At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter One Hundred Seventy Six

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Thinking about this, the man smiled triumphantly at the corner of his mouth and said, "Song Qian, if you plead with me now, maybe I can give you some dignity so that you don't have to be ruined after you die."

"I can't help myself." Song Qian looked at the man's arrogance quietly, with a faint smile on her lips.

She has never been afraid of challenges, and will never retreat because of having a child.

Although the child in the belly meant extraordinary to Song Qian, it did not prevent her from becoming stronger and more powerful.

Because Song Qian understands that if someone like her who licks blood with a knife edge regresses if they have a child, then only death is waiting for her and the child.

So, for the child in his stomach and for herself, Song Qian quickly fought back before the man was ready.

Song Qian's movements were already fast, and with the child in her mind, she was even faster.

Almost the man felt a heavy palm on his abdomen before he took the action.

He attacked Song Qian's chest angrily, but Song Qian seized the opportunity and grabbed his neck with a slender silver needle straight against his throat.

The man didn't seem to expect that he was stopped by Song Qian with just one move.

In a slight daze, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and then he pretended to be calm and snorted: "You dare not do anything to me."

"Really? After you are going to put me to death?" Song Qian's eyes were cold and cold, and with a little force, the golden needle pierced the man's skin, "Let me die, you have to see if you have this ability. Let them all leave, I can spare you not to die."

"Impossible." The man said, "Even if we are here this time, even if we are all dead, we will bring back the family crest on your body. And, kill you."

As if to respond to the man's words, as soon as his voice fell, the Xiangjia bodyguards lurking in the dark rushed out and quickly attacked Song Qian.

If it were the original Song Qian, naturally he was not afraid of these bodyguards.

But she is now pregnant and has to consider the baby.

Song Qian's eyes narrowed slightly, and she decided to scrap a part of it with a gold needle, and then she would compete with them for the remaining small part.

Thinking about this, Song Qian first abolished the person in his hand, then quickly launched the golden needle and pointed directly at the person closest to her.

Because the people in front of them ignored Song Qian's combat effectiveness, they quickly lied on the ground.

However, the people behind were more cautious because of this. They sent some people to fight directly with Song Qian, and the remaining part attacked Song Qian secretly.

Although Xiangjia’s bodyguards are not as powerful as Pei’s bodyguards, they are also carefully selected by Xiangjia. In addition, they used the crowd tactics this time. Soon Song Qian’s gold needles will be exhausted. Her physical strength is not enough to support her to finish this difficult battle.

However, this still does not allow Song Qian to admit defeat.

Song Qian frowned slightly, adjusted his mentality quickly, grabbed the powder from his pocket and sprinkled it out.

As soon as the powder entered the air, Xiangjia's bodyguard covered his mouth. Such a gap gave Song Qian a good escape time.

Song Qian snorted coldly, spilled the last handful of gold needles, and ran towards the gap quickly.

Song Qian ran very fast, and Xiang Jia's bodyguard was afraid of gold needles and powder, and dared not take action for a while.

Seeing that Song Qian was about to successfully escape, but when she was about to rush out of Xiangjia's bodyguard, she was forced back by a fierce offensive.

The momentum was very fierce, the movements were fast, and the strength was much stronger than Song Qian, plus this time he seemed to be extremely angry, using 80% of the strength.

Even though Song Qian tried his best to deal with it, he still fell into a disadvantage and was grabbed by his shoulder and pulled into his arms.

The familiar taste entered his arms, Song Qian frowned, "Pei Yilin, let me go!"

Song Qian's voice was cold, as if loathing him extremely.

He was also dissatisfied with her in his heart, but his arms were tight and tight, and it seemed that he would not let her leave at all.

"It seems that Xiang Jia still has some strength." Pei Yilin said lightly after confining Song Qian, "Ten seconds."

Pei Yilin's words made people confused, but Xiangjia's bodyguards paled when they heard it.

Because last time they lost most of their manpower after listening to what they didn't understand, and the Xiang family's elite lost more than half that time. Even if they tried their best to add new talents, they still couldn't compare with the past.

And now, because of Pei Yilin's last blow, Xiang Jia has even withdrawn from the three major families, and their status is far from before.

"Mr. Pei misunderstood, we are not to the family. Today, since Mr. Pei wants to protect Song Qian, we will sell Mr. Pei's face. Let's go!" A person from Xiang's bodyguard who seemed to have some prestige promised to Pei Yilin. .

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand and Xiangjia's bodyguard helped the fainted brothers to leave.

And Song Qian, at the moment they left, quickly retreated from Pei Yilin's arms.

"If you are also here to ask for the family crest, I can tell you clearly, I won't give it to you." Song Qian gave Pei Yilin a cold glance, then turned to leave.

She knew that the family crest was in Pei Yilin's hands, and there was a strong irony in saying this.

"If I want, I don't need to tell you anything." Pei Yilin's eyes were cold, and he grabbed Song Qian, glanced at the luggage she was carrying, and then it was cold and cold, "No matter where you plan to go, since You have packed up now, so follow me."

Pei Yilin's tone was full of commands, and there was no longer the gentleness of the past.

"President Pei, this is a threat? Are you threatening your partner?" Song Qian licked his lips.

"It's not a threat, it's kind advice." Pei Yilin answered lightly.

"Song Qian, the RTB project... now belongs to our Muhua Group." Pei Yilin added.

Song Qian was shocked when he heard what he said, but then he smiled, "Congratulations to Mr. Pei. Our SK Group has lost a big order and must be very anxious. I have to go back to the meeting now. Mr. Pei, See you again when you have time."

"I'm free now." Pei Yilin stopped Song Qian and said lightly, "If you don't want your special assistant Wu Fangyun to be sent to the Public Security Bureau now, you should have a good talk with me. Song, I will Give you another chance and let you decide when... to ask me."

As Pei Yilin said, he handed Song Qian a business card.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, glanced at her luggage, turned and walked aside.

Song Qian clutched the business card tightly, with thoughts in her heart. Picking up the phone, she dialed a number and chatted with her for a long time before she turned and looked at Pei Yilin not far away.

In the night, he stood with his back to her, like an iceberg weighing heavily on her heart.

Song Qian didn't want to have any contact with Pei Yilin, let alone face Qin Xirong who framed her.

But for Wu Fangyun's safety, Song Qian had to contact Pei Yilin.

"Let's talk. What do you want to do?" Song Qian looked very cold.

She couldn't let Wu Fangyun make any mistakes, she didn't want to ruin her elaborate plan, and she didn't want Jiayuan Yin to have an excuse to hurt her.

Therefore, Song Qian had to stop, looked at Pei Yilin quietly, and started dating him from now on.

"It's not what I want to do, but what do you want me to do?" Pei Yilin raised an eyebrow.

Song Qian felt a strong sense of alienation in his coldness.

Pei Yilin was very upset, clenched both fists invisibly, and then slowly loosened them.

Song Qian just killed the child in Qin Xirong's stomach, killing Mengmeng's hope of saving Qian.

Logically speaking, Pei Yilin should blame her, annoy her, and keep a certain distance from her.

However, Pei Yilin found that when he knew that Song Qian was in danger, he still couldn't restrain his thoughts of protecting her, nor could he restrain his deep love for her.

Moreover, when he rushed to help Song Qian, he received a call from Dr. Hao.

On the phone, Dr. Hao advised Pei Yilin to condition Song Qian as soon as possible, and then have a baby with her to treat Qian Mengmeng.

Pei Yilin's heart moved, but when he saw Song Qian, he hesitated again.

First, he was not sure how long Qian Mengmeng could live with the help of Dr. Hao; second, he didn't know whether Song Qian's so thin body could conceive another child.

And even if it is pregnant with a child, can Song Qian be able to give birth without any risk?

Pei Yilin didn't want Song Qian to face any danger because of pregnancy, but he didn't want to have physical contact with other women.

Even Fang Zikuang once proposed artificial insemination without physical contact, but Pei Yilin, who loves Song Qian, cannot accept it.

After thinking about it again and again, Pei Yilin finally decided to take Song Qian back to take care of her. At the same time, she also looked for leukemia experts from all over the world to extend Qian Mengmeng's life.

And Song Qian couldn't be obedient to return to Pei Yilin, so Pei Yilin deliberately set up a game to trap Song Qian's most important subordinates.

And Wu Fangyun was a breakthrough for him to threaten Song Qian to return to him.

"How? Do you want to save her life, you have the choice." Pei Yilin said lightly.

"Let's talk about it, what is your request?" Song Qian didn't want to hurt anyone, especially those who were good to him.

Even if Song Qian didn't want to, she still chose to come forward when facing Pei Yilin.

"Living in my villa, without my order, you are not allowed to leave for half a step." Pei Yilin said coldly.

"I'm not your prisoner." Song Qian did not agree with Pei Yilin's domineering.

But thinking of Wu Fangyun in his heart, Song Qian didn't dare to deny so decisively.

She was scared, because a word of her own would harm Wu Fangyun.

Pei Yilin knew Song Qian’s weaknesses, and when she saw her, she immediately threatened coldly: “If you want to exchange for Wu Fangyun’s safety, you need to be my prisoner. This is a multiple choice question. You can choose to agree or leave and let me Send her to prison."

"Pei Yilin, you!" Song Qian seemed to be irritated, and took a few deep breaths before she continued, "I don't want to stay with Qin Xirong. Pei always knows that if Qin Xirong sees me, her condition will not be Get better."

Song Qian still seemed to remember the scene he saw just now. Pei Yilin's gentleness towards Qin Xirong was so obvious that she could not doubt that he did not love her at all.

And if he loves Qin Xirong, presumably he won't take himself back and add a block to Qin Xirong, right?

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