At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter One Hundred and Forty: How about you do something for me?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Okay." Xiao Honglian seemed to be moved by Song Qian, "That person is Kawara Silver, a well-known figure in the underworld. She has companies all over the world, with assets of more than 100 billion yuan, and even more on the underworld." The title of'Black Spider' is a killer organization with thousands of people. He is cold and arrogant and bloodthirsty. He likes to be the enemy of Pei Yilin's Dark Night Empire. Maybe...she can help you."

"Oh! But I really don't recommend that you go to her. Because she is a person who is uncertain and does things harshly. Once something happens to you, my heart will be uneasy." Xiao Honglian paused and added. "We have other ways to deal with Mengmeng's affairs. I can also solve the organization's affairs alone, Song Qian, you should take a good rest."

Song Qian had heard of Jiayuan Yin and didn't know much about it, but he could guess something from what Jiayuan Yin handled.

For example, the organization of Kawara Bank once killed a hundred people at one time, and there is only one characteristic of the one hundred people, that is, the surname is "Pei".

"No, I'm going!" Song Qian's voice was stubborn. "Old Xiao, where is she? Do you have any news about her?"

"Song Qian..."

"I must go!" Song Qian firmly said, "This may be my only hope. What's more, if something happens to Mengmeng, I can rely on Jiayuan Yin to get revenge on Pei Yilin!"

Under Song Qian's insistence, Xiao Honglian had no choice but to promise her that she would take her to see Jiayuan Yin when she got better.

"You have a good rest." Before leaving, Xiao Honglian asked.

Song Qian nodded and watched Xiao Honglian leave, her fists clenched tightly.

No matter how dangerous the front is, as long as the news of Qian Mengmeng can be obtained, even if it is Longtan Tiger's Lair, Song Qian has to break through!

Xiao Honglian walked out of the room, closed the door gently, a deep arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and he walked out slowly.

The sun outside is very good, just like his mood at the moment: relaxed and happy.

He looked back at Song Qian's room, curled his lips, his expression was deep and complicated.

In order to see Kayuan Yin as soon as possible, Song Qian couldn't wait to see Kayuan Yin from the moment he could get out of bed.

However, Xiao Honglian had Xiao Honglian's insistence that adding Yuan Yin was not an easy woman. In case the original silver was unsatisfactory, what would happen to Song Qian, Song Qian had to have the physical strength to escape.

Song Qian recovered for another day, really anxious, Xiao Honglian had to agree to take her to see Jiayuan Yin.

Song Qian was standing on the side of the road wearing sunglasses. She was wearing a black leather jacket and her hair stood tall, looking shrewd and capable.

Seeing Xiao Honglian driving over, Song Qian immediately got in.

In the dark, several eyes had been looking for Song Qian eagerly. When they saw the familiar figure, they couldn't help but brighten.

As soon as he got into the car, Xiao Honglian handed Song Qian a piece of paper. It was written all the requirements for adding original silver, such as blindfolding before entering the villa. When seeing Jiayuan silver, he can’t raise his head, but can only lower his head. of.

"Kayuan Yin is a very mysterious person. If you want her to help you and accept you, you must do what she asks." Xiao Honglian said.

There were many notes on the note that were not conducive to Song Qian's request, but Song Qian nodded, showing no unwillingness on his face.

At this moment, in Song Qian's mind, her own life is no longer important. The most important thing is her daughter Qian Mengmeng.

As long as Jiayuan Yin can tell her about Mengmeng, even if it takes her life now, she is willing.

Xiao Honglian had been observing Song Qian secretly, and seeing that she did not show any suspicion, he drove Song Qian to where Jiayuan Yin was staying.

Song Qian put on his blindfold and walked a long way with Xiao Honglian before finally stopping.

Unlocking the blindfold, Song Qian lowered his head, not looking at Kayuan Yin.

Song Qian must be cautious and abide by all the rules of Jiayuan Yin before it is possible to get news about Qian Mengmeng.

Kawara Silver, wearing a unique fox mask, sat high on a chair, looked at Song Qian with extremely cold eyes, and asked, "Who are you?" The voice was cold and biting, but it was particularly nice.

"Song Qian."

"Who is Song Qian?" Kayuan Yin asked, "What are you coming to do with me?"

"I am an orphan without a father and no mother." Song Qian replied softly, "Pei Yilin threatened to take my daughter's life. I want to know if my daughter is really dead."

Kahara silver let out a sneer, "What if she dies?"

"Then I will kill Pei Yilin!" Song Qian's voice was also extremely cold, "Let him die in pain!"

"Hahaha—" Jia Yuanyin laughed out loud, "Pei Yilin's enemy? Interesting, really interesting!"

"Please also tell me the news about Mengmeng." Song Qian said with a request.

Jia Yuanyin suddenly became angry, "Xiao Honglian, did you bring such an unruly person to see me?"

"Song Qian!" Xiao Honglian was anxious, "Didn't I tell you? She didn't ask questions, you can't speak actively!"

"Sister Jia, it's our fault. We apologize for breaking your rules. I'm sorry." Xiao Honglian was full of fear, "but please see that we are also worried about a child. Forgive us this time! Find Mengmeng, and we will do other things!"

Kawara Silver is a person who is good at taking advantage of people's weaknesses. At this moment, seeing Song Qian as a famous assassin, is actually being swayed by a child, I can't help but sigh.

Kawara Silver snorted and asked, "Who is the father of the child?"

This was a problem Song Qian had anticipated long ago, and it was also the biggest obstacle and danger for her to find Jiayuan Yin.

Qian Mengmeng is Pei Yilin's daughter. With Yuan Yin's personality, if he knows that Pei Yilin has a daughter, he will definitely kill him after finding it.

"The child's father is dead." Song Qian replied coldly.

"Dead?" Kahara Yin raised his tone, "Song Qian, do you know that I don't allow any lies here?"

"I understand." Song Qian answered.

"I like the human killer the most." Kawara Silver's tone was full of deep meaning, "Song Qian, I will promise you the terms you make."

"But you..." Jia Yuan Yin pointed to Song Qian, "In return, I must do something for me."

Song Qian did not hesitate at all, and said quickly: "As long as my daughter can come back, I can do anything for you!"

"That said, you hate Pei Yilin, right?" Jia Yuanyin asked.

A complicated emotion surged in Song Qian's heart. During this time, Xiao Yilin hated him for everything Xiao Yilin did to her, and she wanted to kill him personally. If Qian Mengmeng is really dead, she swears , Will make him die with nothing but pain!

Looking at the unabashed murderous look in Song Qian’s eyes, Jia Yuanyin continued, “Go to Wenfeng and fetch Xiang’s family crest, and I will give you Qian Mengmeng’s address.”

"Xiang's family crest?" Song Qian widened her eyes, "In the written seal?"

Song Qian only heard that Xiang's family crest was missing, but never contacted the written seal.

"Really?" Song Qian suddenly raised his head.

Although it is not easy to get things from the written letter, she is willing to give it a try for her daughter.

"Okay!" Song Qian directly agreed, and raised his head, asking: "Where is Mengmeng? Where is she?"

Ka Yuan Yin looked directly at Song Qian's eyes eagerly and snorted coldly, "It seems that you don't want to see your daughter that much."

"Song Qian, did you forget what I told you?" Xiao Honglian frowned and reminded, "Didn't you tell you not to raise your head?"

Song Qian remembered at this time that he had committed the taboo of Jiayuan Yin, and at the same time saw Jiayuan Yin's fox mask, which looked gloomy and terrifying.

Song Qian's face turned pale, and she looked directly at Kawara Silver's only exposed eyes, and said, "Only I can do this."

"Really?" Kahara Gin's tone sighed.

"Yes." Song Qian replied very positively.

"If it's done, you can get your daughter's whereabouts." Kahara Silver said deeply, "It can't be done..."

"Waiting for my good news." Song Qian was affirmative and confident, "Can I know whether Mengmeng is dead or alive?"

"Song Qian." Jia Yuanyin's eyes narrowed slightly, "You have offended me many times and failed to find the family crest. Not only will you not find your daughter, but you will die without the whole body!"

Song Qian's fists tightened, and she stopped bargaining. Only when she stole the family crest from the written letter as soon as possible, could she get the news of Qian Mengmeng!

On the way back, Xiao Honglian told Song Qian a lot, but Song Qian only remembered her daughter Qian Mengmeng, as if she hadn't heard Xiao Honglian's words.

Song Qian is looking forward to it, expecting Qian Mengmeng to be okay, but how long will she be able to see her baby girl!

Xiao Honglian saw Song Qian's expression in his eyes, and sighed quietly, "Song Qian, I have something to tell you." In that voice, there were all worries about Song Qian.

Song Qian's eyes were dim. She was still thinking about the scene when she saw Jiayuan Yin just now. After hearing Xiao Honglian's words, she turned to look at him.

"Things are much more difficult than imagined. Without my help, you are not allowed to take risks there!" Xiao Honglian's tone was very determined.

Song Qian frowned, and then said: "This task is for me alone. I don't need my brothers to take risks for me anymore."

"No." Xiao Honglian is still very stubborn. "This is a collective action. You take the risk alone. Do you think this is easy?"

"Old Xiao! Believe me, I can do it!" Song Qian said with a straight look, and said solemnly, "If I can't do this, I will let you punish."

Immediately afterwards, Song Qian said, "But, I remember that there is a rule in the killer center, that is, unless the killer dies, the mission is only in progress, not a failure, right?"

"Song... Qian." Xiao Honglian was stumped by Song Qian, "The rules do not apply to the current situation."

Song Qian's lips ticked upwards, her expression a bit arrogant, she said confidently: "I can do it!"

Song Qian's eyes were full of confidence, and Xiao Honglian sighed again and again.

If it were on weekdays, he would definitely not worry about Song Qian, because he believed in her strength.

But now, this task is really tricky. If Song Qian has made a mistake now, how can things continue after that!

Seeing Xiao Honglian's silence, Song Qian continued to persuade: "If I can't handle even this little thing, how can I win your trust for so many years? How can I convince the brothers? Xiao Xiao, it is for me The prestige in the organization, leave this to me!"

"Song Qian..." Xiao Honglian sighed again, "What do you want me to do with you?"

Song Qian felt that Xiao Honglian sighed much more frequently today than they had spent more than ten years together.

"Song Qian, I still can't..." Xiao Honglian was interrupted by Song Qian in the middle of speaking.

"I must go!" Song Qian emphasized, "Go alone!"

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