At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 177 Is it you? The one I love?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"No. She will get better if you are there." Pei Yilin didn't seem to mind.

"Live in my villa, or choose to let all employees of SK Group live with the chief of public security for a period of time. The choice is yours." Pei Yilin watched Song Qian's eyes loosen and continued to threaten, "Mr Song has been against us during this period of time. The company has done a lot of things, and I must suggest two randomly, both of which are enough for your employees to stay for a few years."

"You!" Under Pei Yilin's threat, Song Qian finally nodded, "I promised to live in." However, his tone was quite gnashing.

But these don't seem to affect Pei Yilin's good mood, the corners of his mouth slightly aroused, "This is right."

After speaking, Pei Yilin gave Song Qian the key to the villa, drove her to the villa and turned around and left.

As soon as Song Qian entered the villa, someone immediately took her to the room, cleaned her up, and arranged for her to stay.

Pei Yilin moved quickly, but still did not escape the Ye Family's surveillance.

At this moment, Ye Xin was sitting in Yuchi Haolan's study. She was holding the iPad in her hand, looking at Song Qian's leaving back, a faint smile appeared on her lips.

Pei Yilin, Pei Yilin, can a little woman like Song Qian affect your mind?

What about your daughter?Does she make you pay more?

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Yuchi Haolan broke in.

"Mom, why are you doing this? You know that Qian Qian is my most important person." Yuchi Haolan's face was very bad, as if he had just learned about Song Qian's round up.

"I know, so she doesn't need to be anymore." Ye Xin smiled and waved to Yuchi Haolan, "My dear son, come and see a good thing. After reading this, I think your opinion will change a lot. ."

Yuchi Haolan frowned slightly, but in Ye Xin's unhappy eyes, he still walked over.

Ye Xin handed the IPAD to Yuchi Haolan. Listening to Song Qian's voice inside, Yuchi Haolan tilted slightly and took the IPAD and took a closer look.

Every detail in the IPAD was enough to make ordinary men restless and suspicious, but Yuchi Haolan was only surprised at the beginning, and then he was calm for a long time.

Finally, after he watched the video, he put the iPad aside, and a faint smile appeared on his mouth.

"Mom, no matter what Qian Qian did, she will always be my most important person. This matter will never change."

"Son?" Ye Xin was obviously dissatisfied with Yuchi Haolan's performance.

Then Song Qian has gone to live with Pei Yilin in his villa, how could her son be so infatuated with her?

Yuchi Haolan felt Ye Xin's gaze, and the corners of his mouth smiled thicker: "Mom, I won't pursue the matter you sent someone to kill my subordinates. But if you hurt my important person next time, I don't mind leaving the Ye family with nothing."

"Just for a woman? For a woman who gave birth to a child for your opponent?" Ye Xin sneered. "Son, you seem to have forgotten what mom gave you. But it doesn't matter. As long as it is I use Qian Mengmeng to help a little bit, you should remember it better!"

Ye Xin's expression became cold as she spoke, her eyes became sharp, and a bloodthirsty light gleamed in them.

"Uncle Quan, bring me Qian Mengmeng." Ye Xin shouted from a distance.

"What do you want?" Looking at the murderous intent in Ye Xin's eyes, Yuchi Haolan's expression became cold, "Mom, I have promised you not to let Song Qian know that Qian Mengmeng is still alive. If you are now I want to hurt Qian Mengmeng, I don't mind going against you."

"What?" Ye Xin seemed to be moved when she heard the words, she thought for a while, and finally sighed quietly.

"Hao Lan, you should know mom’s mind better than anyone else. If it wasn’t for your happiness, how could mom do so much? Mom originally thought, that Qian Mengmeng is Pei Yilin’s daughter, and her death can be used as a deterrent. Pei Yilin. But now... Since you..."

Ye Xin stopped in the middle of talking.

She glanced at Yu Chi Haolan with bright eyes, as if waiting for his expression.

Yuchi Haolan knew what she wanted to say and how she should respond to him.

He knew that as long as he said that he would not regard Song Qian and Qian Mengmeng seriously and listen to Ye Xin completely, Ye Xin would give him full freedom and power.

However, he didn't want to say, he didn't want to give up Song Qian and Qian Mengmeng, even if he said that.

"Mom, Qian Mengmeng's surname is Qian. I like her very much, and I'm going through the adoption procedures for her." Yuchi Haolan looked very firm, "I will protect my family well. Whether it's mom or Mengmeng and Song Qian. If something happens to one of you, it will be like cutting off my right arm and making me unable to live well."

"So, Mom, don't force me to choose between you and Song Qian." Yu Chi Haolan's eyes were deep.

Ye Xin was very angry when listening to Yuchi Haolan's words, but on the surface there was a faint smile, which seemed to be moved by him.

She touched Xiang Yuchi Haolan’s cheek, sighed softly, and said, "You are really the same personality as your father. If your father is still here, maybe your mother will not be so sensitive... well, Since you value Song Qian and Qian Mengmeng so much, mom can only support you. If you encounter any problems, you should find mom as soon as possible, and mom will help you unconditionally.

Ye Xin stood up gracefully, smiled at Yuchi Haolan, eyes full of kindness.

When Yu Chi Haolan looked at Ye Xin like this, his expression moved slightly invisible, but then nodded, indicating that he would do what Ye Xin said.

Ye Xin turned around and left, but before leaving, she didn't take a deep look at Uncle Quan who was coming towards her.

Uncle Quan met Ye Xin's gaze and understood that she wanted him to secretly harm Qian Mengmeng. He was taken aback for a while, but then nodded hard.

Ye Xin left, and Yuchi Haolan clicked on the video she gave again, his fists clenched tightly, frowning at all the dangers Song Qian encountered inside, and how Pei Yilin kidnapped Song Qian.

Qian Qian, I will definitely save you back.

After the video was over, Yuchi Haolan's heart to rescue Song Qian back was firm.

He instructed Uncle Quan to take care of Qian Mengmeng, and he immediately summoned the Ye Family bodyguards who had been trained, and sneaked into the villa outside Pei Yilin.

All this seemed to proceed quietly, but still could not escape Ye Xin's sharp eyes.

"Aquan, kill Qian Mengmeng, and then abolish all Haolan's forces for me." At that time, Ye Xin called Uncle Quan angrily.

She is a strong woman who only allows her son and husband to circle around her, and she does not allow them to have their own ideas.

Uncle Quan was slightly taken aback when he received her call, and asked, "Madam, didn't you promise that the young master will not be cute?"

"Did I agree to him?" Ye Xin frowned tightly, her voice was cold, "Aquan, you can't see my expediency. It seems that you have moved feelings that shouldn't be moved. Actually, you It’s normal to have that kind of relationship. But don’t forget, your seven-year-old grandson is still waiting for money to cure his illness!"

Uncle Quan's face immediately paled when he heard this.

The grandson is his lifeblood. Even if he is reluctant to let Qian Mengmeng suffer, his humanity will still remind him to choose his grandson when he makes a choice with his grandson.

"Madam, I know I was wrong, and I will do as you ordered." Uncle Quan answered dejectedly.

"Yeah. Go ahead. If you don't want Haolan to find out that your hands and feet were moving, use the power of the Pei family to let Haolan know that Pei Yilin sent someone to lurk in our Ye family and steal Qian Mengmeng secretly Since they are Qian Mengmeng's family, they should be happy to take her back." Ye Xin's mouth evoked a strange arc.

It's just that the death or the alive after taking it back has nothing to do with Ye Xin.

And what Ye Xin said about relying on the power of the Pei family is far from simple as it seems.

Uncle Quan understood its deep meaning. After hesitating for a moment, he finally agreed.

On the night Song Qian moved into Pei’s villa, Pei’s bodyguards underwent a large-scale personnel change. Those bodyguards who had fought alongside Song Qian were replaced, and now they are all new bodyguards. .

Those bodyguards are all cold-blooded and all dedicated.

Pei Yilin was sitting in the study, watching the video of the bodyguards quietly, with a faint smile on his lips.

He had expected that he would bring out a group of people when he brought Song Qian back, but he didn't seem to have expected that Yuchi Haolan would throw into the net so quickly.

He was so worried about Song Qian, so he wanted to take her as his own?

Pei Yilin's eyes dimmed, and suddenly he remembered Qian Mengmeng, who was staying at Yuchi Haolan to recuperate.

"President Pei, our master wants to send Ms. Mengmeng to Shen Jiang." Just as Pei Yilin was thinking, his mobile phone was rang.

After listening to the man's words, Pei Yilin frowned and immediately called Dr. Hao and Fang Zikuang, asking Fang Zikang to take Dr. Hao to pick up Qian Mengmeng.

Fang Zikuang received Pei Yilin's call and took Dr. Hao to Yuchi Haolan's residence.

However, when they were halfway through, they were stopped.

The visitor wore a butterfly-shaped mask, Fang Zi Kuang couldn't see her face clearly, only that her angry eyes were very familiar.

"You stay." She pointed at Fang Zikang coldly, and her voice was familiar to him.

The voice, although cold, still made Fang Zi madly excited.

Boa, is Boa back?

"Doctor Hao, I will let you escort you away for a while. No matter what happens here, you don't want to come back. You know who is the most important thing for us." Fang Zi madly suppressed his excitement, He asked Dr. Hao to quickly prepare for the challenge.

Doctor Hao paused when he heard the words, but then nodded.

Upon receiving Dr. Hao's permission, Fang Zikang immediately sent someone to send him away, while he quickly attacked and ran towards the woman not far away.

The woman's expression was cold, and she didn't seem to be oppressive at all.

However, when Fangzi madly approached, he couldn't get his hands off just by looking at her eyes.

"You...really Bao'er?" Fang Zikuang asked tentatively, his voice trembling.

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