At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 171 The evidence is conclusive, do you dare to deny it?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!As soon as Pei Yilin selected a time, the video was automatically played.

As soon as it was broadcast, there was an icy voice of "Song Qian" and her undisguised dislike of Qin Xirong.

"Why can you have a child, and my child is dead?" "Song Qian" in the video grabbed Qin Xirong's chin with hatred in his eyes.

"Please, let me go. Lin, help me." Qin Xirong's face turned pale, and big tears slipped down. She backed away and called for help.

"Call him? What's the use of calling him? Do you think he can keep you out of trouble? I tell you, Qin Xirong, there is nothing I want to do with Song Qian, no one can stop me." "Song Qian" threatened coldly and grabbed him. Lived Qin Xirong's chin.

Seeing "Song Qian" grasping Qin Xirong's chin with blue veins in the video, Pei Yilin's fist was also clenched tightly.


Song Qian!

Even though I know you resent me for "killing" Mengmeng, why do you treat Qin Xirong in this way?

Did you know that the baby in her belly means hope for Mengmeng?

There was a stone in Pei Yilin's heart. Yesterday he just received news that Mengmeng's physical condition was improving. He had to keep her hope of life until he brought her back.

"Call your dean here." Pei Yilin gave a cold shout to the nurse next to her.

The nurse was drooling at his super high face value, but when he heard what he said, he responded and blushed and left.

Song Qian looked at the direction the nurse was leaving, frowning again, and an ominous premonition surrounded her.

Soon, the dean was invited to Pei Yilin.

"Save her and the child, I will invest 100 million in your hospital." Pei Yilin generously promised, and the dean couldn't help but feel overjoyed. After all, 100 million is not a small sum for them.

However, I heard from Director Liu that this operation is very dangerous, and if it is not done properly, both adults and children will not be able to keep it.

He is greedy for money, but if it is possible to catch the reputation of the hospital and excellent doctors, then there is no need.

"If one of the two has an accident, your hospital will automatically close, and the chief surgeon will never be able to perform surgery in this life." Pei Yilin seemed to have guessed what the dean thought, and immediately spoke.

"President Pei, we are just a small hospital..." When the dean heard this, his face immediately paled.

Even if he doesn't want that investment, he can't let the signature doctor of their hospital have an accident!

"You mean you can't save my child?" Pei Yilin looked extremely cold.

"It's possible." The dean answered very quickly with a pale face.

"Wu Qing——" He coldly ordered, "It seems that this hospital can be replaced by a dean."

"Yes." Wu Qing walked up with orders and made an inviting gesture towards the dean.

Wu Qing's style has a feeling of underworld, and immediately shocked the dean.

Looking at Wu Qing's cold expression, the dean finally compromised and told Pei Yilin that he would let the chief surgeon do the operation properly, and he quickly entered the emergency room.

The dean entered the emergency room, and Pei Yilin continued to look down at the video.

The voice in the video was deliberately amplified by him, watching the scene where "Song Qian" forced Qin Xirong to swallow medicine in the video, his eyes turned red.

And when he saw "Song Qian" taking the medicine, he still dragged Qin Xirong to the ground and kicked her stomach fiercely, his eyes were even colder.

He knew that Song Qian was angry with herself and Qin Xirong, and also knew that Song Qian did this to avenge Mengmeng and Peipei.

But, Song Qian, why don't you believe me, why don't you wait for Qin Xirong to give birth to the baby?

Only when Qin Xirong gives birth to the child can our child live.

Song Qian also heard the voice in the video, and when she heard the tone similar to her, she knew that something was wrong.

But when she heard the voice with an English-style accent, she smiled slightly.

It really complies with the old saying of our ancestors, it is difficult to draw a tiger and a skin.

Although this person had studied Song Qian on the surface, she was far behind Song Qian in terms of strength.

"Ms. Song, you seem to be in a good mood?" Pei Yilin was irritated by the laughter, and the eyes that had been looking at the video instantly turned to Song Qian.

"It's okay." Under his direct stare, Song Qian just snorted and regained his indifference.

She didn't want Qin Xirong's child to be discharged, and she didn't want Qin Xirong to lose her life because of this abortion.

Although she hates Qin Xirong, she has to use her way to end her!

But Qin Xirong wanted to die by herself, and she didn't want the child herself, and she couldn't control so much.

Song Qian's mouth has been slightly bent, actually thinking, but in Pei Yilin's eyes, there is a kind of "great enmity" comfort.

Qianer, how can you...

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian like this, his heart ached, and when he thought of Qin Xirong who was hurt by "Song Qian", he was even more entangled.

He didn't like Qin Xirong, if it wasn't for his child in her belly, Pei Yilin would not protect Qin Xirong at all.

But now, Qin Xirong was wounded like this by Song Qian, and their children were in danger again.

All this cannot be said to be Song Qian's fault.

It was time for him to have a good talk with her and let her pay for what she did.

Pei Yilin's mind was certain, and his face became calmer.

His eyes moved away from Song Qian and landed on the emergency light.

The emergency light did not know how long it had been on, but finally it dimmed.

"Sorry, the child didn't keep it." As soon as the door of the emergency room opened, the dean walked out sweaty in a white coat, and Pei Yilin immediately greeted him.

"How come?" Pei Yilin's body trembled slightly after listening to the dean's words, but then he stood firmer.

"Sorry, President Pei, we did our best." The dean looked at Pei Yilin guiltily.

Pei Yilin did not speak, but his fists were tight and tight. Finally, when the dean thought he would not have any reaction, he punched the wall behind the dean with a fist.

"Mr. Pei, the child has suffered both physical and drug injuries, and it can't be saved. And the child's mother, we have been rescued. She may not be able to bear children in this life, Mr. Pei, we have tried our best." The blood stains on the belt fell from the wall to the dean's white coat, but the dean didn't have time to take care of it, but he kept explaining to Pei Yilin.

After a long time, Pei Yilin said lightly, "I see."

"You go down." His tone was deeply lonely in helplessness.

"Yes." The dean, doctor and others left quickly.

They knew that they had escaped from the ghost gate this time, so they walked very fast, disappearing from the sights of Pei Yilin and Song Qian in almost twenty seconds.

"Song Qian, follow me in." Pei Yilin said coldly.

Song Qian has ruined Qian Meng's hope. He should make everything clear to her, "You should pay for what you did."

"What's the price?" Song Qian laughed ironically. Does Pei Yilin really think he is the original Song Qian?

"Take the inhuman punishment, and bid farewell to my leaving child." Pei Yilin said coldly.

It is to bid farewell to the dead Qin Xirong's child, and it is to bid farewell to Qian Mengmeng who is about to leave.

"Hehe, what about my child?" Song Qian snorted coldly, "President Pei, I am not your subordinate now, you have no right to order me to do anything."

"Song Qian, do you know what you did?" Pei Yilin asked.

The indifference she showed made Pei Yilin heartache, and when she learned that the hope of curing Qian Mengmeng had been shattered, Pei Yilin was almost the most dangerous animal at the moment.

"I didn't do anything." Song Qian said lightly, she didn't need to pay for Qin Xirong's frame.

Even though, at the bottom of her heart, she felt sorry for the little life that was lost.

"You!" Song Qian was indifferently regarded as cold-blooded by Pei Yilin. In anger, Pei Yilin didn't hesitate to push Song Qian to the corner, grabbed his chin, and shouted coldly, "The person who hurt me , You should pay the price."

As he said, Pei Yilin's big hand secretly used force, as if to crush Song Qian's chin, but before he had time to act, Song Qian held a gun against his thigh.

"President Pei, you shouldn't like to guide the Muhua Group's affairs like this?" Song Qian held a short gun in his hand and looked at Pei Yilin with a cold expression.

"You!" Pei Yilin frowned, and Song Qian was close at hand. He wanted to berate her for imprisoning her, and sternly told her why Qin Xirong couldn't have her baby.

But when he faced Song Qian's cold eyes and felt her raging anger, he couldn't speak anymore.

There was a strange silence between the two until the nurse in the emergency room pushed the seriously injured Qin Xirong out.

"President Pei, Madam is out." Song Qian reminded in a cool tone.

Pei Yilin frowned and turned back, and saw Qin Xirong lying weakly on the cart and being pushed out by the nurse.

There were deep tears in the corners of Qin Xirong's eyes. Seeing Pei Yilin, her mouth evoked a reluctant smile, and then quickly turned to the side, tears in large and large tears.

It seems that she is saddening her dead child...

"Madam, don't be sad. You are still young, and if you are healthy, the children will still have." The nurse next to Qin Xirong seemed reluctant to be sad. After a few words of comfort, she walked to Pei Yilin and whispered to him.

"President Pei, Madam is in a bad mood and needs the care of her relatives the most." The little nurse said, and glanced at Song Qian. She saw the intimate scene of the two just now.

It seems that this cold-looking woman is more popular with Pei than the lady lying on the hospital bed.

After all, a certain saint said that the amount of time a man is willing to spend on you is directly proportional to how much he likes you.

And just now, President Pei seemed to have been staring at this woman after asking about his wife's situation.

Moreover, their previous posture was so ambiguous, it really made her look down.

Pei Yilin frowned slightly looking at the troubles of the little nurse, but glanced at Qin Xirong who was lying on the cart, but he slowly let go of Song Qian.

"Go down." Pei Yilin's eyes were cold.

The young nurse met Pei Yilinsen’s cold-hearted gaze and continued, “People who have just given birth are most likely to get postpartum depression.”

"You talk too much." Pei Yilin said coldly, "Go down!"

"Yes." The little nurse nodded, winked at the colleague next to her, and left quickly.

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