At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter One Hundred Fifty Five

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!This family crest seems to be half of the tiger symbol, a crawling little tiger without a tail, really has so much magic power, is it enough for Pei Yilin to put his favorite woman in the deep water?

"Master, this thing has extraordinary meaning, and the lady already knows that the master has got the family crest." The old Uncle Human Rights standing next to him seemed to see Yu Chi Haolan's thoughts.

Without waiting for Yuchi Haolan to speak, Uncle Quan continued to persuade him, "Master, in the eyes of the lady, wealth and wealth are far more important than women. Moreover, she has raised you for so many years, and the most feared thing is that you follow the old path of the master."

"I... I know it." Yuchi Haolan knew what Uncle Quan was saying. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded slightly and agreed.

Seeing that Yuchi Haolan seemed to give up the idea of ​​letting out the family crest, Uncle Quan wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled heartily.

"The young master is also very annoyed by this family emblem recently. I have good news for the young master to cheer up the young master." Uncle Quan said.

"What good news?" Yuchi Haolan asked casually.

Song Qian was caught in a dilemma of being besieged and suppressed on all sides. Although her daughter Mengmeng was found by him and was by his side, she had a terminal illness.

Under such tragic circumstances, what good news could he have, Yu Chi Haolan?What qualifications does he have to be happy?

"Master, it's about Miss Mengmeng." Uncle Quan knew the thoughts of Yuchi Haolan, half of his words, he paused deliberately.

Yuchi Haolan's heart was hung up by Uncle Quan, and there was more joy on her face, and she said, "Uncle Quan, has Mengmeng's condition improved?"

"It's much better than this." Uncle Quan smiled when Yu Chi Haolan saw Wei Chi Haolan, and he stopped selling off her. "The famous German leukemia doctor Joseph has already seen Ms. Mengmeng. He is sure that as long as the medication is combined with physical therapy, Mengmeng Miss Mengmeng can live for another two or three years. During this time, the young master has all the time to give Mengmeng a younger brother or sister to Mengmeng’s mother and replace her marrow.

"Uncle Quan, don't talk nonsense." Yuchi Haolan interrupted Uncle Quan, but a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps Yuchi Haolan couldn't make the matter of Xiang Jia's family crest in her hands public now, so as to relieve Song Qian's pressure.

However, it is also a good thing that he can help Song Qian to be cute, isn't it?

Thinking this way, Yuchi Haolan's mood improved a lot.

Yuchi Haolan immediately ordered Uncle Quan to hand over Xiang's family crest to his mother, and he personally visited Qian Mengmeng where she was.

Here, Yuchi Haolan felt calm because of the family crest.

However, the written seal that lost the family crest over there has become an ant on the hot pot, and he can't wait to immediately arrest the suspects Pei Yilin and Song Qian who stole the family crest.

However, his limited strength does not allow him to do so.

Therefore, Cheng Wenfeng hesitated for a while and could only order someone to monitor Pei Yilin.

"Continue to monitor Pei Yilin, and other people will intercept Fang Zikuang as soon as possible, and be sure to get my things back to me before tomorrow morning." Written Feng Yin gave orders, "If necessary, a huge reward will be offered. Song Qian’s news."

Wen Feng gave an order, and the married bodyguard immediately released the news that Song Qian was sneaking towards the family crest.

Suddenly, the owner of the family crest, Xiang Jia, Cheng Jia, Pei Jia, and several forces in the dark were all about to move.

Even though Pei Yilin tried his best to help Song Qian eliminate potential troubles, he still couldn't stop the powerful tentacles of certain dark forces.

That day, when Pei Yilin was fighting with the married bodyguard, they had successfully passed through Pei Yilin's defenses and stopped Fang Zi Kuang, who was about to send Song Qian into the hospital, who was in a coma.

"Do you know who I am?" Fang Zi Kuang's face was very cold, and the surrounding situation was severe.

Fang Zikuang knew that it was absolutely possible for him to escape by himself, but Song Qian, who was in a coma, could hardly have this possibility.

"We don't need to know the name of a dead person." The voice of the leader was very cold, and a Zorro mask covered most of his face, only revealing a pair of eyes with viciousness and fanaticism.

His eyes are like a hyena staring at its prey, releasing the light that is inevitable.

"Huh, what a big tone." Fangzi snorted wildly, quickly brushed Song Qian's nose with his hand, pinched her, and saw her slightly opened his eyes, he whispered to her, then He quickly attacked the man wearing the black Zorro mask.

Although Fang Zikuang's seemingly uninhibited, his movements did not slow down.

Even if the ghost king with the black-faced Zorro mask thinks that he is extremely powerful, he still cannot win in a very short period of time when facing Fangzi Kuang’s offensive.

The longer the ghost king and Fangzi fought wildly, the longer it gave Song Qian to prepare for escape.

Although it didn't take long for Song Qian, who was stunned, to wake up, her keenness as a killer made her immediately aware of the unusual situation around her.

She remembered the scent that seemed to be absent from the tip of her nose just now, and heard Fang Zi Kuang's whisper to her.

Suddenly, Song Qian realized that her coma and waking up were the special smell of Fang Zikang.

Song Qian was annoyed in her heart, but still quickly got up and tidied up.

She really can't stay here for long and become a scapegoat for others.

However, Song Qian couldn't let Fang Zi Kuang be in deep danger.

Song Qian's eyes narrowed slightly, and she was patrolling the surroundings. Suddenly, a slight vibration from her wrist caught her attention.

Song Qian lowered her head and looked at the watch with the reconnaissance equipment on her wrist. The corner of her mouth was slightly curved.

"Next!" Song Qian shouted, took off his watch, and threw it in Fang Zikuan's direction.

This watch was originally used for investigation by Song Qian, but when it was used on Fang Zikuang, it was convenient for him to observe the surrounding situation.

As long as Fang Zikuang got the watch, he basically won't have any dead ends, and the probability of being attacked by the ghost king will be even lower.

The King of Ghosts knew this too, so when he caught a glimpse of Song Qian's movements, he immediately swept towards Song Qian.

Fang Zi Kuang also launched an attack very quickly, seeing that the watch had parabolic into the sphere of influence of the two.

"It's just a broken thing, and it's worth grabbing? The real good thing is here. Who can get it? Who can do it?" Song Qian narrowed his eyes, but quickly threw an object.

The King of Ghosts couldn't see what that thing was, but he had indeed seen the familiar red line on the neck of Written Feng.

Could it be Xiang's family crest?

Although this possibility is not very great, Ghost King has to take it seriously.

The King of Ghosts narrowed his eyes, turned abruptly, rushed forward quickly, and grabbed the red rope into his hand.

While in front of Ghost Wang Fei, Fang Zikang also steadily caught the watch that Song Qian had thrown over and put it on his wrist.

The King of Ghosts grabbed the red string and glanced at it, and the awful touch immediately let him know that he was cheated.

The king of ghosts threw the red rope on the ground, his eyes coldly approaching Song Qian, and asked in a cold voice, "Where is the thing?"

Fang Zikuang, the ghost king, seemed to want to disadvantage Song Qian, and immediately stepped forward to help Song Qian.

Feeling the pressure from the side, the king of ghosts twitched his mouth slightly, and a touch of appreciation rose from the bottom of his heart.

But when facing Song Qian, he was still extremely cold.

"Song Qian, hand in the family crest. I can keep you a whole corpse." The ghost king didn't seem to forget this mission at all, and the action to attack Song Qian was fierce and ruthless.

If it is normal, Song Qian must have caught up and fought with the ghost king.

But now Song Qian is familiar with her physical condition, and knows better that if she really did that by herself, the only thing waiting for her and Fang Zimad is to be caught or die.

Song Qian is not afraid of death, but she is unwilling to provoke Fangzi mad.

Song Qian's expression was cold, and he cast a mad wink at Fangzi, motioning him not to come forward.

Fang Zi madly met Song Qian's firm eyes, he could only sigh, withdrew his actions, turned around and left quickly.

Song Qian watched Fang Zi Kuang leave, and then looked at the ghost king eagerly.

"Then you have to have the ability to catch me before I tell you!" Song Qian snorted coldly, got into the driver's seat quickly, and quickly left.

The King of Ghosts followed Song Qian and quickly stopped a car, and the two quickly shuttled through the streets.

Song Qian drove very fast, but he was concerned about the surrounding environment and followed a conservative route.

But the King of Ghosts is different. He has always been up and down, and regards human life as a waste.

Even if the King of Ghosts is driving fast in a place where people live, he still does not slow down the slightest. On the contrary, he is like a drag racing in the wilderness, without the slightest restriction.

Through the rearview mirror, Song Qian could see the series of shocks caused by the ghost king, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and a strong bitterness came to her throat again.

If Qian Mengmeng was there and she saw Song Qian driving like this, she would definitely say Song Qian, and even confiscated Song Qian's car keys, right?

Thinking, Song Qian gave a wry smile at the corner of her mouth, as if she could still imagine Qian Mengmeng pouting at her with a soaring braid.

Thinking about this, Song Qian couldn't help but slow down...

Regardless of whether Mengmeng is or not, Song Qian can't be a mummy that worries her daughter.

The King of Ghosts had been observing Song Qian's actions, and seeing that her speed seemed to be slowing down, a bloodthirsty coldness evoked at the corner of his mouth, and he quickly rushed towards the aisle next to Song Qian.

There was nothing in the aisle, but when the ghost king whizzed in, a child was suddenly pushed out.

A look of horror appeared in the child's eyes, with his back to the street entrance, and he didn't stop the trend of going forward at all. He was about to be buried under the wheels of the ghost king.

"Be careful!" Song Qian exclaimed abruptly, unable to consider that she was still on the speeding car, she slammed on the brake.

The car stopped quickly, and the violent impact made Song Qian dizzy, but she still managed to open the car door, stooped, and threw the child to the ground.

When the two fell heavily to the ground, the ghost king's car roared past their heads, causing a tremor of the child in Song Qian's arms.

"It's okay, don't be afraid." Song Qian seemed to think of Qian Mengmeng, softly patted the child in his arms, stood up, helped him to a safe zone, and turned to leave.

However, Song Qian had only taken one step, a sharp pain came from his thigh, and a cold, non-emotional scolding came from his ear.

The scolding voice clearly came from the child who was terribly scared just now.

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