At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 145: Missing, Out of His Control

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Anxious for Qian Mengmeng to see Song Qian, Cheng Xian didn't realize that a black car had already quietly approached him, and when he was making a fast turn, it slammed into his body.

The body was stunned. Even if Cheng Xian thought he had good driving skills, the car still shook badly.

"Mengmeng!" Cheng Xian cried out worriedly.

Qian Mengmeng replied in a low voice, "I'm fine."

Cheng Xian's brows were slightly twisted, while avoiding the attack of the black car, he looked worriedly at Qian Mengmeng behind him.

"Sheng Xian, I... be careful!" Qian Mengmeng's eyes widened before finishing her words.

Qian Mengmeng looked at the car approaching them in horror, his face getting paler.

"Don't worry." Cheng Xian also felt the danger of approaching, but his mouth was aggressive.

He smiled at Qian Mengmeng and turned to meet the sudden challenge.

Cheng Xian believed that he was very capable, and the speed of withdrawing gold needles was much faster than before.

But he hadn't flew out a needle at this moment, and the weird shadow had already approached him and pointed the gun in his hand to his temple.

"Stop over!" Sombra said coldly.

"Why do I listen to you?" Cheng Xian said angrily. He tried to get rid of the man's control while trying to protect Qian Mengmeng.

But even if Cheng Xian's body is dexterous, it is only a few years old.

Those who surround the constitution are much stronger than him in strength and endurance.

Finally, after Cheng Xian avoided the man's three attacks, he was still pointed at his temple with a gun.

"Take her away!" the man said coldly, winking at the next man.

He immediately opened the rear door and leaned towards Qian Mengmeng.

"You are not allowed to take her away!" Cheng Xian immediately yelled at Qian Mengmeng being picked up by a dark shadow.

But how could the shadow listen to him?

The man just glanced at Cheng Xian disdainfully, and quickly took Qian Mengmeng out of the car and put it in the black Land Rover that had been waiting for a long time.

"Mengmeng——" Cheng Xian shouted.

On the other hand, Qian Mengmeng seemed to have lost consciousness and did not respond to him at all. He did not even give him a small gesture that they agreed upon.

Is it possible that Mengmeng's body has been overdrawn?

Upon inquiring of this dangerous signal, Cheng Xian's face instantly turned pale.

"You are not allowed to take her away!" Cheng Xian's voice is very low, his expression is very cold, and his young age is very permeating.

He can't let others take Qian Mengmeng, especially Qian Mengmeng who is in poor physical condition. He promised to take care of her.

Hearing this, the man laughed and said wildly, "Who do you think you are? You can't control that much."

As soon as the man's voice was over, Cheng Xian flew a needle at him, fast, accurate, and ruthless!

Almost between the electric light and flint, the man only felt his arm numb, the gun in his hand had fallen, and Cheng Xianyi held it in his hand.

"Put her down!" Cheng Xian flew another needle to hold the man in the back seat, then hurriedly opened the car door, ran out, and fired two shots at the black Land Rover.

The two shots made by Cheng Xian were accurate, but the black Land Rover seemed to stop for a while and drove away quickly.

And Qian Mengmeng quickly disappeared from Cheng Xian's sight.

Seeing the Land Rover drive away, Cheng Xian returned to the car with great irritation. Only the colleague who was knocked out and a strange smell were left in the car.

And the man in black who had been anchored by Cheng Xian just now was gone.

Cheng Xian was stunned and murmured: "Mengmeng?"

Qian Mengmeng is gone!

What should he do?

When Cheng Xian was anxious for Qian Mengmeng, a fierce battle broke out on Qian Mengmeng's side.

I don't know if it is the infighting robbing the limelight or the two gangs feuding, Qian Mengmeng only feels dizzy and being pulled away, like a hot object.

Finally, it seemed that the later party defeated the other party. She was gently taken out of the car and put into another car.


"Are you awake?" a male voice sounded.

Qian Mengmeng felt that he was just sleeping for a while, and when he woke up, he suddenly changed places.

She raised her eyelids with difficulty, looked to the front with a frown, and whispered: "Constitution?"

Qian Mengmeng said in doubt, the figure in front was very vague, but it didn't feel bad to her.

However, he does not seem to be a constitution?

He is much taller than Cheng Xian, and his physique is much bigger!

"Who are you? Where is Cheng Xian?" Qian Mengmeng's body was immediately on alert.

Even though the bleeding from the nose makes Qian Mengmeng a little pale, it still won't damage her unique sly temperament.

The man made no sound, but drove the car quietly.

The speed is not fast, but Qian Mengmeng has no urge to open the door and jump off the car.

Because she is in very bad physical condition now, and she cannot escape safely at all, but will accelerate her fainting.

"Thank you for saving me. However, I want to see Cheng Xian, can you send me to Cheng's family? I will be rewarded as an uncle." Qian Mengmeng said obediently, acting like a harmless little girl.

If a man didn't see her sturdy ability just now, he would definitely be bewitched by her.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

"I won't hurt you, but I won't let you go." The man said lightly, still driving the car unhurriedly.

Qian Mengmeng's face turned pale, and he frowned and looked out the window, as if he wanted to jump off the car to make the man laugh.

"Don't try to escape, because the result is beyond your imagination." The man said in a cold voice, as if threatening, "Are you Song Qian's daughter? I heard that she is doing a very dangerous thing now, you say if I told her about your leukemia. What will happen to her?"

"No!" Qian Mengmeng replied subconsciously, then frowned at the man, "How do you know I have leukemia?"

"If I didn't know you had leukemia, you are dead now." The man said coldly, "Sit down and cooperate with the treatment. I will give you a chance to see your mommy, otherwise, you can only see her. Dead body."

"You won't." Qian Mengmeng said confidently, "I'm so cute, why are you willing to hurt my heart?"

"Haha..." The man smiled slightly and drove straight to a destination without speaking again.

Qian Mengmeng looked out the window with misty eyes, praying secretly in his heart, hoping that Cheng Xian would find her mom as soon as possible, and then bring her to find her together.


On Cheng Xian's side, Qian Mengmeng was not found. He immediately hacked into the traffic video of the police system and found the place where Qian Mengmeng lost and the suspicious vehicle.

"You immediately search for suspicious vehicles in the city, and you find this black Land Rover and come to me immediately." Cheng Xian wrote down the useful information, and while instructing his colleague Ahu with a long bag next to him, he wrote a letter to his father phone.

Cheng Xian called and prayed: "Mengmeng, don't have anything to do with you."

At that time, Cheng Wenfeng was molesting Liu Xuan, and when he received a call from Cheng Xuan, he signaled Liu Xuan to leave, and then took the call leisurely, looking like a gangster.

"Boy, I haven't called my dad for so long because I want to make room for my dad to find you a stepmother?" Cheng Wenfeng teased.

"Wen Wen Feng." Cheng Xian's voice was cold, "I don't have time to joke with you now."

"Boy, what are you talking about!" Written Feng was angry instantly, "I thought you were missing, I was still worried for a second!"

But then, Cheng Xian said a word, which made Cheng Wenfeng no longer angry.

Cheng Xian said: "Wen Wenfeng, my Aunt Song is now getting married. You have to find her when you dig the ground three feet. I'm looking for her in a hurry!"

Written with a laugh, he said: "How come? Son, are you stupid?"

"Believe it or not, anyway, you immediately find my Aunt Song! I'm right now..." Cheng Xian hung up the phone before he finished speaking.

There was an extra man in the room.

Cheng Xian looked at the man in front of him coldly. He snorted and said, "Mengmeng, in your hands."

The man nodded and smiled wildly, "So, are you going to follow me?"

Cheng Xian smiled slightly, noncommittal.

Cheng Wenfeng is waiting for Cheng Xian to continue talking, but Cheng Xian has hung up the phone, this is not his son's style!

"Son, where are you? Hey...hey-" Cheng Wenfeng immediately called back with the phone, but no one answered.

Written brows wrinkled slightly, thinking about the news that Cheng Xian had just disclosed.

Song Qian at his house?

Written Feng did not doubt the constitutional ability at all, and he didn't even need to worry about something wrong with this precious son.

Since Cheng Xian said that Song Qian is getting married, he must be there!

"Come here, find Song Qian for me!" With an order, the bodyguard of Chengfu took Song Qian's portrait and carried out a three-foot search.

But they searched a big circle, spent more than three hours, and only found two bodyguards who were stunned.

Song Qian, whom Cheng Wenfeng wanted to find, didn't even see a strand of hair.

In desperation, the bodyguard captain could only wake up the two bodyguards who had been stunned and brought them to the written letter.

Cheng Wenfeng glanced at the two bodyguards, and his eyes suddenly lit up, realizing that Song Qian had indeed come to get married.

And he happened to miss it so ignorantly, thinking it was just his male favorite.

Cheng Wenfeng sent a text message to Cheng Xian: My dear son, your Aunt Song has gone.However, she will come back!

The tone of the written letter is very calm and happy.

Beauty Song Qian, since you are here for the first time, you must be here for the second time.

And this second time, I will never let you leave so easily!

Perhaps it was because she felt that Song Qian was a cooked duck and couldn't fly, and Cheng Wenfeng looked at the two bewildered bodyguards leisurely.

The text raised his eyebrows and said, "Raise your head."

"Yes, Master Cheng." Upon hearing this, the two bodyguards raised their heads.

The bodyguard, who looked similar to Song Qian, even stood out, with a flat mouth, a little pitiful appearance.

The text frowned and asked: "Are you lazy, kid?"

"Master Cheng, people...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue

Cheng Wenfeng felt distressed when he heard it, and immediately ordered the other bodyguards to retreat, and ordered the bodyguard to take a few steps closer.

"Xiao Wu, don't cry. My heart hurts for the crying Master Cheng. Good friend, let Cheng Master take care of you." Cheng Wenfeng took the bodyguard named Xiao Wu and sat in position. .

"Master Cheng, you are good or bad..." Xiao Wu cried so much that it rained, but still did not forget his intention to please the letter.

He looked at the written seal softly, and put his hand into the quilt of the written seal.

That Xiaowu's technique was very good, he only touched the written seal teasingly, and the written seal became more powerful.

Written confession stared at Xiao Wu with fascination, but Song Qian was thinking in his heart.

It would be best if he could find Song Qian before his son came back and have fun.

With this in mind, Cheng Wenfeng thought, looking at that small five, naturally he couldn't restrain his desire, and soon the two became entangled together.

The two who were fighting like a raging fire didn't notice, a pair of shining eyes outside the window was flashing a cloud of haze.

Liu Xuan looked at the flames in the window with annoyance and walked for a while before he took out his cell phone and called Pei Yilin.

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