At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 163 Give you a slap!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Song Qian, you killed Peipei, you killed my dearest family member, do you think it is enough for you to say sorry?" Pang Bingshuang said hoarsely, "You despicable person should endure the cruelest The punishment you have, the sword and the fire, are not enough to punish your sins."

Pang Bingshuang seemed to be questioning Song Qian, as if questioning herself.

Perhaps, if everything can be done again, Pang Bingshuang would rather Pei Yilin deal with this hateful Song Qian than take Pei Peipei's life again.

Pepe, her lovely Pepe, and Pepe who would behave like her, how could she be willing?

Pang Bingshuang's heart was sad, no matter how cruel she said Song Qian, she couldn't make up for the pain in her heart.

Song Qian is the same.

Even though Pang Bingshuang's words had exceeded her tolerance limit, Song Qian didn't have any rebuttal thoughts about poor Pei Peipei.

After all, if it hadn't been for her to protect Peipei well, Pei Peipei would not have been counted, nor would she have died at such a flowery age.

She is so cute, so fond of Fangzi mad, so...

"Mrs. Pei, the sorrows will be changed." Song Qian said naively, feeling very uncomfortable thinking of Peipei.

Song Qian almost didn't want to speak any more, he just wanted to take action now to kill the culprit!

Pang Bing frowned slightly. Every time she said something, she took a step closer to Song Qian, "Sorry? By the way? How did you murderer say so easy?"

Originally, the distance between Song Qian and Pang Bingshuang was still several meters, but under Pang Bingshuang's angry accusation and her rapid approach, it quickly shortened to one meter.

Soon, the emotional Pang Bingshuang came directly to Song Qian.

"Song Qian, you should die, you should lose your dearest relatives, and endure the greatest pain in the world!" Pang Bingshuang roared, suddenly raised his right hand, and slammed Song Qian's cheek fiercely.

Her movements were very big, and when she raised her hand, she moved the air around her, whirring.

Song Qian is a martial artist, as long as she wants, she can grab Pang Bingshuang and give her a counterattack at any time.

However, the thought of Peipei Qian Mengmeng and Qian Mengmeng who had already left made Song Qian feel terribly uncomfortable. This kind of uncomfortability made her not want to argue with Pang Bingshuang.

Song Qian closed her eyes and listened to the approaching whirr, a smile of relief formed on the corner of her mouth.

Perhaps, she can be saved spiritually only if she suffers physical punishment. What's more, Pang Bingshuang is Pei Peipei's family, and she should be able to beat her instead of Peipei.

Since the news of Qian Mengmeng's death was confirmed, Song Qian seemed to be a different person.

Standing not far away, Xiang Yuqing looked at Song Qian's faint smile, wishing to take the place of Pang Bingshuang and slap Song Qian fiercely.

Xiang Yuqing resented that if it weren't for Song Qian, they should still be calling for the wind and rain at Xiang Jia, and she is also the respected Miss Xiang Jia.

And Xiang Yuqing is now just a poor woman who has suffered other people's eyes and lost her family crest.

Thinking about this, Xiang Yuqing's eyes darkened, and a faint arc hung on the corner of her mouth.

Xiang Yuqing is very close to Pang Bingshuang. If she is interested, she can stop her when Pang Bingshuang strikes Song Qian.

However, Xiang Yuqing made up her mind to make Song Qian suffer.

Therefore, Xiang Yuqing not only failed to stop Pang Bingshuang, but even pushed Pang Bingshuang secretly.

In the first two minutes, Bi Yuntao discovered that something was wrong, and quickly took the elevator to the floor where Pei Yilin's office was located.

"What? Song Qian is here?" Pei Yilin was originally in a meeting. Hearing Bi Yuntao's report, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Although that look quickly disappeared from Pei Yilin's cold and proud face, it still surprised everyone.

After all, their president has often put on an iceberg face recently, making them want to wear a cotton jacket to work in the summer.

But, who is Song Qian, and can she help them out of suffering?

The staff at the meeting are looking forward to it in their hearts, but on the surface they still handle their affairs conscientiously.While studying new ways to deal with the SK Group, they tried to communicate with the members of the board of directors so that they would not put pressure on them.

Bi Yuntao glanced at the conscientious appearance of everyone, smiled and nodded immediately, and added in his voice: "Yes! Yes!"

Song Qian's appearance, Bi Yuntao, is firmly in his heart. Even if he loses his memory after being hit by a car in his life, he will never forget it.

"It's just the president, she's with his wife now..."

Before the word "together" came out, Bi Yuntao looked at Pei Yilin who was leaving quickly, and pushed his glasses in shock.

Is Pei Yilin so brave?At this speed, I almost caught up with the Rockets!

For Song Qian, he didn't even want to open the meeting?

Although shocked, Bi Yuntao still ordered the meeting to continue, but he stayed and presided over the meeting temporarily.

Pei Yilin walked straight to the elevator as soon as he got out of the meeting room.

Although on the way, he met Wu Fangyun and others who came to negotiate business, but he entered the elevator without raising his brow.

Pei Yilin's blindness caused Wu Fangyun and others to be taken aback for a moment, and then they looked at the closed elevator door, and they smiled clearly.

The hero is saddened by the Beauty Pass. With their CEO Song, are they still afraid that this business will not be possible?

Wu Fangyun was secretly happy here, but Song Qian frowned.

Xiang Yuqing's secret torment made Pang Bingshuang unable to stop his steps, and rushed to Song Qian's eyes suddenly, slapped Song Qian's face with a slap, making a crisp sound.

In this crisp sound, Song Qian's right cheek quickly became red and swollen, forming a sharp contrast with the soft and white of his left cheek.

Song Qian took a deep breath. In order to repay Peipei's love, she had never been beaten in her life, so Pang Bing slapped Pang Bing, but she would never slap again.

Ignoring the hotness on her face, she said coldly: "Mrs. Pei, can I go now?"

"You!" Pang Bing heard the words and let out a cold drink with a slightly frowned brow, "Song Qian, where do you think this is? You just left if you want..."

As he said, Pang Bingshuang raised his hand again, as if he had tasted the sweetness.

But this time, before Pang Bingshuang had time to take action in the future, Song Qian had already grabbed her wrist.

"Mrs. Pei, I don't have time to play with you." Song Qian's eyes were bright, with a touch of cruelty, which was very different from the one just now.

Pang Bing was slightly surprised by this observation, but he still snorted and looked straight at Song Qian.

"Do you think I'm playing with you?" Pang Bing snorted coldly.

She is the majestic Pei's mother, and she always prides herself on her majesty. How can she play with people?

"If it were someone else, I would think so. But Madam Pei should not be such a person." Song Qian smiled, did not release Pang Bingshuang's arms, but tightened her strength.

Song Qian used a lot of force, but not very ruthlessly, just to let Pang Bingshuang know that she was not that easy to provoke.

But Li Dao still hurt Pang Bingshuang, making her feel a little pain.

"Song Qian, you are presumptuous!" Pang Bing's expression was very ugly, "You are challenging my bottom line..."

After listening to Pang Bingshuang's words, Song Qian's mouth evoked a faint smile, she slowly let go, pushing Pang Bingshuang aside.

Song Qian didn't have much strength, Pang Bingshuang just stepped back, stood firmly, and continued to stare at Song Qian with a pair of angry eyes.

When Xiang Yuqing saw that Pang Bingshuang and Song Qian were not as strenuous as she thought, she was secretly annoyed in her heart.

She turned her eyes, a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she held Pang Bingshuang pretending to worry.

"Ah, Aunt Pang, I hurt a lot." Xiang Yuqing exclaimed.

"Aunt Pang, come to the hospital with me. Auntie you must be sorely painful for such a big bruise." Xiang Yuqing supported Pang Bingshuang's injured wrist and cried "empathetic".

"No." Pang Bing frowned slightly, his voice became cold, "Yuqing, I'm fine."

It seems that she doesn't like Xiang Yuqing's weak appearance.

In Pang Bing's eyes, to become the guardian of the family crest, one must be strong and fortitude, like Song Qian's, not like Xiang Yuqing.

Pang Bingshuang condensed his appreciation for Song Qian, "Song Qian, you wait. I will definitely let you get the punishment you deserve." The tone was vicious.

"I will definitely wait. It's just..." Song Qian replied indifferently, and walked closer to Pang Bingshuang a few steps.

Pang Bingshuang stepped back subconsciously, and then thought that she was the mistress of the Pei family and this was the site of the Pei family.

Soon, Song Qian stood directly opposite Pang Bingshuang, through her clear eyes, Pang Bingshuang could see her reflection.

Angrily, she was so different from the calm she was originally, she was not a mistress at all.

Pang Bing frowned, so she shouldn't have appeared in public at all.

"It's just what?" Pang Bing said, his excitement has calmed down a bit.

"Mrs. Pei, you know, I can't hurt Peipei." Song Qian opened her lips slightly, her eyes full of sorrow.

It seems that she is sad about Peipei?

Pang Bingshuang rejected the possibility that suddenly came up in his mind, and his voice became colder.

"Really?" Pang Bingshuang's tone was still cold.

"I'll give you an explanation about Pepe. And I'm sorry for your injury." Song Qian glanced at Pang Bing's red and swollen wrists apologetically, and continued: "I have the best ointment here, now I can Paint it for you myself."

With that said, Song Qian was about to open the lid of the ointment and smear Pang Bingshuang.

"No need." Pang Bingshuang stepped back and coldly rejected Song Qian's kindness.

"Song Qian, I only believe you once." Pang Bingshuang's eyes flashed faintly and deeply, "In three days, you must give me an explanation. Otherwise, I will make you regret it. Yuqing, let's go."

After speaking, Pang Bing called up Xiang Yuqing, turned and left.

"Yes, Aunt Pang." Xiang Yuqing had been standing next to Pang Bingshuang, Song Qian and Pang Bingshuang had finished like this, making her even more annoyed.

But on the surface of Xiang Yuqing, she still cleverly walked to Pang Bing's double-faced face and held her.

"Madam wait a minute. I'll go and tell Mr. Pei." Seeing that the storm had subsided, the president special assistant Xiao Zhang who had been standing next to him immediately asked Pang Bingshuang for instructions.

With Pang Bingshuang's permission, he hurriedly took the elevator upstairs.

As Xiao Zhang left, Song Qian looked down at his watch.

Now it is less than a minute away from the five minutes she said.

One minute, take the elevator or climb the stairs?

Song Qian looked at the rapidly rising double-digit number on the elevator, slightly ticked the corner of his mouth, and chose a path that no one else would choose.

With ten seconds left in a minute, Song Qian had already stood firmly in front of Wu Fangyun.

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