At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 146 Start to doubt her

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Lin, I know where Song Qian is, can you take me away?" Liu Xuan asked, trying to find a way out for herself.

"Huh?" Pei Yilin's voice was cold, and he did not give Liu Xuan the right to bargain.

Liu Xuan hesitated for a while and said: "She once came to get married. If you promise to take me away, I can help you find her."

"I see--" Pei Yilin replied in a low voice, and did not give Liu Xuan any promise.

"Hey, Lin..." Liu Xuan wanted to speak again, Pei Yilin had already hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone of "toot toot" over the phone, Liu Xuan's eyes dimmed, and a deep and contemptuous smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Song Qian, Song Qian!When I find you next time, I won’t be soft-hearted. I want you to live a life better than death!


Sitting in Xiao Honglian's office, Song Qian felt a cold back inexplicably. She looked up at Xiao Honglian, and saw that his expression was serious, no different from an hour ago.

Xiao Honglian stared at Song Qian suspiciously, and asked, "Song Qian, have you really...really found no clue?"

Xiao Honglian didn't believe it. He never doubted Song Qian's ability. He sent her to find Xiangjia's family crest. He thought it was the most appropriate way, but how could she not find any clues?

"No." Song Qian's voice was very stable and could not hear anything abnormal. "The written seal was too good, and I went in as a man who looked like me. I was worried that he would take advantage of me. I retreat, ready to sneak in next time."

Song Qian's words seemed to have no flaws. After all, it was not something she was willing to do to be taken advantage of.

Xiao Honglian scrutinized Song Qian in disbelief, her eyes were cold and dark.

Xiao Honglian doubted the authenticity of Song Qian's words. There are many things she can do for Qian Mengmeng, and she is so eager to see Qian Mengmeng, she has to deal with Cheng Wenfeng, she will not be in such a fast Downwind.

Could it be that Song Qian discovered his secret?

Xiao Honglian's brows tightened. Song Qian shouldn't have doubts about his friendship with Song Qian for so many years.

Thinking about it, Xiao Honglian sighed again, returning to her original amiable look.

Xiao Honglian went to pour Song Qian a cup of warm water, walked in front of Song Qian, handed the cup to her, and pretended to understand: "It is already very good that you can enter Chengfu. The next job is very dangerous. How many people can get in there to help you?" There was temptation in his voice.

Seeing Xiao Honglian's smiling face, Song Qian also smiled slightly, but did not speak.

Xiao Honglian's abacus is very good. He wants to arrange the people under him by Song Qian, one is to ensure that Xiang's family crest can be found as soon as possible, and the other is to monitor Song Qian to see if she has betrayed herself.

If it were the original Song Qian, she would definitely think that Xiao Honglian was worried about herself, so she would think about it a little bit.

But now, thinking about Qian Mengmeng's safety, Song Qian frowned slightly and paused for a long time, seeming to be thinking.

Song Qian took a sip of water and didn't know why, but still felt bitter. During this time, everything she ate felt bitter, and her brows tightened again.

Putting down the cup, Song Qian raised her head to look at Xiao Honglian. Her eyes were steady and deep, with a depth that Xiao Honglian could not understand.

Xiao Honglian was nervous inexplicably, but on the surface, she still looked at Song Qian kindly.

Song Qian stared closely at Xiao Honglian's eyes. After a long, long time, she said softly: "Old Xiao, I don't have any opinion on how many people enter a family. It's just that for organizational considerations, you better believe me."

After a pause, Song Qian said again: "Because it is already difficult for me to disturb anyone entering the family. Can those people under my hand make sure that I don't get mad?"

Xiao Honglian didn't let go of any expression on Song Qian's face, but she still had that indifferent and refined temperament, as if she didn't care about anything, yet she had a kind of self-confidence in strategizing.

This kind of sophistication shouldn't have belonged to her age.

But Xiao Honglian had already seen that Song Qian was unwilling to let him send someone to follow, whether it was to avoid his surveillance or to personally obtain the Xiang family crest in the hands of the written seal.

Such Song Qian is familiar to Xiao Honglian, but also strange to Xiao Honglian.

Xiao Honglian smiled kindly, then sighed, and said, "I know that Mengmeng is your heart. I want to help you find her right away, so that's why I want to involve the people below. However, your analysis is correct, they It is indeed very possible to stun the snake."

"Oh, that's right." Xiao Honglian thought of something, and turned around and brought a file bag over, "This is what Jiayuan Yin wants to give to you. I can't find you, so she left it with me."

Song Qian took the bag of documents and looked at it. It was the same as usual, but it was obviously something that affected her.

"Okay, let's take a look first, I'm going out." Xiao Honglian was about to leave, but his gaze flicked over Song Qian's face invisibly.

Seeing that Song Qian still didn't show anything, he went out unwillingly.

Song Qian held the file until Xiao Honglian's breath was completely far away, she opened the file bag, frowned and took out the memory card inside, turned and inserted it into the tablet she was carrying with her.

As soon as the memory card was inserted, Song Qian turned on the computer and clicked on the only video stored in the memory card.

Just one glance, Song Qian couldn't help standing up.

"Mengmeng!" Song Qian murmured a small voice, staring at the screen without blinking.

On the small screen, Qian Mengmeng closed her eyes slightly, her face was terribly pale, and someone was bending over to hug her.

Song Qian couldn't see the person's expression clearly, only felt that the person's breath was terribly familiar.

It was the same as her, a killer who licked blood at the edge of the knife.

Why do they want to contact Mengmeng? Is Mengmeng still alive? Where is she?

Song Qian's face turned pale because of the video.

She couldn't see the shooting date of the video, nor could she see the surrounding environment, she could only feel Qian Mengmeng's increasingly weaker breath.

Is something wrong with Mengmeng?This video was... when was it shot?

A series of questions wandered in Song Qian's mind, almost pushing her nerves on the verge of collapse to the edge.

"Mengmeng!" A short video completely disrupted Song Qian's heart. She watched it over and over again, trying to find out what clues could be used.

But no, there are no clues!

Song Qian could only turn off the computer and couldn't bear to look any more, tears welled up in his eyes.

Mengmeng, Mengmeng, where are you?How are you?Mommy... miss you so much!

Suddenly, Song Qian wiped away her tears, she got up and chased out to find Xiao Honglian.

"Old Xiao, I will go to the married family again tomorrow, and strive to get the family crest of the Xiang family within three days." Song Qian said.

Xiao Honglian looked at Song Qian in surprise, and asked, "So soon? You just came out of the written letter, and you must have been stunned by now. If you mix in again, the risk factor will change greatly."

"It's okay." Song Qian clenched his fists, "I'm leaving now."

Xiao Honglian squinted his eyes, his eyes darkened as he watched Song Qian's back further and further away.

As soon as Song Qian left, Xiao Honglian immediately called Jia Yuanyin and reported: "Song Qian has left."

"Yeah." Kawara Silver responded indifferently, and then said impatiently, "If she has any trends, report to me immediately!"

"Yes!" Xiao Honglian answered, appearing very loyal.

Kahara silver snorted coldly, hung up the phone, and a gloomy smile slowly crawled up the corner of his mouth.


Song Qian drove away from the Red Lotus Killer Center and hurried to the place where Kawara Silver was.

On the road, she drove very fast, and the oncoming wind rang in the night, but it made her heart more and more calm.

The exact time of the video of Qian Mengmeng that I saw just now is very important. She must ask Jiayuan Yin to see if she can find any clues.

Song Qian was both excited and scared. She was so excited that Qian Mengmeng was still alive, but she was also afraid that Qian Mengmeng was no longer in this world and left her completely.

However, even if something happened to Qian Mengmeng, Song Qian vowed to find Qian Mengmeng's body!

In Song Qian's heart, there was an urgent desire. She longed for Qian Mengmeng to live well.

Soon, Song Qian stopped outside Kayuan Yin's door, and the cold voices of the two bodyguards reached Song Qian's ears again.

Song Qian nodded slightly, letting the two blindfold her and brought her to Kawara Silver.

Kawara Silver still wears the fox mask, she sits on the high platform and looks at Song Qian, who looks respectful.

"What's the matter with you?" Kahara Silver's voice was very cold, revealing a sense of nobility.

Song Qian asked, "I received a video about my daughter today. I want to know, is she alive or dead?"

"Oh?" Jiayuan Yin raised her eyebrows slightly. Although she was wearing a mask, her voice seemed to make the fox alive.

"So?" Kawara Yin said lightly, without answering Song Qian's question, "Did you get the family crest today?"

"No." Song Qian whispered, "Writing Feng hides the family crest very well, I haven't found any clues yet."

"Really?" Kawara Silver didn't seem to believe it. His slender eyebrows glanced at Song Qian, and said lightly, "'s really difficult!"

"However, the difficulty is not difficult, and it varies from person to person." Kahara Silver's voice was cold, like an evil spirit climbing up from the eighteenth floor of Hell, "For example, it is very difficult for you to find money Mengmeng. But for me In other words, it's just taking a tattered piece from a dead person."

Kahara Gin said as he walked off the platform, and stared at Song Qian.

"Song Qian, you say, yes or no?" Jiayuan Yin seemed to be threatening.

Song Qian's expression also changed slightly. After a long time of thought, she said lightly: "I just want to know about Mengmeng."

After a pause, Song Qian seemed to be pondering, "Moreover, I will continue to stay next to the written letter and bring the family crest to you as soon as possible."

"Yeah. It's pretty much the same." Kawara Silver's voice seemed to warm up, and his tone of voice softened a bit.

"Please tell me, where did you find this memory card? What was the shooting time?" Song Qian asked while looking up.

"Huh! Something unruly!" Jia Yuanyin's good attitude suddenly disappeared because of Song Qian's sudden head up, and his eyes were full of discomfort when looking at Song Qian.

Ka Yuan Yin's eyes were like the letter of a poisonous snake, Song Qian only glanced at it, and immediately lowered his head.

Song Qian's fists were clenched, her face changed a little, the memory card in her hand was tightly grasped by her, until her thoughts gradually calmed down, she faintly apologized.

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