At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 164 Finally meet again!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!In Wu Fangyun's surprised eyes, Song Qian took the document handed by Wu Fangyun, and quickly opened the door of the Muhua Group meeting room after a little tidying up.

The conference room was having a meeting, and was interrupted by Song Qian's sudden opening of the door.

"Mr. Song..."

Bi Yuntao frowned, and was about to tell Song Qian that their president had gone down to look for her.

But before Bi Yuntao finished speaking, he was interrupted: "You are General Manager Song Qian, right? Our president is waiting for you on the 18th floor."

It was no one else who interrupted Bi Yuntao, it was MISS Lan, Pei Yilin's newly promoted beauty secretary.

"Eighteenth floor?" Song Qian frowned and looked at the visitor.

She has good looks, tall, long legs and crisp chest, which is in line with Pei Yilin's aesthetic style.

"Yes, Room 1806 on the 18th floor." MISS Lan smiled faintly, very decent.

"Wu Special Assistant, I must have been tired after standing for such a long time. Why don't you come to the lounge downstairs with me and sit for a while." After MISS Lan told Song Qian and Pei Yilin's location, he invited Wu Fangyun to wait very politely. People go down and sit down.

Although MISS Blue's tone was very polite, Wu Fangyun, who has been in the mall for a long time, immediately heard her implication.

She didn't want them to follow Song Qian, or Pei Yilin didn't want to.

Wu Fangyun had long heard that Pei Yilin of the Muhua Group had a prejudice against Song Qian. This time, if Song President was asked to meet President Pei directly...

"Mr Song?" Wu Fangyun looked at Song Qian nervously, waiting for her orders.

Song Qian frowned only slightly, then nodded, and went straight up the stairs again.

Wu Fangyun watched Song Qian walk up the stairs and opened her mouth slightly in surprise, but the secretary beside her smiled clearly.

This Song Qian is really special as the person said.

Song Qian went downstairs and walked straight to the door of 1806.

The door was ajar, and there was a slight noise inside, and it seemed that someone was pacing slowly.

"It's you?" Song Qian opened the door and walked in, frowning, she looked at someone walking towards her slowly.

The person's abdomen was slightly raised, and the corner of his mouth was filled with a faintly successful smile, that kind of madness, who was not Qin Xirong?

"Song Qian, long time no see." Without waiting for Song Qian to speak, Qin Xirong

"Qin Xirong?!" Song Qian clenched her fists, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she quickly swept towards Qin Xirong.

Qin Xirong was shocked, backed up abruptly, then let out an exclamation, and fell to the ground.

Song Qian squinted at Qin Xirong's performance, and accelerated the actions of his subordinates.

She quickly came to Qin Xirong's side, grabbed Qin Xirong by the collar, and stopped Qin Xirong's tendency to fall.

"Do you want to avenge Pei Peipei?" Qin Xirong was caught, clearly annoyed in her heart, but on the surface she didn't panic.

Qin Xirong smiled lightly at the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were filled with mockery, "Song Qian, do you think you can succeed? Everyone has heard you come to 1806 just now. If something happens to me, call up the video, you are the first A suspect."

"Really? But, you seem to forget that I have the ability to destroy these videos." Song Qian said lightly, as if to state a fact.

Qin Xirong's face paled when she heard this, but then she smiled harder.

"Song Qian, do you think I will believe you?" Qin Xirong bit her silver teeth secretly.

The person she bought must be bringing Pei Yilin here, so she is not afraid that Song Qian will be against her.

Moreover, in order to achieve her goal of getting rid of the child in her belly and blaming Song Qian, Qin Xirong even hoped that Song Qian would act immediately.

"Song Qian, in fact, you are still afraid of me, right? So, even if you know that Peipei was killed by me, you still dare not do anything to me." Qin Xirong provoked.

Song Qian's face turned white, and her anger suddenly surged.

She bowed her head and looked at Qin Xirong coldly, and the angry characters popped out one by one: "Qin Xirong, you should know that I can sacrifice everything for Peipei."

"Really? If you really can do that, then start." Qin Xirong smiled confidently.

"Kill me now, just to deal with the child in my stomach, avenge Pei Peipei and Qian Mengmeng. I kill two birds with one stone!" Qin Xirong continued to provoke, "It's just that if Lin finds my body, I'm afraid he will take the poor Qian Mengmeng. The corpses were broken into pieces and thrown into the sea to feed the fish."

Song Qian's face turned pale after hearing this.

Even though Song Qian learned that Qian Mengmeng might have been killed, when these words came out of Qin Xirong's mouth, she still couldn't help shaking slightly.

"Although the dead body is not that important. But when you are a mother, you should feel more distressed about the child..." Qin Xirong watched Song Qian's trembling with satisfaction, and her words became more vicious.

"Mengmeng is not dead?" Song Qian's eyes turned red, and the trace of hope in his heart was still not extinguished.

When it comes to Qian Mengmeng, Song Qian's heart is burning like a fire.

Song Qian held Qin Xirong's neckline tightly and tightly, but in order to learn about Qian Mengmeng, she did not take any murderous actions for a long time.

Qin Xirong watched Song Qian really got into the set as she had calculated, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she smiled and said, "Song Qian, you are so funny. I am pregnant with Yilin's child now, even if I know where Qian Mengmeng is going , How can I tell you?"

"Qin Xirong!" Song Qian's face turned dark, her eyes darkened, but her hand holding Qin Xirong's neckline was looser.

"Hehe, what about teasing you? What can you do to me? Can you kill me?" Qin Xirong glanced at the door, and the familiar colors reflected in her eyes.

Qin Xirong smiled slightly, deliberately provoking Song Qian, "I know Qian Mengmeng died very poorly, but I just want to make her feel uneasy after death, what can you do with me?"

"You're looking for death!" Song Qian yelled coldly, and slammed Qin Xirong's neck.

Qin Xirong hid subconsciously and looked at the door faintly. A slight smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and her abdomen quickly greeted her.

Song Qian's movements were fast and fierce. As long as she hit Qin Xirong's stomach, she would definitely have a miscarriage.

This is exactly what Qin Xirong wanted, and a touch of sarcasm appeared in her eyes. She continued to provoke Song Qian, "I just want you to lose everything."

Under Qin Xirong's deliberate provocation, Song Qian shot without hesitation.

Even though Song Qian felt the familiar breath coming from behind her, her movements still did not slow down.

The man seemed to feel Song Qian's raging anger, and quickly walked out of the dark, and he grabbed Song Qian's wrist.

Then, his cold, bloodthirsty voice came from above her head.

"Song Qian, did you come to our company to kill my woman?" Pei Yilin grabbed Song Qian's hand and pressed hard.

Pei Yilin's expression was very cold, Song Qian knew that he must be very angry now without even looking.

Qin Xirong seemed to have known that Pei Yilin was back, tears filled her eyes, she quickly got up and hid behind Pei Yilin.

"Lin, she said she was going to kill the child in my stomach..." Qin Xirong weakly accused Song Qian, seeming to be greatly frightened.

"Really?" Pei Yilin frowned in disgust, but then he dragged Song Qian to him.

His eyes were full of worry and admiration for Song Qian, but because Song Qian only wanted to kill Qin Xirong at this time, it was not very clear.

"Song Qian, you are so bold." Pei Yilin frowned, very majestic.

"Thank you for the compliment." Song Qian smiled lightly. "But my boldness is not better than Miss Qin's random fabrications, right?"

"Song Qian!" Pei Yilin's eyes dimmed.

Pei Yilin knew that Song Qian had a reason, but no matter what the reason, she shouldn't want to put Qin Xirong to death.

Qin Xirong's death is not a pity, but the child in her belly is Qian Meng's hope.

Although he hasn't brought Qian Mengmeng back yet, the child in Qin Xirong's stomach can't get involved.

A trace of eagerness flashed through Pei Yilin's eyes, and then quickly disappeared.

When he faced Song Qian again, he still had a cold expression.

"Song Qian." Pei Yilin said coldly, "SK Group has performed very well recently, and it has been in healthy competition with our group's sales department. Our Muhua Group feels that it is time to have a good talk with your company."

"Don't dare." Song Qian's voice was also very cold.

"If President Pei can return my Mengmeng to me, I must be in the mood to talk to you." Song Qian's implication is clear: as long as Pei Yilin returns Qian Mengmeng to her, she will give Pei Yilin a chance to cooperate.

But Song Qian can't guarantee whether she will turn back after the cooperation.

Pei Yilin didn't care about the opportunities Song Qian offered, he just wanted to look at Song Qian up close.

I haven't seen it for nearly a month, Song Qian seems to have lost a lot of weight, her originally fair and ruddy cheeks seem to be whiter at this moment, and her slightly rounded chin is now sharp.

Although Song Qian looked more glamorous on the surface than before, Pei Yilin knew that her physical condition was much worse now.

"Since President Song doesn't want to talk, then I can't force it. Come here, send President Song back." Pei Yilin said lightly, turned and looked at Qin Xirong behind him, "Xirong, were you scared just now? Come back home."

"Pei Yilin." Song Qian stopped Pei Yilin and sorted out his emotions. "President Pei, don't you want to know why many of your company's recent orders have been robbed by our company? Does your company really want to abandon the RTB plan? "

Pei Yilin seemed to have expected Song Qian to say this, and was not too surprised, just hummed softly.

"Go back and have a good rest. Without my permission, you are not allowed to come out casually." Pei Yilin commanded Qin Xirong.

Pei Yilin's tone was gentle as Song Qian could think of, but his attitude was cold that Song Qian could not guess.

"En. People are worried that you didn't eat." Qin Xirong pretended to be obedient, and walked aside and took the lunch box and handed it to Pei Yilin. "No matter how busy work is, your body is extremely important. You can take good care of yourself. Take care of me and my baby?"

Qin Xirong behaved very virtuously and well, and told Pei Yilin, she turned around and was about to leave.

However, Qin Xirong glanced at Song Qian before leaving, but it was with deep meaning and seemed to have a thick calculation.

"President Pei, it seems that you are still a little bit distracted about the RTB plan." Qin Xirong left, but Song Qian's heart still couldn't calm down.

She looked at Pei Yilin faintly, trying to slow down her speech as much as possible when she spoke.

How could Pei Yilin fail to see such obvious restraint?

But looking at Song Qian's stubborn appearance, he still smiled faintly.

Indeed, the RTB plan has extraordinary significance for Pei Yilin, but this is not because of Muhua Group, but because of Song Qian and Qian Mengmeng.

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