At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 151 I forbid you to approach him again!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Pei Yilin has always been calm, even though he has doubts in his heart, he still smiled faintly, "No. I just knew that this thing couldn't be seen by the boss, so I hurriedly hid it. Who knows, you found it by the boss! "

"Yes." Wen Feng smiled, staring at Pei Yilin without any relaxation.

The cunning nature of the written document clearly shows that Pei Yilin's belly is far more black than he showed.

Would he really stop himself like that because of a piece of torn clothes?

Written to disbelieve!

"Yeah. This thing is not worth money." As if perceiving Wenfeng's suspicion, Pei Yilin walked to the closet slowly, and slowly took the clothes that Wenfeng was holding.

The faint fragrance on the clothes is still so familiar, which shows that Song Qian has not been away for long.

"It's just that, because it belongs to someone, I miss it a bit." Pei Yilin smiled slightly, facing the gaze of a written fox, he slowly changed the subject, "Okay, tell the boss what to do. . Become a boss, I have prepared good things for you in my closet. I wonder if becoming a boss can reward you?"

"What kind of rewards, brother Pei is polite." Written stern smiled, and hurriedly said: "I'll go now, go immediately."

"Then become the boss, please." Pei Yilin stood beside Cheng Wenfeng, very polite.

"Yeah." Cheng Wenfeng just smiled slightly, and left with Liu Xuan and others.

Qin Xirong was not there when Pei Yilin brought Wenfeng to her room.

Looking at the empty environment around, Pei Yilin frowned slightly invisibly, but when faced with the written title, he was very handsome.

"Cheng Zong, the front is your gift." Walking to a certain place, Pei Yilin stopped, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, don't read the written letter with deep meaning.

Cheng Wenfeng immediately understood, and ordered the bodyguard and Liu Xuan to wait, and he walked over with Xiaowu.

Liu Xuan looked at Wen Feng's back and bit her silver teeth.

The damn written title, choosing Xiao Wu at this time instead of choosing herself, isn't this embarrassing her Liu Xuan?

Pei Yilin had been observing the surroundings, and seeing Liu Xuan's expression changed slightly, he snorted softly and nodded to Wu Qing next to him.

Wu Qing immediately understood what he meant, stepped forward and said, "Mrs. Cheng, my wife is waiting for you downstairs. She has prepared gifts for you and is about to go to Tokyo's most luxurious indoor shopping street with you. Shopping!"

"Really? Then take me away." Liu Xuan glanced unwillingly at the written seal and left.

As soon as Liu Xuan left, Cheng Wenfeng discovered the surprise Pei Yilin was going to give him.

"Brother Pei, you are so interesting!" He laughed loudly, and while pulling out the blond beauty in the closet, he let Xiao Wu help him to walk to his room.

Pei Yilin smiled slightly and motioned to the bodyguard next to him. Someone immediately prepared a luxurious seat.

"Being the boss, the beauty is in my arms. Of course you have to enjoy it. This can't be a waste of time on the road. I have already booked the room next door. If the boss doesn't dislike it, then..." Pei Yilin said very skillfully .

"Don't hate it, don't hate it." Wing Wenfeng's eyes are all on the blond stunner at this time, where does he mind Pei Yilin's plot against him?

Cheng Wenfeng smiled brightly, and immediately moved to the luxurious presidential room next door under Pei Yilin's arrangement, but he was not a silly straw bag when he saw a beautiful woman. While enjoying Pei Yilin's gift, he sent someone to stare at Pei Yilin.

However, Pei Yilin returned to his bedroom after Wenfeng left. When the door was closed, he secretly glanced at the bodyguards who followed him, and the corners of his lips made a mocking smile.

After a long time, Pei Yilin changed his clothes, avoided the visit of Wenfeng's bodyguard, and returned to the room that Wenfeng had booked.

In the private room, Song Qian tightened his tight leather jacket and walked out quickly from behind the bedroom curtain.

Her eyes were dim, and she suddenly thought of the thrilling scene just now.

If she hadn't bet that Xiao Wu wouldn't let Cheng Wenfeng see herself, she wouldn't take the risk, and quickly got into the bedroom next to Xiao Wu to hide her identity.

And her dress...

Song Qian thought of Pei Yilin's instructions just now, her eyes dimmed.

If it wasn't for Pei Yilin to tell her to hide in the closet not to come out, how could she have fallen to the point where she was almost caught in an urn?

And how could she throw her favorite dress in that closet to divert the attention of the letter?

Song Qian was very upset, but this would not delay her further exploration of the written room.

Song Qian was tightly clinging to her leather clothes and trousers. From the living room to the bedroom, from the bathroom to the kitchen, she rummaged almost every inch of the written envelope, and she did not find any clues related to Xiang's family crest.

Is the family crest really not here?

Song Qian frowned, thought for a moment, and finally decided to abandon this place.

Song Qian just turned around and was about to leave, when Pei Yilin pushed in and caught him.

"Why are you still here?" Pei Yilin frowned, her voice coldly.

He was worried about Song Qian.

Pei Yilin didn't want to meet the dangerous scene just now in his life.

However, his too cold tone caused Song Qian to frown uncomfortably, and his voice became cold.

"Why can't I be here?" Song Qian asked, "I'm still waiting to settle accounts with you!"

"I'm waiting too." Pei Yilin was annoyed, and quickly stepped forward, trying to catch Song Qian.

Song Qian removed her work clothes and wore only a thin leather jacket and pants inside, which outlined her excellent figure.

"Huh! What qualifications do you have?" Song Qian took a step towards Pei Yilin, and he hit a palm with a strong anger.

Under the dim light, her pink lips became temptingly curved because of anger.

There was a scorching light in her eyes, and her movements were extremely fierce.

This kind of light was what Pei Yilin had ever seen, and it was what moved his heart the most.

Inexplicably, Pei Yilin thought of Song Qian who had fought with him, but was pressed under him many times.

How long has he not seen her charming style?

When Pei Yilin was in a trance, Song Qian had already approached him.

A cold murderous aura came oncoming, and the unique fragrance of Song Qian's body entered Pei Yilin's nose.

And Song Qian used her nirvana at this moment, and it seemed that Pei Yilin was thinking about it.

Does she need a body?

Pei Yilin was annoyed in his heart, but the pace toward Song Qian was not slow.

Seeing that Pei Yilin seemed to intend to take action in advance, Song Qian's eyes darkened, and a violent round kick made him taste her power.

"Pei Yilin, you are looking for death!" Song Qian said bitterly as he stepped out.

She remembered what she had to do in the closet just now, and when she faced Pei Yilin, her heart suddenly filled with anger.

Song Qian shot without hesitation and slammed into Pei Yilin's eyes like a swift leopard.

Pei Yilin responded subconsciously, but unconsciously touched a soft spot.

Song Qian's face suddenly stiffened, and became even more angry.

"Pei Yilin, we settle the old and new accounts together!" Song Qian was furious.

"What?" Pei Yilin asked coldly.

He only felt that Song Qian's face suddenly changed, and the attacking moves toward him became more and more fierce.

And what the specific reason is, he is not sure.

Is it because of his actions just now?

Pei Yilin's eyes dimmed, thinking about the wonderful touch in the palm of his hand just now, his movements couldn't help but slow down a bit, and a touch of desire was added to his eyes.

Song Qian seemed to have noticed Pei Yilin's abnormality, her eyes were dim, but a touch of anger rose in her heart, and there was also the shame of being slept by Pei Yilin.

Song Qian quickly took out his palm, and before Pei Yilin was about to catch him, first gave him a heavy blow.

"Qian'er, you are not allowed to mess around." Pei Yilin's body trembled, but he moved faster towards Song Qian.

Pei Yilin seemed to want to catch Song Qian immediately, put her in his arms, and tell her the truth.

But Song Qian hated Pei Yilin for a long time, but regarded his kindness as malicious.

Song Qian thought that Pei Yilin wanted to catch her, just to get the family crest of Xiang family as soon as possible and become the owner of that huge wealth.

Song Qian doesn't care about Pei Yilin's monstrous desires, but she doesn't allow him to stop herself from looking for Qian Mengmeng.

And that Xiang's family crest was a master key for her to find Qian Mengmeng.

Thinking about this, Song Qian attacked Pei Yilin faster and faster, his movements became more and more fierce, and there were more and more flaws.

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian's flaws calmly, and became more and more anxious. He knew that as long as he fights back, Song Qian would be injured, so it would be no problem to take her down.

However, Song Qian's body and her hatred for herself made Pei Yilin unable to do anything.

Therefore, even though Song Qian had an advantage over Song Qian in physical strength and speed, within just fifteen minutes, Pei Yilin was still at a disadvantage and Song Qian was forced to a corner.

"Qianer!" Pei Yilin knew that if Song Qian was allowed to fight, he would definitely be in a dangerous situation.

And Song Qian's body will also be overdrawn...

He was not afraid of her attack, but he was only afraid that she would hurt himself.

Finally, when Song Qian wanted to punch Pei Yilin in the chest again, Pei Yilin grabbed Song Qian's arm, and took Song Qian, who was attacking extremely fast, into his arms with a move.

Her pink lips were so close at hand that Pei Yilin wanted to lean over and swallow her in one bite.

"Pei Yilin, dare you!" Song Qian also noticed Pei Yilin's intentions.

Even though she was already at a disadvantage, the gaze she looked at Pei Yilin was still very cold, with a deep hatred.

The hatred was so strong that Pei Yilin felt a pain in his heart.

At the same time, Pei Yilin thought of the money Mengmeng he had lost, and the surging desire instantly returned to the furnace.

"I dare, but you are not qualified enough." Pei Yilin suddenly withdrew his passionate expression with a cold expression.

Pei Yilin pulled Song Qian up, his hands confined her hands, in her angry eyes, he said coldly, "Song Qian, don't be upset. You know your identity better than anyone else. You, It's just a woman I don't want Pei Yilin."

"Really?" Song Qian was very angry.

If it wasn't for the inability to escape at this moment, she really wanted to shoot Pei Yilin immediately and let him have a taste of despising her.

Pei Yilin stared at Song Qian's angry eyes, his heart softened suddenly, but his tone became stronger and stronger.

"That's true! Song Qian, without my permission, you will not be allowed to approach Cheng Wenfeng anymore in the future." Pei Yilin said coldly, as if she was afraid that Song Qian would have too much contact with Cheng Wenfeng.

Pei Yilin privately wanted to protect Song Qian Zhouquan, but in Song Qian's eyes, it became another example of his crime.

"Why should I listen to you?" Song Qian snorted coldly, attacking very quickly under his legs, and Pei Yilin responded immediately.

Pei Yilin's speed is very fast, but Song Qian's speed is not slow. While he was moving, she launched another wave of attacks.

Song Qian shot, Pei Yilin took it; Pei Yilin retaliated, Song Qian hid...

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