At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 162 Song Qian, are you openly against me?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Mom." Pei Yilin seemed to have anticipated the board's actions. When he saw Pang Bingshuang and Xiang Yuqing, his emotions did not fluctuate.

"You don't tell me something that happened in the company. You don't tell me something that happened to Peipei. You still treat me as your mother?" Pang Bing's expression was very cold, she glanced at Pei Yilin, she whispered cold Hum, "I'll calculate these things with you later, and now we will hold a board of directors immediately. We must do everything we can to suppress the new small group."

"No need. I can handle this by myself." Pei Yilin didn't seem to be satisfied with Pang Bingshuang's arrangement.

Pang Bingshuang didn't seem to think that Pei Yilin would violate her intentions face to face, frowned, and she snorted coldly.

"Regardless of whether you can handle it yourself, I must intervene in this matter." Pang Bingshuang was very tough.

With that, Pang Bingshuang pulled Xiang Yuqing past Xiang Yuqing, and continued to speak, "If you go to get the certificate with Yuqing now, I can go back immediately. Otherwise, just follow my instructions."

"I can't do it." Pei Yilin frowned, "Come on, take Miss and Madam down to rest."

"Do you dare?" Pang Bing stared at both.

"Bi Yuntao, take Madam and Miss Xiang to entertain him." Pei Yilin's voice was cold, and he turned and left, leaving Pang Bingshuang with a cold back.

Pang Bingshuang was annoyed by Pei Yilin's direct departure, and with a cold snort, she took Xiang Yuqing to the meeting room.

But before they reached the door of the conference room, they were stopped by the president's secretary Bi Yuntao who rushed over.

"Madam, there are air-conditioned teas below, so it's very comfortable to stay." Bi Yuntao kept a standard smile, and walked downstairs with Xiang Yuqing and Pang Bingshuang.

Xiang Yuqing knew that Bi Yuntao was the celebrity next to Pei Yilin. She naturally did not dare to offend, but Pang Bingshuang's face was still cold.

Pang Bing looked directly at Bi Yuntao with cold eyes, and said, "Get out of me!"

Bi Yuntao smiled more kindly, and said, "Madam, there is a meeting inside. It is better for us to go down."

"Go away!" Pang Bingshuang's face was extremely dark. "I must bring Yuqing to the board of directors today. I will drive whoever stops me."

Pang Bingshuang's punishment was severe, and if it were an ordinary person, he would immediately give way.

Unfortunately, Bi Yuntao is an extraordinary person. Having withstood the test of Pei Yilin's 48 changes in meeting minutes, he knew very well that the only boss in the company now is their president.

He said that whoever is allowed to go to work must go to work, and he said that whoever is allowed to clean the toilet must go to the toilet.

And he, Bi Yuntao, still doesn't want to clean the toilet...

"Xiao Zhang, Madam said that he was very interested in the frozen top oolong downstairs, so let's take Madam down to taste it." Under the pressure of Pang Bingshuang, Bi Yuntao's complexion remained unchanged and his tongue was still clever.

At the sign of Bi Yuntao, Xiao Zhang, the CEO's special assistant, who was standing next to him, immediately reacted. On the other side of Pang Bingshuang, the two took her into the elevator and sent her directly downstairs.

When he came downstairs, Pang Bingshuang still wanted to go up, but he was blocked by Bi Yuntao with various excuses. Moreover, he had completely learned Pei Yilin's set, intimidated and lured.

Even though Pang Bingshuang wanted to go to the toilet after being poured a lot of tea with Bi Yuntao's tongue, he was still staring at him every step of the way.

"I want to go to the bathroom!" Pang Bingshuang was helpless, why are young people now becoming less and less cute.

"Huh?" Bi Yuntao was talking loudly, wanting to stay with Pang Bingshuang for a while, when he suddenly heard her, he was slightly stunned.

Immediately, Bi Yuntao grinned faintly, "Madam, I know you must have an opinion on me again. It doesn't matter, you have another cup of tea, and I will tell you in detail how much I want to entertain you with my heart."

"I know you are very hardworking!" Pang Bingshuang said gritted his teeth, "But, I really want to go to the toilet."

"Madam?" Bi Yuntao put on a bitter face, "You must not go up, you have to go up, I have to clean the toilet. My friends will laugh at me, it is okay to laugh at me, they will laugh at my wife and children Ah. My wife and children are still young, and her heart is very fragile. If they can't figure it out all of a sudden..."

"Song Qian?!" Bi Yuntao wanted to say something, but was shocked by Pang Bingshuang's sudden opening.

Is she calling Song Qian?

She was yelling at the woman who had caused herself to be forced to change meeting minutes dozens of times by the president and was almost given the toilet?

He Bi Yuntao, wouldn't he be so memorable?

Bi Yuntao turned around in shock, and as expected, not far away, a familiar beauty in professional attire was walking slowly towards the elevator.

That style, that appearance, who is not Song Qian?

"Why are you here?" Seeing Song Qian, Pang Bingshuang's urination seemed to disappear.

Pang Bingshuang walked a few steps quickly and walked out of the "cage" that Bi Yuntao had specially made for her, turning three steps into one step, and walked to Song Qian who was about to enter the elevator.

Song Qian didn't expect to see Pang Bingshuang here, the corner of her mouth was slightly hooked, and she smiled politely.

"Mrs. Pei." Song Qian said lightly, as if looking at a stranger.

"You still have the face to come here?" But Pang Bingshuang's look at Song Qian is not a stranger, at least Pang Bingshuang is more kind to strangers.

However, now Pang Bingshuang looked at Song Qian's eyes, but it was clear that he wanted to smash her with anger.

"Mrs. Pei, I have something to leave first. If you have nothing important, then forgive Song Qian for being rude." Song Qian frowned slightly when he heard the words, but didn't say much.

Seeing that Song Qian seemed to want to leave, Pang Bing immediately winked at Xiang Yuqing, who was next to him.

Xiang Yuqing knew immediately and walked quickly to stop Song Qian who was about to leave.

"Miss Song, Madam has something to tell you, you can't leave first." When Xiang Yuqing arrived, Bi Yuntao quickly followed.

Bi Yuntao and Xiang Yuqing blocked Song Qian's retreat one by one, and then he smiled kindly at Song Qian.

"Miss Song, our wife is always the best to get along, if you are not in a hurry, you should stay and have a few words." Bi Yuntao said.

"My time is tight." Song Qian raised his hand to check the time, then grinned lightly, "But since Madam Pei has time, there is still time to chat with her."

Xiang Yuqing seemed to be dissatisfied with Song Qian's answer, and muttered in a low voice: "What kind of stinky airs!"

Pang Bingshuang heard the words and smiled with admiration, but when he looked at Xiang Yuqing, he still pretended to cough.

"Yuqing, don't talk nonsense. You are the future young lady of our Pei family. Even if you don't like it, you can't show it to outsiders. Good, you accompany mom to sit next to you. Our Pei family should have a good chat with Miss Song Some things." Pang Bingshuang stretched out his hands, and Xiang Yuqing immediately greeted her in surprise, and supported her, and the two of them returned to the reception room.

Song Qian was also taken into the hospitality room by Bi Yuntao.

Wu Fangyun, a subordinate who followed Song Qian, saw that Pang Bing was not good, and immediately said, "Mr Song, we still have..."

"It's okay. Go up first. I'll be there in five minutes." Song Qian smiled faintly to ease their tension.

Seeing Song Qian doing this, Wu Fangyun nodded and led the crowd to the elevator to the floor where Pei Yilin was.

Just before leaving, Wu Fangyun still looked at Song Qian worriedly.

These two women don't seem to get along well, can they really handle Song always?

"Ms. Song? Song Qian, are you the general manager of that small group?" When everyone left, Pang Bing's expression turned black immediately.

Pang Bingshuang could hear clearly what the person called Song Qian just now.

Song Qian, Mr. Song, Manager Song, the general manager of SK Group, how can this world be so small.

All the people who were against Pang Bing were Song Qian!

"Yes." Song Qian admitted simply.

"Okay, very good." Pang Bing clapped his hands in black and green, and called Bi Yuntao.

Pang Bingshuang smiled kindly on the surface, but the threat between words was obvious.

"Enter President Song well, maybe their company will have a big cooperation with our group!" Pang Bingshuang's words were full of mockery, and Song Qian immediately noticed it.

If it was before, Song Qian would definitely give Pang Bingshuang a slap in the face with a tooth for a tooth, but now she has just lost her daughter, and she has no such mood at all.

What's more, it's not the time for Song Qian to have sharp teeth?

Song Qian faintly curled her lips and said, "Mrs. Pei was joking. I am just a small person and I am not qualified to cooperate with Pei's family."

"Also, Song Qian didn't know that Madam was here and did not bring any big gifts. This is just a small gift, please don't dislike it." Song Qian seemed to have thought of something, and slowly stood up and took the one behind him. After opening the small box, it was handed to Pang Bing's hands, "Mrs. Pei, my time is very tight, so I won't keep it much."

After the conversation, Song Qian stepped forward and left.

"Stop! Did I allow you to go?" Pang Bingshuang yelled coldly, and threw the box to Xiang Yuqing, who walked to Song Qian in three steps and stopped her.

"Song Qian, are you so unruly? Obviously a murderer, you are embarrassed to be called the president? Don't you think that you are so sorry for my granddaughter Pepe?" Pang Bing asked sternly. With Song Qian.

Song Qian's calmness just now made Pang Bingshuang very upset.

But Pang Bingshuang was upset, and naturally likes to take the culprit directly to the point.

"I... I'm sorry." Song Qian's eyes dimmed when she heard her mention Peipei.

Pei Peipei's departure is like a stone pressing on Song Qian's chest. Even though she is determined to be at odds with the Pei family, she still feels very guilty when she thinks of Pei Peipei.

Song Qian was guilty that she had not been able to save Peipei in time, and even more guilty that she had not avenged the lovely Peipei until now.

"Is just sorry enough?" Pang Bingshuang's original strong appearance suddenly collapsed because of Song Qian's words.

Pang Bing's heart was dull, and how many nights' anger seemed to gather at this moment.

Pang Bingshuang's lovely granddaughter, called Uncle Yilin's lovely granddaughter, said that she was gone. How could she accept it as an old woman?

Moreover, Peipei still left with such a dignified attitude, she...too pitiful!

Blame her!

If it wasn't for her to let Peipei go to destroy the relationship between Yilin and Song Qian, this bad woman, how could Peipei be hated by Song Qian, and how could she end up like that?

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