she sat up tremblingly with the help of Xiao Honglian.

"You should take a good rest, your body is very weak." Xiao Honglian put the backrest behind Song Qian, and brought a cup of warm water, which seemed to take good care of her.

Song Qian took the boiled water and took a sip, but she felt very bitter. She curled the corners of her lips astringently, clearly just a glass of boiled water.

Xiao Honglian's eyes darkened and continued: "The doctor said that your body has been immersed in an extremely cold environment for too long. In addition, the body has been injured and has not healed before. This time it is an injury that has increased and needs special attention. , As long as you take a good rest, you can walk like a normal person within a week."

"Yeah." Song Qian replied in a low voice, and took another sip of water, still feeling bitter.

"How long have I been asleep?" Song Qian asked closely, staring into Xiao Honglian's eyes, "Did Mengmeng found it?"

Xiao Honglian sighed faintly, waved her hand to Song Qian, and said, "There is no news about Mengmeng. Some things have been organized recently. I'm busy with these things, and with respect to Mengmeng..."

After a pause, Xiao Honglian continued: "But don't worry. I will continue to help you find Mengmeng. Mengmeng is the joy of all of us, and I will definitely help you find her!"

"Thank you." Song Qian's face was solemn, "But... Elder Xiao, what happened to the killer organization?"

"Oh..." Xiao Honglian sighed, then stopped talking, "It's not a big deal."

Then, Xiao Honglian said: "You are weak now, you just need to take good care of yourself. I will take care of the cuteness and organization."

"Elder Xiao." Seeing Xiao Honglian's expression that he had something to say but was not easy to speak, Song Qian even increased his voice, "The organization is my business, and I don't want you to hide it from me."

Under Song Qian’s stance of staring at people, Xiao Honglian could only speak helplessly, saying: “Recently the organization took on a task, but the killer has failed several times. Now the organization is facing the dilemma of being held accountable. I didn't want you to worry, I didn't tell you."

Hearing this, Song Qian was shocked, "How come?"

After all, the Red Lotus Assassin Center is a well-known assassin center on the underworld, and the missions received are basically 100% successful, without fail at all.

"This task is too tricky." Xiao Honglian explained to Song Qian, "I was also greedy for a lot of money, and wanted to find clues about Mengmeng for you before picking it up."

Xiao Honglian sighed heavily again, "I don't want to... I lost so many subordinates."

Now Song Qianyi heard Qian Mengmeng’s name as excited as if he was hit with chicken blood, and quickly asked, "Is it related to Mengmeng?"

Without waiting for Xiao Honglian to speak, Song Qian's weak body suddenly leaned forward a little, and tightly grasped Xiao Honglian's sleeve, his eyes were full of excitement, and he immediately asked: "It's Mengmeng who has news ?"

"Yeah." Xiao Honglian nodded, hesitating again and again, he finally told the whole story.

"She has Mengmeng's latest video data, maybe you can find her." Xiao Honglian said half of the words, but she overthrew it immediately, "Forget it, she is too much change and too dangerous. Things about Mengmeng. , Let’s leave it to the brothers of the organization. Although the time is a bit slower, but luckily it won’t cause any harm to you.”

"She?" Song Qian frowned in confusion, "Which she? Who is she?"

Xiao Honglian shook her head, her expression seemed to say that she didn't want Song Qian to be involved in danger.

"Old Xiao, I'm not afraid of danger." Song Qian held Xiao Honglian's sleeve tightly and tightly. "I just want to help the organization solve the problem as soon as possible, and find out about Mengmeng as soon as possible. If Mengmeng is not dead, I must Save her!"

Song Qian's reaction was all in Xiao Honglian's expectation. Seeing that she couldn't wait to see that person, the corner of his mouth was slightly curved.

But when this smile faced Song Qian, it became helpless and worried for her.

"Old Xiao!" Song Qian became more anxious, and said loudly, "You tell me!"

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