At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 152 I vow to get Song Qian!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Song Qian and Pei Yilin had been fighting in the Wenfeng room for a long time without realizing it before they stopped slowly.

Pei Yilin stood by and looked cold, while Song Qian stood by the window and looked faintly.

"I don't have time to mess around with you." Song Qian's eyes tightened.

She stared at the door, and the slight movement from there made her tense.

Song Qian guessed: Someone must be back.

"I'll look for you next time!" Song Qian let out a word, his agile body turned out of the window, and disappeared in an instant.

Pei Yilin followed Song Qian, but stopped by the window.

Glancing dimly at the bright moon in the sky, there was a slight smile in the corner of his mouth.

Slowly getting up, Pei Yilin hid in the written bedroom. After searching for a while, he quickly turned the window and left.

Pei Yilin and Song Qian moved quickly and steadily. Even if the person opened the door very quickly, they didn't see anything and left again.


"Come here, all come over to me!" Pei Yilin just returned to the room when he heard the noise from the next door, which was a written and unhappy cry.

What happened to the written letter?

Is it possible that the beauty is not attentive enough?

Pei Yilin frowned slightly, quickly changed into her pajamas, and walked quickly to the next room.

"Brother Pei, did you just wake up?" In the private room, Cheng Wenfeng was furious. Seeing Pei Yilin coming, his anger became more raging, and his tone was disdainful.

Cheng Wenfeng was just playing with a woman's time, his room was patronized, and his wonderful treasure was also taken away!

"Hmm. What's the matter?" Pei Yilin swept around slightly, only to see that the blonde beauty he gave to Wen Feng was leaning on Wen Feng in amazement, and there was a purple hickey on her neck.

It seems that the relationship between the blonde beauty and Cheng Wenfeng is fairly pleasant.

"It's okay." Cheng Wenfeng looked at Pei Yilin sullenly and said, "Brother Pei, you just said that you saw a thief in my room. What does that thief look like? What clothes do you wear? Can you remember?"

"These can be found out by the video." Pei Yilin stared at Wenfeng sadly, "As the boss, did you lose something precious?" The words were full of temptation.

Cheng Wenfeng was very upset, and Pei Yilin seemed to know what to ask, which made him want to torture Pei Yilin to extract a confession.

However, with Pei Yilin's identity and financial resources, he could not easily catch up with his written title.

Cheng Wenfeng smiled slightly, only showing some indifference.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that I lost a small pendant that I carry with me." Written Feng said in a calm and calm manner.

Pei Yilin knew Cheng Wenfeng's heart anxious. He glanced calmly at the frightened waiter and hotel manager, and instantly understood what Cheng Wenfeng had lost.

And the person who stole his treasure must have already found the blind spot in the video, or destroyed the video before doing the job.

Apart from Song Qian, Pei Yilin didn't know who could do it quietly.

"Well. Although it is a small pendant, it must be of special significance to Boss Cheng." Pei Yilin glanced at the management staff next to him. Interrogation, we are rewarded by the Pei Group for all that can provide clues."

"Yes, yes, thank you, Mr. Pei." The hotel management was suffering from a headache. Seeing that Pei Yilin had figured out a solution, he immediately nodded and prepared to leave.

But not long after he walked out, he ran into a pregnant woman head on.

Even though he apologized many times, the pregnant woman's face was still not good.

"Are you so panicked, are you in a hurry to reincarnate?" Qin Xirong looked at the management angrily.

Qin Xirong's entanglement just now caused Qin Xirong a headache. Now that she was hit by someone again, Qin Xirong's anger suddenly rose.

"Sorry, sorry." The management hurriedly apologized.

"Does an apology work?" Although Qin Xirong smiled on the surface, her voice was cold.

Pei Yilin was far away, unable to see Qin Xirong's expression, but she could still feel her unhappy mood.

What is wrong with Qin Xirong?

Pei Yilin frowned slightly, while motioning to the blond beauty next to her to comfort the letter, she walked out quickly and stopped Qin Xirong who was about to hit someone, and asked, "Xirong, what's wrong?"

"I'm fine." Qin Xirong saw Pei Yilin as if she had become a well-behaved Cinderella.

Qin Xirong originally looked at the manager's indignant gaze, and there was a touch of gentleness, "Mr., I was walking too eagerly just now. Don't blame Mr., Mr. don't have to be so polite."

"Yes, yes, miss." Although the manager was a little surprised by Qin Xirong's fickleness, he still nodded hurriedly.

Pei Yilin stood aside and gave a gentle command, which was a solution to the matter.

Qin Xirong looked at the back of the management staff leaving and held her palm tightly.

She will not forgive anyone who offends her, never!

"Are you okay? Let's go first to see the boss." Pei Yilin grabbed Qin Xirong, without giving her any opportunity to refuse, and brought her to Cheng Wenfeng.

At that time, Cheng Wenfeng was comforted by the blonde beauty, and his mood was a little better.

But seeing Qin Xirong with a big belly, his mood became unhappy again.

"Miss Qin has an opinion on me becoming someone?" As soon as Qin Xirong entered the private room, she was in trouble.

"No." Qin Xirong was taken aback when she heard the words, and then looked around for a while, and contacted the scene just now, she suddenly understood the reason for the written anger.

"What happened to Boss Cheng? Why is he in such a bad mood? When people are in a bad mood, they naturally look at everything bad. However, Xirong believes that as long as Xirong talks to Boss Cheng, Boss Cheng will be in a good mood. Much better!" Qin Xirong smiled slightly, quite a posture that can tolerate all anger in the written form.

"Oh? Really? My pendant is lost. How do you make me happy? Come and listen." Cheng Wenfeng was somewhat distracted.

If Xiang Jia’s family crest is lost, it means that his money has been stolen.

How can a small woman like Qin Xirong understand the uncomfortable written word?

In response to Chengwen's disdainful eyes, Qin Xirong waved at him: "Come here with Boss Cheng."

Although Cheng Wenfeng was dissatisfied, he still walked with her in the wheelchair.

But Pei Yilin stood in place, staring blankly.

Qin Xirong took the written letter to the corner before whispering to him.

Pei Yilin could see the two figures, but could not hear what they said.

Pei Yilin only discovered that Wen Feng's dim eyes gradually brightened because of Qin Xirong's words, and finally brought a sense of joy.

"Hahaha... Brother Pei, the woman by your side is really a talent." Cheng Wenfeng seemed to have solved his problem, and when Qin Xirong returned to Pei Yilin, he changed his contempt for Qin Xirong and praised her a lot.

Pei Yilin smiled faintly when he heard the words, showing humility, and said: "Being a boss has been rewarded."

"It's only an award, but an award. Only Miss Qin can afford the title of this talent." Cheng Wenfeng praised Qin Xirong and continued, "If it wasn't for Miss Qin's on-demand broadcast, maybe I don't know how. Go find this thief."

"Come here, go and bring me the information of the tenant with room number 638. By the way, bring that tenant over to me too." Cheng Wenfeng praised Qin Xirong while calling the lobby manager of the Ritz-Carlton.

"638?" Pei Yilin frowned because of this number.

Pei Yilin turned to look at Qin Xirong, only to see that there was still a triumphant smile on her mouth that could not be put away in the future.

Pei Yilin guessed that Qin Xirong might not know that the person living there was Song Qian, but simply wanted to avenge the "poor students" who had rejected her.

But how is it possible?

The overly bright smile at the corner of Qin Xirong's mouth clearly shows that she already knew that the person inside was Song Qian.

In addition, Qin Xirong deliberately used the trick of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain in order to get the title of Song Qian.

Pei Yilin's eyes dimmed faintly, and when she looked at Qin Xirong, she already had a few more scrutiny.

Pei Yilin is observing Qin Xirong, but Wenfeng is observing Pei Yilin.

Even though Pei Yilin seemed to have no performance on the surface, Cheng Wenfeng still felt the slight changes in the surrounding atmosphere.

Maybe... the people who live there are really important to Pei Yilin.

Is that person Song Qian?

Thinking, Wenfeng's eyes lit up.

Cheng Wenfeng narrowed his eyes and asked, "Yeah. Brother Pei, do you know who lives there?"

"I don't know." Pei Yilin denies coldly, but the arm that encircled Qin Xirong just now was loose.

Qin Xirong felt Pei Yilin's alienation, and her heart felt uncomfortable, but her face still had a gentle smile as always.

She looked at Cheng Wenfeng and spoke lightly, explaining it to Pei Yilin: "I was lost on the sixth floor and mistakenly believed that 638 was 668 because this matter was a bit unpleasant with the tenants inside. Lin was also for me, so he had some complaints about this room number Impression? Isn't it, Lin?"

With that, Qin Xirong blinked at Pei Yilin, looking like a well-behaved little woman.

"Yeah." Pei Yilin faintly replied, seemingly indifferent, letting Cheng Wenfeng breathe a sigh of relief.

Cheng Wenfeng thought about the secret Qin Xirong had told him just now, and he was quite agitated that could hardly wait.

While instructing people to bring the 638 tenants to him as soon as possible, he asked the hotel security to guard the door so that no other people were allowed to enter or leave.

Pei Yilin was guarding Wenfeng's side, watching Wenfeng's planned deployment, his eyes dimmed.

Qin Xirong has been observing Pei Yilin's behavior, and seeing him seem to be unconscious, her heart is a little unhappy, but besides the unhappy, she has a little secret joy.

Of course Qin Xirong would be secretly happy!

Because of Song Qian's reasons, Pei Yilin and Cheng Wenfeng, two seemingly kind people, are now finally turning their backs on each other.

Qin Xirong knew that both Pei Yilin and Cheng Wenfeng were her strong opponents in seizing the family crest, and she could only benefit from them if they became opponents.

However, Qin Xirong felt a little uncomfortable at the thought of Pei Yilin still caring about Song Qian.

How can she make Pei Yilin forget Song Qian and make the relationship between him and Cheng Wenfeng worsen?

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