At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 154 I love you, but I have to hate you!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"You don't need to know who I am." Pei Yilin said coldly, "Let go of him!"

"What if I don't let it go?" With Song Qian's cold snort, she already moved very quickly.

In just ten seconds, she had already pushed out the small five and launched an attack towards Pei Yilin.

Pei Yilin was worried that Song Qian would be injured, so he didn't dare to shoot, just to fight her.

Her moves are very ruthless, with a gesture of winning.Pei Yilin's eyes dimmed, and he threw the gun aside, and his big palm reached Song Qian very quickly.

It seemed that he was about to take her down immediately and was imprisoned in his arms again.

However, Song Qian seemed to be aiming at the moment when Pei Yilin threw the gun, bending over, she slid towards him very quickly.

Song Qian raised her foot and attacked Pei Yilin. When Pei Yilin dodged, she quickly bent over and picked up the gun that Pei Yilin threw to the side.

The black hole's barrel pointed directly at Pei Yilin's forehead, and Song Qian's eyes were full of hatred.

"Pei Yilin, where is Mengmeng?" Song Qian asked.

"She... is just a dead person. Do you think it is useful to ask this?" Pei Yilin raised an eyebrow, and did not answer Song Qian's question directly.

"Tell me where she is!" Song Qian took a step towards Pei Yilin, his thumb was already on the trigger.

As long as Song Qian presses the trigger, Pei Yilin will be seriously injured if he does not die.

However, for Qian Mengmeng's whereabouts, Song Qian couldn't bear to detain it.

"Where is she?" Song Qian asked again.

"She's..." Before Pei Yilin finished speaking, he was interrupted by the movement outside.

"Want to know her situation? I'll talk about it after winning!" He looked cold, and quickly attacked Song Qian, pushing her to the window step by step.

"Pei Yilin, I will settle accounts with you later." Song Qian hid several times, but this time, Pei Yilin suddenly hit his left chest with his palm.

A smell of rust overflowed in his mouth, and Song Qian knew that he was not suitable for another fight, so he could only stand up and jump down quickly.

Seeing Song Qian leaving behind, Pei Yilin frowned slightly, turned down the window, and disappeared very quickly.

Written Feng led people to Song Qian's door, and immediately ordered people to break in, trying to catch Song Qian.

But the room was empty, except for the simple furniture and the messy floor, there was no trace of Song Qian.

"Send someone to chase. Be sure to catch Song Qian back to me." Cheng Wenfeng looked at the open window coldly.

Under the written order, the married bodyguard immediately launched a hunt for Song Qian.


Song Qian escaped from the window and followed the air conditioner all the way down to the first floor.

The first floor is extremely prosperous, which is very different from the silence on the sixth floor where she is.

"Where are Qian Mengmeng and the others?" Song Qian walked out along the root of the wall. After walking for a while, he heard Qian Mengmeng's name.

"Who knows where they are? However, that Qian Mengmeng is dead, and where it is, it will not have much influence on the organization. It is the constitution, I heard that he was taken away by other organizations, will he betray? , Leaking the secrets of the organization?" It was Ahu who was talking. Since Cheng Xian was taken away and he woke up full of baggage, he has had a lot of opinions on Cheng Xian.

"This, shouldn't it?" The other person was waiting to speak, but suddenly looked out the window.

A familiar feeling of being monitored awakened him immediately, he winked at Ahu, and the two quickly attacked Song Qian's invisibility.

"Who are you?" The two turned out the window, and at the same time hit Song Qian in the dark.

"You don't need to know who I am." Song Qian's expression was cold, and the strong smell of blood in her mouth made her frown slightly, but the speed of dealing with the two of them did not cut by half, even better than before with Pei Yilin. A little bit faster.

Song Qian wanted to end the battle with them as soon as possible, and the offensive he launched became more and more fierce.

Even though Ahu and Xu Wei are both outstanding in the Interpol, they did not take her down within ten minutes.

"Ahu!" Xu Wei knew that continuing the fight would only reveal the whereabouts of the two. He winked at Ahu.

Ahu knew immediately, the two fought back and forth, and it was bound to take Song Qian down.

Song Qian's figure is very fast, even though the two of them thought they would not miscalculate, they still escaped by her.

Moreover, Ahu was also caught in front of his chest by Song Qian and threatened Xu Wei as a hostage.

"I want to know about Qian Mengmeng. Say it!" Song Qian's voice was a little anxious.

Song Qian's face was a little pale. This was a response to severe injuries, but she still pretended to be extremely good and didn't want to be seen by Xu Wei.

But Xu Wei is a man who has experienced many battles, even if he is not as powerful as Song Qian, how can he not see that Song Qian has been injured?

He narrowed his eyes, winked at Ahu in front of Song Qian, and prepared to attack Song Qian.

"Don't move!" Song Qian noticed Xu Wei's small movements. The hand that was holding Ahu's shoulder quickly moved up, and accurately choked Ahu's throat. "Tell me, what happened to my daughter?"

It was heard that Qian Mengmeng was Song Qian’s daughter. Xu Wei and Ahu slack off. They considered Qian Mengmeng for a while before they told Song Qian about her delisting.

"How come?" Song Qian was obviously hit hard.

"It's true. This is a photo of her tragic death. We asked a colleague in the technical department to appraise it. It is true. Moreover, Ahu once met Qian Mengmeng, and he was sure that it was Qian Mengmeng in the photo." Xu Wei handed it to After taking a photo of Song Qian, she continued, "Mengmeng is a good criminal policeman. She sacrificed for the Muhua Group. We are also very sad."

"Yes. Mrs. Song has changed in mourning. If there is any need for help in the future, just call me Ahu." Ahu also promised painfully.

Listening to his promise, Song Qian smiled faintly, full of pain.

She loosened the hand that was holding Ahu, and when she took the photo in Xu Wei's hand, her whole body was shaking slightly.

Looking at her situation, Xu Wei frowned slightly. It was so sad that Song Qian could behave like this without frowning, right?

"Mrs. Song, you are welcome. We are all Mengmeng colleagues, we will definitely..."

"Mrs. Song needs a good rest." Xu Wei interrupted Ahu's noise and nodded slightly towards Song Qian. He dragged Ahu away quickly.

The two figures went further and further, until they disappeared, Song Qian tightly held the photo in his hand.

The pain in his chest seemed to become clear at this moment, and the sweet smell in Song Qian's mouth became more intense.

She stroked the most recent photo with her slender fingers.In the photo, Qian Mengmeng was pale, lying weakly on the back seat, and the video that Kawara Silver showed her, seemed to be able to pick up.

Mengmeng, Mengmeng, how is this possible?Why did you leave mom so quickly?

Song Qian's heart was blocked, and the sweet smell in her mouth could no longer be suppressed anymore. She bent over and vomited violently.

In the night, a pair of eyes stared at Song Qian tightly. Seeing her like this, he wanted to step forward to comfort her.

But thinking about her misunderstanding of herself and her current embarrassing situation, Pei Yilin still chose to remove all obstacles for her quietly, not to put her in danger.

He looked at Song Qian with distressed eyes for a while before calling Fang Zikang.

Fang Zi Kuang hurried over when he received the call and took Song Qian to the hospital.

"I don't!" Song Qian said stubbornly, "You get out of me!"

Song Qian's voice was cold, with deep disgust.

"Song Qian, your body is the most important thing. No matter what happens, it is best to take care of yourself first." Fang Zi Kuang persuaded Song Qian.

He didn't seem to expect that Song Qian could lose weight like this in just a few months.

"Take care of yourself? Ha ha -" Song Qian gave a wry smile, "Fang Zi Kuang, you never understand..."

"Don't understand what?" Fang Zikang grabbed Song Qian, and asked with some dissatisfaction.

But Song Qian still smiled faintly, turned around and quickly left.

"You have to go to the hospital." Fang Zi Kuang stopped Song Qian and picked her up without any explanation. The special smell from him entered Song Qian's nose. Song Qian had to struggle in the future and had fallen asleep.

It seems that Fang Zi Kuang had put hypnotic perfume on her body as expected.

"Aren't you taking her?" Fang Zi madly hugged Song Qian and came to Pei Yilin. Pei Yilin's eyes were full of nostalgia. He wanted to send Song Qian to the hospital himself.

But thinking about the current relationship between the two and the dangerous environment Song Qian was in, he still turned around coldly, leaving only one sentence, "Take care of her" and left.

Looking at Pei Yilin's lonely back, Fang Zi sighed madly and quietly.

The word love is really hurtful.

Whether it's a playboy like a madman, or Pei Yilin, who has always been a cold-faced Yan Luo.

They are seemingly ruthless men, but in the end they will easily be defeated by little women.

Song Qian, Song Qian, when will you know Pei Yilin's mind?

Fang Zikuang looked at Song Qian who was sleeping in his arms faintly, as if he had seen Yin Bao'er who had been wronged in the first place.

Is Yin Bao'er really still alive in this world?

Why didn't she give him any clues?

Fang Zikuang thought, while he carried Song Qian into the car.

As soon as Fang Zikuang got in the car, he turned on the MP3, and while listening to Yin Baoer's favorite song, he drove Song Qian away in a sad state.

As soon as Fang Zikuang's car left, a group of people quickly came to the place where Song Qian was fighting with the two Interpol.

The leader among them gazed deeply at the blood stains on the ground, and the corners of his mouth curled up with a triumphant curve, and quickly left.

That night, Cheng Wenfeng got the news that Song Qian was taking his family crest away by Fang Zi Kuang.

The other forces in the secret also got the news.

Of course, the Ye family where Yuchi Haolan was located also got the news.

"The family crest is in Song Qian's hand? How could it be?" Yuchi Haolan was playing with the tiger talisman-like thing just sent by his subordinates, and the corners of his mouth were tight.

"Young Master?" The subordinate thought that Yu Chi Haolan was questioning that he had brought a fake family crest, and immediately explained: "This thing, I am sure it is a written seal worn every day, with fingerprints on the written seal, and a rope. There are also written hair and sweat on it."

"En. I know it's true." Yu Chi Haolan's mouth pursed with a faint smile, and he waved his hand to signal the subordinate to go down to receive the reward, and then he frowned and looked at the family crest in his hand.

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