At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 179 Song Qian, I want to kill you!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"You continue to stay at the villa, that's it." Pei Yilin hung up and walked out quickly.

However, Pei Yilin just walked a few steps when he was stopped by Doctor Hao who rushed over.

"What's the matter?" Pei Yilin frowned and looked at Doctor Hao.

He was anxious to see Qin Xirong, and could not stay here for a while.

Although Pei Yilin doesn't care about Qin Xirong, Qin Xirong is now his clue, and since she has just had a miscarriage again, he still feels a little guilty for her.

Pei Yilin's inner anxiety was seen by Dr. Hao, who hesitated for a long time before finally suppressing what he wanted to say.

Perhaps, at this time, he shouldn't put forward impossible conjectures to continue making Pei Yilin difficult.

Doctor Hao smiled slightly, and chose a topic that would not make Pei Yilin very embarrassed.

"Because of Mengmeng's poisoning, I need to treat her body for a while. During this time, I might as well find a few suitable candidates..."

Dr. Hao said half of what he said and kept half of it.

Pei Yilin knew what he meant. He wanted to find a woman as soon as possible to give Qian Meng a half-brother or sister.

This choice is unacceptable to Pei Yilin.

Pei Yilin frowned slightly, and said coldly: "Doctor Hao, you only need to be responsible for prolonging my daughter's life. I have other things in my own arrangements."

After speaking, Pei Yilin turned around and left, leaving Dr. Hao with a cold but loving back.

As soon as Pei Yilin left, Qian Mengmeng appeared in front of Dr. Hao.

In Dr. Hao’s slightly surprised eyes, she smiled faintly and said: "Doctor Hao, can you use your phone for me? I have something to do!"

Qian Mengmeng borrowed his mobile phone from him, and got in touch with Cheng Xian cutely and cutely, and, in a few words, she told Cheng Xian of her plan.

After hearing his plan, Cheng Xian nodded and promised to do what she said.

"Doctor Hao, thank you." Qian Mengmeng settled his affairs and immediately smiled obediently at Doctor Hao.

That smile, purely like Jasmine, made Dr. Hao a little bit sad.

However, as a doctor, Dr. Hao knew that his emotions were not conducive to Qian Mengmeng's condition, so he quickly cleared up his emotions and ordered Qian Mengmeng to be obedient, and took her back to the ward.


"President Pei, our driver went to pick up Miss Qin today, and there was no one to pick her up." As soon as Pei Yilin returned to the villa, Wu Qing, who was guarding the villa, immediately handed a video to Pei Yilin, and then explained: "Look from the video. Miss Qin was kidnapped by Bodyguard Song and a masked man."

Pei Yilin took the video and only glanced at it, her eyes immediately chilled.

"Wu Qing, block all the exits of City Z, we must find Qin Xirong and Song Qian." Pei Yilin ordered.

"Yes." Wu Qing nodded, and led the command to leave quickly.

Pei Yilin looked at the maid Xia Erlan who was standing next to her. She saw her with her hands folded and her body shaking severely. She seemed to be very disturbed and scared.

"President Pei, it's my fault. If I pick up Miss Qin earlier, maybe she won't experience any accidents. She has just had a miscarriage. If anything happens at this time, I'm afraid her body will be overwhelmed." Feeling Pei Yilin Xia Erlan wiped her tears immediately, putting on a look of guilt.

"Has the room prepared for Ms. Qin been cleaned up?" Pei Yilin glanced at her lightly, don't mean it, "After you clean it up, you will be responsible for taking care of her full-time in the future, and you must not let her make any mistakes."

"Yes." Although Xia Erlan was a little surprised at why Pei Yilin didn't ask her, she still nodded in agreement.

"Go down." Pei Yilin commanded, turned and entered the study.

As soon as he entered the study, Pei Yilin immediately called the bodyguard who guarded Song Qian.

"What? She's gone?" Pei Yilin was shocked when she heard that Song Qian had left the villa.

In shock, he was a little clear again, after all, he also saw Song Qian in the video just now.

Is it true that Song Qian kidnapped Qin Xirong, what is her purpose?

Do you really want to kill her and avenge Peipei?

Frowning slightly, Pei Yilin immediately called Fang Zikuang, "Do you know where Song Qian is? Find her for me immediately."

When Fang Zikuang received Pei Yilin's call, he was dealing with the hacking of the Dark Night Empire.

He furrowed his brows and nodded slightly, and instructed his men to look after the Dark Night Empire, while he hurriedly organized his staff to find Song Qian in every corner.

Fang Zi Kuang, who was eager to find Song Qian, didn't notice it. After he left, the subordinate he had entrusted had a strange smile on his mouth.

Did not find Song Qian, Fang Zikang hurriedly called Pei Yilin and said, "Lin, I didn't find Qian Baobei, she seemed to have disappeared out of thin air." Fang Zikang's tone was very anxious.

"How is it possible?" Pei Yilin frowned.

He had already seen Song Qian's latency.

Although she is indeed superb, it is impossible for her to leak a clue under the search of dozens of people in the Dark Night Empire!

This is impossible!

"I have sent people to Xiao Honglian and Yuchi Haolan, but I didn't find Qian Baobao." Fang Zikuang said.

"Find it again!" Pei Yilin frowned slightly and gave orders.

Fang Zi Kuang nodded his head and quickly organized a carpet search of City Z.

They look forward to finding Song Qian and Qin Xirong within three hours and try to ensure Qin Xirong's safety.

They put Qin Xirong in a position where they needed help, but never considered that the person to be rescued was not Qin Xirong, but Song Qian.

In the dimly lit room, the Melaleuca is covered with spider webs, and the spider webs are covered with thick gray.

A wooden table, a few small chairs, that's all of this room.

Song Qian was sitting on a chair, tied up by a big five, with an abnormal blush on her drooping face.

"Song Qian."

The door was pushed open, and in the dark night, a familiar figure moved towards Song Qian.

She was wearing a white skirt and white flat boots. In the sheer white, there was a smile that Song Qian was familiar with.

But because his head was still a little dizzy, Song Qian was not sure of the identity of the person.

"Who are you?" Song Qian asked coldly.

"Don't you even recognize me? Song Qian, your memory is really bad." The visitor walked into the room with a smile on his lips.

Under the bright light, Song Qian saw her hateful eyes, and her face that was distorted by jealousy.

The person here is not someone else, but Qin Xirong who should be in the hospital.

"It's you!" Song Qian answered indifferently, "how did you get me out, and who told you that I was there."

"Hehe, get you out, I naturally have my way. But now, I won't tell you." Qin Xirong walked towards Song Qian slowly and stood still in front of her.

Qin Xirong bent over and touched Song Qian's face with her slender fingers, "Song Qian, look, your face is really good."

"Go away." Song Qian scolded coldly, moving his face away.

Seeing Song Qian's resistance, Qin Xirong let out a cold snort, then laughed loudly.

The laughter was weird, and at first it was a bit proud, but later it turned into a deep resentment and anger.

Qin Xirong bent down and stared at Song Qian with cold eyes, "You didn't expect it to fall into my hands? But there is nothing wrong with falling into my hands, at least I can let you and your dead ghost daughter as soon as possible. Reunion." In the words, there were some gritted teeth.

"Come here, bring me the gun." Qin Xirong yelled into the darkness.

Hearing her voice, someone quickly walked over and handed the gun to Qin Xirong. She turned and was about to leave.

However, Song Qian stopped her.

"Who are you?" Song Qian frowned and looked at this woman who was similar to herself.

Nina did not answer, and walked out quickly.

A trace of suspicion flashed through Song Qian's eyes, and he turned to Qin Xirong.

Qin Xirong was playing with a pistol and felt Song Qian's fiery eyes. With a faint smile on her mouth, she pointed the gun at Song Qian's forehead.

"Want to know who she is? I'll give you a chance." Qin Xirong smiled, "There are three bullets in this gun. As long as you are not hit, I can answer your question."

Before Song Qian could speak, Qin Xirong continued: "Okay, the game begins."

When the voice fell, Qin Xirong narrowed her eyes and pointed her gun at Song Qian.

Under her threat, Song Qian smiled slightly and slowly raised her head and chest.

"Come on." Her voice was calm, without any fear.

Qin Xirong looked at Song Qian like this, snorted coldly, and quickly pulled the trigger.

Just hearing a "pop", the trigger was clicked.However, no bullets were shot...

"I succeeded." Song Qian said lightly, unharmed for her own sake.

"Yes." Qin Xirong smiled, "Nina, come here."

"Miss, what's the matter?" Nina walked out immediately after hearing Qin Xirong's instructions.

"Can you load a gun? Put another bullet in this gun. I need to play a game with my good friend."

"Miss?" Nina glanced at Qin Xirong worriedly, and then looked at Song Qian who was sitting in a chair with a look similar to her.

"Don't do it yet!" But under Qin Xirong's cold drink, she quickly followed her instructions.

After the bullets were loaded, Qin Xirong immediately ordered Nina to go down, and she was one step closer to Song Qian, aiming the cold barrel at Song Qian's white forehead.

"Song Qian, you know how much I hate you." Qin Xirong leaned over and said bitterly, "Without you, I wouldn't be separated from Yilin at all, and our children would not die. Song Qian, I blame you, you ruined my happiness, and I want you to die."

"Now, there are only four bullets in my gun, so I can only hit your limbs." After speaking, Qin Xirong picked up the gun and aimed at Song Qian's thigh.

"Song Qian, look at how standard I held the gun. When Pei Peipei died, I was holding the gun like this!" Qin Xirong smiled lightly at the corner of her mouth, and the words were provocative.

Her hand was already on the trigger, her eyes were slightly narrowed, and her eyes were filled with joy.

She was going to leave Song Qian here, and then let Nina pretend to be Song Qian out of the country, to a place that Pei Yilin would never find.

And she can pretend to be rescued by customs officers and sent back to Z city.

At that time, as long as she shows weakness again and cries again, I believe Pei Yilin will not doubt it.

Qin Xirong thinks that the plan she thinks is very good and perfect, doesn't she?

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