At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 148 Misunderstanding, who do you love is my shit?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Song Qian's voice over there was not sure, her phone was knocked off, and then a nice male voice rang: "Excuse me."

Song Qian frowned and looked at the people coming, only to see him lowered his head, his expression hurried, as if he was anxious to do something.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." The man hurriedly helped Song Qian pick up the phone and sincerely apologized, but a successful smile flashed across his eyes.

"It's okay." Song Qian answered faintly, and took the mobile phone he handed over.

"I'm sorry, I'm rushing to catch the plane, I'm really sorry." The man smiled and hurried over Song Qian and ran forward.

Song Qian suddenly realized that the current time was less than twenty minutes before her plane took off.

She has no time to delay!

Song Qian hurriedly put the phone in his pocket and walked quickly to the ticket gate.

After checking the ticket, she immediately rushed to the boarding gate. The plane had already arrived and she quickly boarded with her things.

During the whole process, Song Qian walked in a hurry, and naturally did not notice that her mobile phone had been tampered with.

When Song Qian discovered that the mobile phone had lost her hands and feet, she had already got off the plane and came to the destination-the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Tokyo, Japan.

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel is located in Midtown, Tokyo. It has luxurious decoration and extravagant treatment. It has always been a favorite place for wealthy businessmen from all over the world.

When he got out of the car, Song Qian saw the long dragon-like vehicles of various colors, all of the best brands in the world.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and she glanced at the models of each car very quickly, and the corners of her mouth evoked a relaxed arc.

Among the vehicles parked in the parking lot, the desert eagle sports car, which is unique to Wenfeng, gleams dazzlingly in the sun, showing the true qualities of a local tyrant.

Song Qian confirmed that Cheng Wenfeng had arrived, and immediately entered the hotel and obtained the room card for her room.

After completing these trivial matters, Song Qian was not in a hurry to go upstairs, but instead patrolled around and observed the terrain before slowly going upstairs.

Entering the room, Song Qian took out a set of investigation equipment Xiao Honglian had prepared for her.

This set of reconnaissance equipment uses the latest high technology in the world. Just enter the iconic buildings in your memory, and it will automatically generate the surrounding scenery and bring all public areas into its monitoring range.

Song Qian was already familiar with computers, and he was naturally handy to operate. He inputted the things just noted into the detection equipment, and the detection equipment immediately started operating, taking in all the public areas of the hotel.

Once everything is done, Song Qian can already sit on the sofa and watch all the monitoring of the hotel entrance, hotel lobby, and hotel corridors.

Written letter, I am not afraid to find you!

The corners of Song Qian's mouth curled up with a faint arc, and she glanced at the note with the written room number in her hand, and she raised her brow slightly.

Although Xiao Honglian had asked people to investigate the room number that was written in this hotel, Song Qian, who was naturally cautious, was more willing to trust her years of experience and judgment.

She is familiar with the principles of Cunning Rabbit Sanku, and knows that a businessman like Cheng Wenfeng will not expose himself to danger, and he will definitely choose multiple rooms to confuse enemies who want to deal with him.

Regardless of the room in which it is written, if he wants to go out, he must take the public corridor.

The smile on the corner of Song Qian's mouth is even more proud. She only needs to check the video in the public corridor to determine the location of the written seal and get the family crest on the written seal as soon as possible.

Thinking about it, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Song Qian's mouth, took out the clothes and put them away, and immediately returned to the sofa.

She stared at the screen with piercing eyes, but took out her mobile phone without time.

She turned on the phone, ready to call the missed call at the airport.

However, when she just touched the phone, the overheated appearance of the phone surprised her subconsciously: it was a signal that the phone was about to explode.

Song Qian was taken aback for a moment, and quickly took out the phone card, then took out the master key that he carried at any time, and removed the miniature bomb installed in the phone.

After the bomb device was disarmed, Song Qian went to investigate the bomber again, trying to see who killed her, but after investigating for a long time, no clue was found.

After tossing down, it was already dusk.

The faint sunlight gradually lost the scorching heat of the day and brought a touch of coldness.

Song Qian stood in front of the window, looking out the window coldly, but didn't mind the scenery outside.

Who on earth wants to harm her?

The mobile phone was only taken out with the passer-by at the airport, and it must have been dropped at that time.

Thinking of the thrilling scene where the bomb is very likely to explode, Song Qian's fists tightened unconsciously.

Now the enemy is in the dark, she is bright, but looking at today's situation, she has already expected: this is just the beginning.

Song Qian guessed that it seemed that someone wanted to stop her, didn't want her to find a written letter, and didn't want her to get the family crest of Xiangjia.

However, for Qian Mengmeng, even if there is an abyss in front of her, she will still jump down without hesitation.

Thinking about this, Song Qian picked up the hotel's landline and called Xiao Honglian, but before calling, she took special treatment so that outsiders could not monitor her call.

"Old Xiao, my phone is broken, I want to buy a new phone." Song Qian said.

After listening to Song Qian's words, the corners of Xiao Honglian's mouth slightly curled up, but when talking to Song Qian, they returned to normal.

"I will send someone to protect you. And your phone..."

"The number remains the same." Song Qian interrupted Xiao Honglian and added, "I will use the landline to contact you during this time in Japan. Until I buy a new mobile phone."

"Yeah, good." Xiao Honglian nodded, thinking of something, and continued, "The family crest issue, deal with it as soon as possible."

"I know, I will get the family crest as soon as possible." Song Qian just answered a few words and heard the doorbell ring.

Who will come to her at this time?

Song Qian frowned slightly, and then hung up the phone after talking to Xiao Honglian.

Song Qian walked towards the door slowly, but halfway through, she turned back again.

She hurried back to the bathroom, put on a wig, false eyelashes and cosmetic contact lenses in front of the mirror, and examined it carefully.

Song Qian didn't want anyone to discover her true identity. Seeing that she had turned into a blond beauty in the mirror, she walked slowly to the door.

"Hello, miss. I like your room very much, can you change it with me?" Outside the door, Song Qian's familiar voice came, her body trembled slightly, and she immediately recognized the person.

Song Qian narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at the cat's eyes, only a small place, but Qin Xirong's pretty face with light makeup but still unable to cover her eyes was revealed.

"I paid the rent." Song Qian said coldly, deliberately using a London accent so that Qin Xirong could not tell her identity.

"I know. But, I don't think the lady should mind playing here for a few more days. I can ask the manager to open an extra room for you for one week for free. Would you like to change it with me?" Qin Xirong is dissatisfied, but Still deliberately softened his voice, his face was also very pleasant in disguise.

However, Song Qian knew her personality well and remembered everything she had done to Peipei.

Squinting his eyes, Song Qian continued to speak coldly: "My time is very tight. These few days are enough for me."

"Miss, don't you think about it anymore? I have more favorable terms." Qin Xirong almost burst her lungs when she heard the cold rejection inside.

Qin Xirong wanted to shake her hand and leave quickly, but thinking about what she had agreed with Samuel, she could only let herself be patient, patient, and patient.

"Needless to say. I'm very busy." Song Qian refused coldly, but his eyes were burning.

As soon as Song Qian saw Qin Xirong, she thought of poor Peipei, she wanted to shoot Qin Xirong in the head.

Thinking about this, Song Qian had already held a pistol in his hand, and the black hole pointed the pistol at the cat's eye.

But Song Qian thought of her mission this time and Qian Mengmeng, but she endured it.

"Miss, I want to rest. Don't disturb me anymore." Song Qian's voice was full of anger.

This almost revealed Song Qian's identity. If Qin Xirong could hear it out, she would definitely leave immediately.

However, the arrogant Qin Xirong never thought that this cold-sounding person was Song Qian, but regarded her as a poor student who came here for extravagance.

Qin Xirong continued to promise: "I can give you dollars. I can give you as many dollars as you want."

"Miss, I'm really sleepy. If you disturb me again, I don't mind..."

"Xirong, why did you come out?" Song Qian was interrupted by a familiar male voice outside before finishing her words.

The familiar voice of that person and his unabashed concern for Qin Xirong made Song Qian muffled.

Song Qian clenched his fists tightly and wanted to turn around and leave.

But the sound coming from outside the door made her choose to hide behind the door and pressed against it.

"I think the room is a bit stuffy, I can't breathe. I just came out and walked. Who knows that I came out, and I was so confused, and treated this as our room." Qin Xirong didn't seem to expect Pei Yilin to come to her, Wei Wei With a smile, she tried to make herself soft and charming, "Now that I see you, I know this is not our room. However, this room number is really similar to our room number! Lin, don't you think?"

"Well, it's very similar indeed." Pei Yilin seemed to believe Qin Xirong's words, but his eyes were never separated from Song Qian's room number.

This number is indeed very similar to her room number. If Qin Xirong hadn't lied, then she must have gone wrong.

However, Qin Xirong's memory has always been very good, and she was able to prove this when she was a secretary next to Joyce, the world's richest man on official business.

How could she go to the wrong room?

Pei Yilin narrowed his eyes, put away his suspicion, and said: "I will help you go back. Your belly is big, don't walk around."

"Lin, you are so kind." Qin Xirong smiled softly and leaned in Pei Yilin's arms.

Pei Yilin frowned slightly. He wanted to push Qin Xirong away, who was not accustomed to women other than Song Qian being close, but when his eyes touched her belly, he smiled slightly and gently embraced her waist.

He also needs the child in her belly to save Qian Mengmeng, and he can't let her make any mistakes.

Pei Yilin took Qin Xirong's body and walked for a while, but then looked back at the house number.

The sound Pei Yilin heard just now made him a little excited. He almost wanted to push the door open to determine if it was the person he had thought about for a long time.

But in the end, Pei Yilin held back. He took down the house number and left with Qin Xirong.

Now he is convinced that as long as he wants to, he can open the door at any time to determine if the person inside is Song Qian.

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