At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty I don't mean anything to you!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!With her mind set, Qin Xirong looked at Song Qian's eyes with a touch of pride, and her hand holding the trigger also began to secretly force.

Seeing, Song Qian was about to be injured and bleed under her revenge...

"Xirong, you can't do this." Qin Xirong's waist was suddenly hugged, and her shooting hand was also raised.

Song Qian only heard a "bang", the window glass behind her cracked, and the fine glass block hit not far from her feet and shattered to the ground.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Qin Xirong yelled coldly.

She knows who the person is here and what his purpose is.

However, she just couldn't tolerate his sudden appearance.

She is about to end Song Qian's life, why should he have more hands?

"Samuel, let me go! If you don't let me go, I will kill you." Qin Xirong shouted coldly, feeling very upset.

"I won't let you go." Samuel was also very cold.

He hugged Qin Xirong tightly and looked around her to Song Qian who was sitting on the chair.

The glass just now shattered under her feet, and her expression remained unchanged, without any trace of being frightened.

Instead, it was Qin Xirong. Because of his sudden movement, her heart beat more violently...

Her body has not been well cultivated, if she bears external pressure...

Samuel's eyes dimmed, his arms around Qin Xirong's waist were tight and tight.

"Xirong, I know you hate Song Qian. I also hate her. Since she killed my son, let me kill her."

Samuel has a fierce nature. If his character is better because he knows that he has a child, but when he heard Qin Xirong said that Song Qian killed his child, his fierceness returned again and became more turbulent.

"No! You give me back." Qin Xirong struggled in Samuel's arms.

She and Song Qian haven't settled their accounts, so why should she give up the chance of killing Song Qian to others?

"Nina, take Miss Xirong and leave here immediately! She should be the result of me." Samuel grabbed Qin Xirong's gun and pointed it at Song Qian.

"Samuel!" Qin Xirong rushed forward, trying to snatch it back, but was hugged by Nina secretly.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Xirong heard Samuel's threat, "If you don't want my father to know that he once had a grandson, leave me now!"

"I..." Qin Xirong paled. She was not afraid of Samuel, but she was extremely afraid of Joyce.

Because Joyce's unique position was her revenge support, she had to look at Song Qian bitterly, then turned and left unwillingly.

Staring at Qin Xirong and leaving, Song Qian raised her eyebrows to look at Samuel and asked, "You want to kill me?"

"It's not that simple. Song Qian, since you killed me without a child, you have to taste the pain first." Samuel looked grimly, "Come on, give her an open operation and cut off her uterus. , Tell me again."

After speaking, Samuel opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, two men in white coats and masks walked in.

Song Qian stared at the two approaching, hands violently behind his back.

Only a slight "click" was heard, and the rope tied to her broke at this moment, and Song Qian's always calm eyes had a touch of eagerness.

"You are all looking for death!" When the two men approached Song Qian, Song Qian quickly got up and violently attacked Samuel.

Samuel obviously didn't expect Song Qian to untie the rope so quickly, there was a panic on his face, and he wanted to shoot Song Qian when he raised his gun.

But Song Qian was obviously faster than him. Before he pulled the trigger, Song Qian had already punched his abdomen.

Under his subconscious dodge, she took the gun in his hand in one of her handy movements, and aimed the black barrel at Samuel.

"Let me go!" Song Qian said coldly.

The surroundings are quiet.

Samuel was pressed against his temple by Song Qian, cold sweat slipped from his forehead and face, and his chest was wet in an instant.

Seeing that Samuel was restrained, the two doctors next to him looked at each other and quickly gave way to Song Qian.

Song Qian breathed a sigh of relief, pressed against Samuel's temple, and stepped back cautiously.

Finally, she was getting closer and closer to the door, and she had come to the door...

"You can't go, Song Qian." At the moment Song Qian opened the door, Qin Xirong smiled, holding a gun in her hand to block her outside.

It seems that Qin Xirong knew that Song Qian would do this for a long time, and Samuel was just her bait to play Song Qian.

"Xirong, get out of the way, don't let her hurt you." Samuel yelled in panic.

"Shut up!" He was worried about Qin Xirong, Qin Xirong knew this, but it made her extremely annoyed.

She snorted coldly, and the black barrel of the gun pointed at Song Qian's chest, and said, "You can kill him. If you kill him, I will kill you too. I don't mind which of you die first."

Qin Xirong spoke lightly, very cold-blooded.

Samuel looked at Qin Xirong's eyes in surprise and asked: "Xirong, do you really mind my life and death?"

"Shut up! Since you can't help me, what are you leaving for?" Qin Xirong's answer was a cold drink.

Samuel's hot heart became cold in an instant, and he looked at Qin Xirong with a deep gaze, before he snorted coldly.

"Since you don't care, then I don't care much." Song Qian snorted coldly, pulled the trigger, and quickly hit Qin Xirong on the arm.

Qin Xirong received a shot and raised his hand to fight back, but was caught by a domineering force.

Immediately afterwards, while Song Qian frowned slightly, the man grabbed Qin Xirong and came to her.

"What to do with her?" The man kicked Qin Xirong's knee and threw her to the ground.

"Take her away." Song Qian yelled coldly, and with the help of the man, quickly left the place where she was imprisoned.


Almost as soon as Song Qian left, Pei Yilin's people came to this place.

They hurried upstairs and took Samuel's men back, but Samuel and Nina were rescued and escaped.

The man didn't tell Samuel his origin, but left a very ordinary silver nail.

Samuel, who had escaped a disaster, immediately bought a plane ticket for Nina. The trustee placed her abroad, while he himself went to the Red Lotus Killer Center and asked Xiao Honglian to help him find Qin Xirong at a high price.

"This is a deposit, you will get more after the matter is done." Samuel threw out a large check and looked at Xiao Honglian with a cold expression.

Xiao Honglian glanced at Qin Xirong's photo and was taken aback for a moment, but then he accepted the check, and told Samuel to pick up people here within a month and send him away.

Samuel nodded, turned and left.

After Samuel left, Xiao Honglian disguised herself and came to the secret base of Jiayuan Silver to ask her opinion.

"Oh? Samuel still wants to find Qin Xirong? Interesting!" Jia Yuan Yin said, with a slight smile on his mouth.

"When she finishes accepting the punishment, I will naturally send her away, and the commission you get..." Jia Yuanyin glanced at Xiao Honglian.

Xiao Honglian understood her intentions and immediately handed in the check that had just been received.

"Miss Kawara, this is a partial deposit. When this task is completed, I will bring the remaining money over immediately." Xiao Honglian knelt on the ground with a pious attitude.

"Yeah." At Jia Yuanyin's orders, someone immediately came to Xiao Honglian and took the check in his hand.

"Go on. Before leaving, think of a way to let Song Qian know that you are here." Kawara Silver snorted lightly and continued, "After it's done, you can keep most of the commission given by Samuel."

"Thank you Miss Kawara." Xiao Honglian thought that this business was done in vain. Hearing Kawara Silver's words, he immediately smiled in surprise.

"I will do it." Xiao Honglian said goodbye to Kawara Silver, and immediately came to the door, don't whisper deeply to the guarded man in black.

The man in black listened, thought for a moment, and immediately arranged for someone to whisper on the road Song Qian must pass, which attracted Song Qian's attention.

At that time Song Qian was applying medicine in the medical room, and vaguely heard the news of Xiao Honglian's arrival, she immediately got up and wanted to go out and have a look.

However, she was held down before she could get up.

Song Qian looked up and saw the ghost king who had brought her here.

"Where do you want to go?" The Ghost King asked coldly, "You have poison in your body. If you don't discharge it in time, you will die."

The King of Ghosts is not afraid of Song Qian's death, he is only afraid of the trouble that Song Qian will bring after his death.

Although he himself didn't think Song Qian had any big effect, since Jia Yuan Yin asked himself to save people, she must have her idea.

Therefore, after the ghost king learned from Xia Erlan that Qin Xirong had taken Song Qian away, he immediately sent someone to follow Qin Xirong.

This also saved Song Qian before Qin Xirong was about to cause a big mistake.

And the kick he gave Qin Xirong just now was just to punish her for taking the initiative.

"I know." Song Qian answered indifferently, "I know how my body is. Don't worry, I won't let the organization down."

"Won't let the organization down? Only the master listens." Ghost King sneered, "After taking the medicine, go to the master immediately."

"I know." Song Qian answered with a frown, and then the ghost king left.

Song Qian frowned very tightly looking at the back of the ghost king leaving.

She didn't know why the ghost king knew she was there, but it was a fact that the ghost king saved her life.

And he saved her, presumably because of adding Yuan Yin.

Song Qian knew the reason why Jiayuanyin saved Song Qian. Her brows were slightly frowned, and she had thought of a way to "repay" Jiayuanyin.


"Tie you up and let Pei Yilin come to rescue you?" Jia Yuanyin obviously did not expect that Song Qian would be so cooperative.

Song Qian actually asked for bait before he proposed a plan.

"Do you really think so? Or, you just want to betray the organization?" Jiayuan Yin raised her eyebrows, obviously, she didn't fully believe in Song Qian.

Song Qian had already anticipated this, and didn't rush.

"I will not betray the organization. All I want is to kill Pei Yilin with my own hands." Song Qian said coldly.

"You once had the opportunity to do this, but you didn't." Kawara Yin smiled lightly, "Song Qian, you know, I hate others lie to me. And the people who lie to me, they all regret it in the underworld."

"Speak your true intentions, I am not a fool." Kawara Silver stepped down from the high seat and walked slowly to Song Qian.

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