At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 172 A child is also a life!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!As soon as everyone left, only Song Qian, Pei Yilin and Qin Xirong lying on the cart were left behind.

"Lin, I'm okay. It's just a child, I didn't save it for you. Um..." Qin Xirong cried, covering her lips, "Song Qian, why do you have no objection to me. Just, why are you hurting my child? He is so young, he has just formed, he hasn't had time to take a look at the world..."

"Woo--my baby...It's my mother who is sorry for you." Qin Xirong cried and became depressed.

Qin Xirong originally thought that removing the child would be the most ideal result. It would end her relationship with Samuel, be able to slander Song Qian, and stay with Pei Yilin to continue exploring the Pei family crest.

Kill three birds with one stone.

However, Qin Xirong didn't expect that at the moment when her belly was empty, when the child was taken out bloody, she would actually feel heartache and reluctant to give up.

She regretted a bit, why did she use that little life to frame Song Qian?

But what can she take if she doesn't take him?

Qin Xirong knew very well that only by removing this child could Song Qian and Pei Yilin become enemies, and that it would be convenient for her to act.

Therefore, driven by both conspiracy and reluctance, Qin Xirong cried more and more sadly and became more and more unstoppable.

Pei Yilin originally wanted only the child in Qin Xirong's stomach, but seeing Qin Xirong's appearance at this moment, he also felt distressed.

After all, no matter what, she had been pregnant with his child.

"Song Qian, you go quickly!" Pei Yilin yelled coldly, released the hand holding Song Qian, and walked quickly towards Qin Xirong.

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin's back, her eyes dimmed, but then she stubbornly raised her chin, "I won't go. I still have things to talk to Miss Qin."

Song Qian laughed lightly, and Qin Xirong was taken aback by that indifferent appearance.

Immediately, Qin Xirong thought about her plan just now, and snorted coldly, and pointed at Song Qian, "I have nothing to talk to you. Lin, sent her to the Public Security Bureau. She killed our child. I want her to pay for her life!" He shouted hysterically.

After all, although Song Qian didn't kill her child, it was because of Song Qian.

If Song Qian did not appear, she would be Pei Yilin's favorite person, and she would be cared for by him.

She can easily get the family crest she wants, and she will not hook up with Samuel, nor will she be pregnant with a child who is not Pei Yilin, and she does not have to be destroyed because of the situation.

"Child, my are so young..." Qin Xirong said, crying again, a little hypocritical and a little real.

Pei Yilin heard Qin Xirong's cry, and her heart began to hurt.

Although this child was born for Qian Mengmeng, Pei Yilin felt double pain when he left.

One is the pain of not being able to rescue Qian Mengmeng, and the other is the pain of losing a close relative.

These two levels of pain tightly surround Pei Yilin, making it difficult for him to breathe, and it is difficult to relieve him.

Even though he still has a deep attachment to Song Qian in his heart, the person he doesn't want to see at the moment is also Song Qian.

"Song Qian, hurry up!" Pei Yilin yelled coldly, and he turned around and reached out to pat Qin Xirong gently to comfort her.

That kind of gentle and prepared appearance made Song Qian feel stuck, and then she smiled coldly.

"I have finished what I should say, I will naturally go." Song Qian said, staring at Qin Xirong closely, "Qin Xirong, the truth of the matter will be found out one day, when the time comes, I hope you will not regret your decision at this moment. , And will not regret the child you sacrificed."

After the conversation, Song Qian turned around and left, leaving Qin Xirong with an aloof back.

Song Qian, why do you think you still have a chance to fight me again?

Qin Xirong let out a cold snort, then wept weakly, and threw herself into Pei Yilin's arms.

"Lin, the baby is so pitiful, woooo—"

Qin Xirong cried very sad. Pei Yilin's reaction to Song Qian has just been seen.

Seeing that he was not so furious as he thought, Qin Xirong knew that Song Qian had an extraordinary status in Pei Yilin's heart, and he was not comparable to him.

However, this not only can't make Qin Xirong back down, but also makes her rise to the difficulties.

After all, she has already paid so much, if she does not go further, only failure or death awaits her.

Qin Xirong didn't want to die, let alone fail, so she wanted to take down the Pei family's family crest as soon as possible, and by the way put Song Qian away!

With this thought in mind, Qin Xirong cried even more sadly.

The cry of tears pierced Pei Yilin's heart like a silver needle. After a long time, he gently patted her shoulder and let go of her.

"Xirong, starting from today, if you move to the room near my bedroom, I will send someone to serve you, and I will compensate you. You can ask what you want." Pei Yilin said.

Qin Xirong looked at Pei Yilin's eyes, thinking that he would feel a little guilty for her, but now it seems that he is just trying to make Song Qian feel better, and he is a bit of a sign that he is compensating Song Qian for her.

This perception made Qin Xirong very uncomfortable, and the pain in her abdomen seemed to increase slightly.

But when facing Pei Yilin, Qin Xirong still behaved well and sensibly without any discomfort.

"Lin, I don't want anything. I just want to stay with you, and I think our children want us to be together." Qin Xirong leaned on Pei Yilin's shoulder, "Lin, we still have children, right? You will let our cute baby come back, won't you?"

Qin Xirong's eyes were bright, soft and weak, which made people feel distressed.

If it was Samuel, he would definitely agree to her request without hesitation, but Pei Yilin barely considered it and shook his head.

"Lin?" Qin Xirong's eyes were filled with loneliness, "Are you blaming me for not protecting our children?"

"No." Pei Yilin said lightly, bending down to hug Qin Xirong.

She curled up in his arms, like a thin kitten.

Such Qin Xirong made Pei Yilin feel a little guilty, and then he couldn't help but think of Song Qian.

It seems that Song Qian is a lot thinner than before, now she guesses he can hold it with one hand, right?

What is she doing recently, why not take good care of her body?

Pei Yilin secretly worried about Song Qian's body, even though his expression was cold, Qin Xirong was still aware of it.

"Lin, you're distracted." Qin Xirong had been observing Pei Yilin, and when he saw that he picked her up but walked unhappy, she immediately reminded her.

However, Qin Xirong's tone is as lamentable as she is.

"No. I'm just thinking about the company." Pei Yilin cut off his worry about Song Qian and looked down at Qin Xirong.

"Even if it is for the company, you have to take care of your body." Qin Xirong glanced at Pei Yilin complainingly, and looked at the back of his hand faintly, "Your hand is injured. I'll bandage you later."

"No need." Pei Yilin interrupted Qin Xirong and walked forward quickly.

Seeing that Pei Yilin didn't want to raise this question, Qin Xirong nodded and leaned in his arms obediently.

Pei Yilin's body is warm, and his heart is beating extremely powerfully.

Qin Xirong leaned in his arms, and only felt a long-lost sense of security surrounding her. She couldn't help but tighten his neck, bringing herself closer.

Pei Yilin felt Qin Xirong's movements, his steps stopped for a while, and then he frowned and walked quickly.

Pei Yilin, who was moving fast, did not notice. Soon after he left, Song Qian returned to the place where the two quarreled.

She didn't know why she wanted to come back, or even forced herself not to come back, but she still came back, she vaguely sensed that she was worried about Pei Yilin.

But seeing Pei Yilin's intimacy with Qin Xirong, Song Qian immediately turned around and drove away quickly.

Pei Yilin carried Qin Xirong into the ward and quickly walked to the bed.

He bent down to put Qin Xirong down, but Qin Xirong hugged his neck tightly, relying on him in his eyes.

"Lin, I'm afraid..." Qin Xirong whispered.

"This is a hospital. It's safe here. No one can hurt you anymore." Pei Yilin pulled Qin Xirong's hand around her neck and found that she couldn't pull it away.

"I am not afraid of others hurting me. I am afraid that you will despise me and never let me be pregnant with your child again." Qin Xirong lowered her head sadly, but the hand holding Pei Yilin was tight and tight.

"You don't need to worry about this matter." Pei Yilin promised, "You will have your own children."

"But, that child is not yours, right?" Qin Xirong raised her head, and her arm around Pei Yilin loosened unconsciously, "Lin, listen. I don't know why you don't want to have another one with me. Child, but in the bottom of my heart, my mission in life is to give you a child. Only by giving birth to you can I feel that my life is complete. So, Lin, would you give me a complete life? ?"

Qin Xirong looked up at Pei Yilin, with a hint of prayer in her eyes.

She wanted Pei Yilin to give her a promise, a reason to stay with him forever, and a chance to steal Pei's family crest.

Pei Yilin's body was stiff, and it took a long time for him to smile slightly.

"Get a good rest." He didn't answer Qin Xirong's question, and pulled her hand away.

"Lin, I promise you." Qin Xirong nodded, but a trace of unwillingness flashed invisibly under her eyes.

She has already given so much for Pei Yilin, she deserves to give birth to Pei Yilin's child and be favored by him.

But why is the reality...

Qin Xirong clenched her fists, and put on a pair of feelings of unwillingness under her eyes.

"Lin, are you still angry with me? I didn't take good care of our children?" Seeing Qin Xirong always revolving around the child's topic, Pei Yilin was upset and turned away.

"Lin, let me explain this matter..." Qin Xirong quickly stopped him.

"No." Pei Yilin turned her back to Qin Xirong, his fists tight and tight.

The blue veins on his fist were violent, seeming to tell the depression in his heart.

He is suppressing depression for the child he just left, and also suppressing depression for Qian Mengmeng.

Some time ago, Pei Yilin had invited experts in leukemia all over the world and discussed Qian Mengmeng's disease with them.

Experts say that there is a possibility of cure, but each of them also requires that the newborn's cord blood be obtained as soon as possible within eight months.

Now that the child in Qin Xirong's stomach is gone, how can he get the life-saving cord blood?

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