At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 147 The Most Familiar Stranger

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!After Song Qian's apology, Jia Yuan Yin's attitude seemed to be better.

"This thing is just left by a bitch surnamed Pei." Jiayuan Yin said coldly.

"A bitch surnamed Pei?" Song Qian's eyes widened sharply, her fists clenched tightly, "Who?"

For the person named Pei, Song Qian only knew Pei Yilin and Pei Peipei. Her back was cold, thinking of Pei Peipei's death, and her heart felt even more uncomfortable.

Jia Yuanyin saw the subtle changes in Song Qian’s face. She faintly curled her lips and snorted: “Don’t guess, it’s just a bitch under Pei Yilin who once helped Pei Yilin transport the dying Qian Mengmeng to Alligator pool."

Song Qian couldn't help but say: "But... Mengmeng is not in the crocodile pool."

Song Qian still has a deep memory of the trip to the crocodile pool. The bloody smell of the crocodile pool is indeed human blood.

However, didn't Kang Lu tell her that Qian Mengmeng is not there?

Moreover, Song Qian had personally been to the crocodile pool and had close contact with the crocodile.She can be sure that Qian Mengmeng was not sent there.

"She is indeed not in the crocodile pool, but in a place more dangerous than the crocodile pool." As if sensing Song Qian's question, Kawara Yin said coolly.

Song Qian's body trembled abruptly when he heard the words. He lowered his hair and asked, "That's what the person named Pei said?"

"Huh huh." Kahara Silver snorted lightly without denying it.

Song Qian's face became more thorough, she stood up straight and reiterated her request: "Please, tell me the time of the video and who took the video."

Kawara Silver snorted coldly, "Song Qian, it seems that you don't want to know your daughter's affairs as you are."

Then, he added: "In that case, you don't have to watch the video again."

Song Qian realized that she was raising her head again, she clenched her fists in resentment, always because she was worried that she would not remember this rule.

"Come on, take the video away!" Jia Yuanyin gave an order, and someone immediately walked to Song Qian, trying to remove the memory card in her hand.

The memory card is Song Qian's only thoughts of Qian Mengmeng. How could she let that person take it away?

"Miss Kawara!" Song Qian tightly guarded the video in her arms, took a deep breath, and changed her name, "Miss Kawara, I just want to know about my daughter as soon as possible."

"Then don't challenge my patience anymore! Qian Mengmeng's things, when you should let you know, I will naturally let you know." Kahara silver snorted coldly, walked to Song Qian and stood still, looking directly at Song Qian .

Jia Yuan Yin's eyes were cold, and his voice was overwhelmingly domineering, "Song Qian, you are a smart man, you know what I want."

"Yes." Song Qian answered, still tightly guarding the memory card in his heart.

She protected the ground so tightly, as if that was the only hope to see her daughter.

Kawara Yin watched Song Qian's performance coldly, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly.

"Song Qian, as long as you get the family crest back as soon as possible, I will give you news of Qian Mengmeng as soon as possible. Maybe, I can still let you see Qian Mengmeng." Jiayuan Yin promised.

"Miss Kawara?" Song Qian felt a little trembling in his heart, but she was still very calm when facing Kawara Silver, "I will get the family crest within a week."

"Yeah." Kawara Yin responded indifferently, and seemed to give Song Qian a recorder tiredly, "Listen to this, you will get the answer you want. Go on."

Song Qian took the recorder and clicked the play button, only to hear a familiar voice whispering.

Although the voice is a bit long in memory, Song Qian can still be sure that he is a member of Pei Yilin's bodyguard team.

"Mr Pei really wants to send this little girl over there? It's terrifying there." There was a deep fear in the man's voice.

Song Qian's hand holding the recorder trembled slightly, becoming tighter and tighter, as if he was about to crush the recorder.

"There..." Song Qian whispered softly, "Where is it?"

"A very dangerous place, a place where Qian Meng is not as good as death." Kawara Silver replied seemingly kindly.

But her voice did not fluctuate: "I have learned Pei Yilin's viciousness. Since Qian Mengmeng has not been sent to the crocodile pool, he will definitely receive more severe punishment. I heard that Pei Yilin was researching new drugs a few days ago. , I like to test medicine with traitors the most. I'm afraid, Qian Mengmeng has become his test product, right?"

Song Qian's heart screamed, Pei Yilin used to like Qian Mengmeng so much, he would not treat her like that!

Song Qian didn't believe it, more, he couldn't accept it.

"Song Qian, you understand better than me." Jia Yuanyin faintly looked at Song Qian's disbelief, and snorted coldly, "No one will show mercy to those who have betrayed him!"

Song Qian understood the implications of adding Yuan Yin.

Pei Yilin, Pei Yilin, would you really take Mengmeng to test the medicine?How could this be?

Even though there are a lot of thoughts in her heart, Song Qian still maintains a consistent calm. She doesn't trust Jiayuan Yin that much, and she also doesn't trust Pei Yilin. Both of them took out Qian Mengmeng's video, which is true and which is. Fake, she must investigate it as soon as possible.

It wasn't until the entire recording was over that Song Qian clenched his fists invisibly and said to Kawara Silver: "Miss Kawara, thank you for your recording. However, I still want to know when the video was taken and who made it. of."

"You are really stubborn." Kahara Yin snorted coldly, and a sly look appeared in her eyes, she said calmly, "This time, if you count the time when the bitch surnamed Pei was executed, it should be a month ago. The person who took the video is naturally the person next to him."

Song Qian's body trembled slightly when he heard the words.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Kayuan Yin's mouth, watching Song Qian's slightly changed face with enjoyment.

Like tangled, angry, surprised...

It's really exciting!

Kawara Silver admired Song Qian’s various expressions leisurely, but he was secretly annoyed by the uselessness of his subordinates. If they hadn’t lost Qian Mengmeng, she would have made Song Qian even more worried now. !

Jia Yuan Yin stared at Song Qian with a deep gaze, until Song Qian's pain was full, she got up.

"Have you finished reading?" Kahara silver walked slowly to her, softened her voice, and said: "It is irrational for a killer to be disturbed by emotion. But you, I can trust you. Song Qian, home When the emblem arrives, I will show you Qian Mengmeng."

Song Qian made a faint "Um" sound, but her fist was tight and tight.

She didn't believe in Jiayuan Yin's promise, but for Qian Mengmeng, she had to talk to Jiayuan Yin Xu and Wei Snake.

"If there is nothing wrong, I will go down first." Song Qian pretended to obey, and secretly vowed to find Qian Mengmeng as soon as possible and get rid of Jiayuan Yin's control as soon as possible.

"Go on." Jia Yuan Yin's tone was light, and he waved back Song Qian.

"Yes." Song Qian nodded, got up and walked out quickly.

Her pace is extremely fast and steady, even Kahara Silver, who claims to be able to see through people's hearts, can't see what she is thinking at the moment.

It seems that Song Qian is not as easy to deal with as he thought?

Jia Yuan Yin's eyes gradually darkened, and then she thought of something, and the corners of her mouth evoked a vicious arc.


Song Qian walked out of the main hall, and someone immediately put a blindfold on her and sent her out the door.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Song Qian's cell phone rang before the person took off Song Qian's blindfold.

Song Qian took off his blindfold, caught a glimpse of the caller ID, and asked coldly, "Old Xiao, what's the matter?"

"Song Qian, where are you?" Xiao Honglian's tone was very anxious.

"I just saw Jiayuan Yin." Song Qian said faintly. Anyway, if she guessed right, Xiao Honglian knew where she was going, and she didn't need to lie.

"Are you going to start a family and steal the family crest now?" Xiao Honglian asked, before Song Qian could answer, she continued: "I tell you, things have changed, you don't need to go over."

Song Qian frowned, "has changed? What happened?"

"It is inconvenient to say on the phone. Come to the killer center soon." Xiao Honglian urged.

Song Qian didn't ask much, hung up the phone, and immediately drove back to the Red Lotus Killer Center.

Xiao Honglian had been waiting at the entrance of the center for a long time. When Song Qian got off the car, he immediately greeted him.

His expression was a little worried, and he still had some documents in his hand.

Seeing Song Qian coming, Xiao Honglian handed the materials to Song Qian while saying: "Cheng Wenfeng will take the plane tomorrow morning to Tokyo, Japan. This is the hotel he will stay at and the next itinerary. Take a look. "

Song Qian frowned slightly and asked, "By plane? To the airport?"

According to Wen Feng's consistent style, shouldn't he fly directly to Japan?

Seeing Song Qian’s doubts, Xiao Honglian immediately explained: “Cheng Wen Feng was originally planning to go to Japan by helicopter. However, there are too few places on the helicopter to hold the wheelchairs and staff that the Wen Feng needs. Bodyguard. So, he has chartered a plane and will fly to Japan tomorrow morning."

Song Qian took the material and looked at it carefully while speculating in his heart the intention of the letter. Why would he go to Japan with many bodyguards?

After reading the materials, seeing that there was a ticket and a check mixed in, Song Qian immediately looked at Xiao Honglian.

"This is?" Song Qian understood a little bit in his heart.

"I know you will definitely go to Japan after the written letter, so I prepared this for you in advance." Xiao Honglian said, "This task is not for you alone, it is organized. All expenses in the task will be reimbursed by the organization. . Besides, you didn’t spend less money during your search for Mengmeng, and you may spend more money in the future. So, don’t shirk me."

Song Qian's face changed slightly and said, "Thank you."

Her economy was not very generous. After becoming Pei Yilin's bodyguard, she didn't get any salary.

Although she was able to pay for the hotel and air tickets, she was a little grateful for Xiao Honglian to think of it for her.

Moreover, Song Qian does need to spend more money on finding Qian Mengmeng.

She didn't shirk, and collected all the tickets and checks.

"What are you polite?" Xiao Honglian seemed a little uncomfortable, and then asked Song Qian again, "You have to tell me the news of the family crest."

"Okay." Song Qian agreed, said something to Xiao Honglian, turned around and left quickly.

When he got home, Song Qian took a nap, and the sky was bright.

She got up to freshen up, took the prepared clothes and necessary supplies, and rushed to the airport.

When Song Qian rushed to the airport, a helicopter was flying into the air somewhere in Z City.

The direction it was flying seemed to be on the same route as Song Qian.

At this time, Song Qian's cell phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number. She picked it up and asked, "Hey, who are you looking for?"

"Qian Qian..." The voice on the other side of the phone was very vague. Song Qian didn't hear it very clearly, but felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

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