At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 182 Two women, you can only choose one!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Come out!" Just as the two stood still, Pei Yilin came over with a powerful voice.

Sure enough, he is a man who has been in the market for a long time, with a kind of compelling momentum that ordinary people do not have.

The ghost king and Yin Bao'er in the dark looked at each other, clapped their hands, and walked out slowly.

"President Pei really keeps his word, we like it." The ghost king wore a Zorro mask, and his eyes were uncontrollable admiration.

Yin Bao'er looked cold, wearing a butterfly mask, standing beside him without a word.

Both of them wore black clothes and black face masks. If they weren't familiar with their identities, Pei Yilin would almost think that they were both male and female in the killer world.

"Ghost King, who is this?" Pei Yilin glanced at Yin Bao'er in the butterfly mask before turning his gaze to the Ghost King.

The ghost king smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, a bit like an ecstatic messenger from hell: "There is no need for Pei to know her identity. As long as she knows, she likes butterflies."

And now, the ghost king is indeed the messenger of hell, just because he holds the switch that controls Song Qian's life and death.

As long as he presses the button, the rope tied to Song Qian will suddenly break, and Song Qian will fall heavily to the ground.

"Where is she?" As if the greetings were enough, Pei Yilin went straight in and asked Song Qian's location.

"She? Pei always talk about Song Qian, or Qin Xirong? Two women, I really don't know..." The ghost king looked at Pei Yilin playfully.

"Song Qian." Pei Yilin said coldly.

Now he only cares about Song Qian, and Qin Xirong, he is sure that these people will not hurt her, even if it hurts, it is not something he will be distracted now.

"President Pei, you're really sassy." Ghost King faintly drew a strange arc, "Song Qian is over there."

The King of Ghosts pointed not far away, and smiled: "She was hung on a tree. Although she was comatose, the rope was strong enough. I can guarantee that within two hours, she will have nothing to do. Only. But the other one is not that good for life!"

"Come here, bring Qin Xirong up and let Mr. Pei think carefully about which one he wants to choose." The Ghost King retracted his finger and ordered coldly.

At the command of the Ghost King, two members of the Star Trail Alliance immediately escorted Qin Xirong to Pei Yilin and the Ghost King.

"Qin Xirong, look, is this person what you want?" The ghost king waved away his two men, walked slowly in front of Qin Xirong, grabbed her chin, and forced her to look at each other.

"I...I..." When Qin Xirong saw the ghost king, her legs became soft subconsciously.

Had it not been for the King of Ghosts to grab her chin, she would almost be soft to the ground.

Pei Yilin stood by, frowning at Qin Xirong's performance, clenching his fists tightly.

Isn't she from the Star Trails Alliance?

Why did these people beat her cruelly in front of him?

Pei Yilin frowned, he only felt that this was one of the ways the ghost king delayed him to save Song Qian.

"I want to save Song Qian. She, as you do." Pei Yilin interrupted without frowning, her voice cold.

"Lin?" Qin Xirong looked at Pei Yilin incredulously.

Obviously, she has designed so many things that Pei Yilin thinks that Song Qian kidnapped him. Why is it still Song Qian who he wants to save now?

She thought that as long as she worked hard enough and created enough misunderstandings, it would be enough to make Pei Yilin give up hope of saving Song Qian.

But, why, why did she do so much, Pei Yilin still wants to save Song Qian?

Qin Xirong was very unwilling. She looked at Pei Yilin's eyes with misty eyes and said: "Lin, Song Qian kidnapped me..."

"Ghost King, find someone to take me to Song Qian." Pei Yilin ignored Qin Xirong's pitiful, and spoke coldly.

When the ghost king saw Qin Xirong, I saw that Yu Lian did not interfere with Pei Yilin, his eyes darkened, and the corners of his mouth immediately evoked coldness, and ordered Qin Xirong to be pulled down.

"President Pei is truly unfeeling. A beauty like Qin Xirong makes my heartache crying!" The ghost king looked at Pei Yilin with a smile.

"Unexpectedly, the ghost king is so affectionate." Yin Baoer heard very uncomfortable next to him, and snorted coldly, "President Pei, you are just thinking about Song Qian, then I will take you there now."

"En." Pei Yilin answered, suspicious of Yin Baoer's voice.

Yin Baoer raised his foot and quickly walked forward with Pei Yilin. The Ghost King followed them closely, seeming to be suspected of being surveillance.

Yin Baoer walked for a while, then stopped to answer the phone, and then said: "Ghost King, you take him."

Looking at Yin Bao'er's gloomy expression after answering the call, the ghost king responded and took Pei Yilin away quickly.

Yin Baoer watched the two go away, then picked up the phone and called Qin Xirong.

"Qin Xirong, what do you want to do?" Yin Baoer's voice was cold. If it weren't for Qin Xirong's membership in the Star Trails Alliance, she would kill Qin Xirong now.

"Did you forget our agreement? You dare to kill them?" Yin Baoer is familiar with Qin Xirong is a person who must repay her, so when two of her men brought Qin Xirong over, Yin Baoer told her not to take them anyway. How about the two of them.

Unexpectedly, Qin Xirong agreed on the surface, but in private she couldn't wait to let the snake bite them.

Yin Bao'er was very angry, she really shouldn't believe Qin Xirong!

"I haven't forgotten." Qin Xirong said lightly, her voice very cold and cold.

"It's just that they acted too real just now, and it caused me a lot of suffering. I need to let them rest and rest. Besides, my mood is not very good, so I can't help but feel a little heavier." Qin Xirong glanced at the two men who fell on the ground with two poisonous snake teeth on their hands, and sneered.

Pei Yilin, Pei Yilin!Thanks to my hard work, you don't believe me?

Qin Xirong's eyes turned cold, thinking that Pei Yilin didn't even look at her just to save Song Qian. She was angry, hated, resentful, and all kinds of negative emotions were raging.

Do not!

She couldn't let Pei Yilin successfully rescue Song Qian, she had to create some obstacles for them.

And these obstacles she created, Yin Baoer must not know.

Not only could Yin Bao'er not know, but she must also be trapped here, unable to help Song Qian.

Thinking about it, the smile on Qin Xirong's face was even more venomous.

"If you rush over now, they will wake up soon. And if you can't make it, then they will have to die." Qin Xirong said lightly, already calculating in her heart.

After a while, she will use these two poisoned subordinates as negative teaching materials to let the other two watching her listen to her orders.

"You! Wait!" Yin Baoer said coldly and hung up the phone.

Qin Xirong looked at the darkened mobile phone screen, and the corner of her mouth evoked ruthlessly: "Yin Bao'er, if you want to help Song Qian clean up me, then you have to see if you have that ability. If you want me to suffer, I will definitely get ten times more Get it back a hundred times."

"Do you want to survive? Put those two cobras on the big tree over there, and I will detoxify them." Qin Xirong looked at the two men in black who were scared and pale next to him leisurely. Pay you, and I won’t tell the Lord your secrets."

"Miss Qin, are you serious?" The two had been caught by Qin Xirong because of the theft of the organization's property, but now they heard her willing to let them go, and immediately opened their eyes.

After Qin Xirong nodded, they risked their lives and threw the two cobras under the big tree that dangled Song Qian, then murmured and left in a hurry.

After the two left, Song Qian immediately opened her eyes and looked at the cobras staring at her under the two trees, and a wry smile formed on her mouth.

Haha, the organization didn't believe her, did it use the cobra to test it again?

Looking at the cobra, Song Qian felt sick again. She tried to resist, her face pale and terribly pale.

Pei Yilin, when will you come?

You-have you seen through my plan?

Song Qian looked at the two cobras dangling under the trees, her heart full of thoughts.

On the one hand, she secretly prayed that Pei Yilin could come quickly so that she would not have close contact with this cobra, and on the other hand, she felt that Pei Yilin should come more slowly.

Because only then can it prove that the plan she designed is effective.

Such emotions were very complicated. Song Qian glanced at the cobra below, resisting the nausea and continued to close his eyes and pretend to sleep.

Pei Yilin, according to your strength, you should be able to arrive before Cobra is about to attack me.

It seemed that Song Qian was in a dangerous situation, and Pei Yilin looked at the ghost king who was slowly moving forward.

"Get out of the way!" Pei Yilin coldly and savagely.

Song Qian is in distress now, and he does not allow anyone to waste his precious time.

"It's not far away." The ghost king replied indifferently, seeming to suggest kindly, "President Pei, the swimming pool that trapped Qin Xirong is nearby. There are vicious sharks in it. If you don't save Qin Xirong, she won't have it. Fate. I think that Qin Xirong is also a beauty, and once pregnant with you a child..."

"Hey, what are you doing?" The ghost king's words were interrupted by Pei Yilin's sudden attack. He raised his head and crashed into Pei Yilin's cold eyes, "Ghost King, although Song Qian can't kill you, it doesn't mean I can't either."

Pei Yilin approached quickly, and quickly passed his throat before the Ghost King could react.

This fast speed shocked the King of Ghosts. He knew very well that if Pei Yilin wanted to kill him, it was definitely possible.

But now, the reason why he still kept his life is because he wanted to take him to find Song Qian.

"President Pei, let me take you there. It's very simple. It's just that you have to be responsible for what you encounter next." The ghost king looked cold, and he didn't tell Pei Yilin about Qin Xirong again, and brought Pei Yilin straight to him. Beside a cliff, he said coldly.

"This is your first stop, good luck. Look, Song Qian is right across from you." On the opposite side of the cliff is the cliff, and Pei Yilin can vaguely see a big tree.

And the distance between here and the big tree is a chain bridge that is only thirty centimeters wide. On the railings of the chain bridge are several rotting animal carcasses. A group of black vultures are swooping down, wanting a big one. Feast.

Vultures are very cruel animals. As long as they think that Pei Yilin has any chance to snatch their rations, they will peck Pei Yilin fiercely.

Once, Star Trail Alliance used this trick to punish traitors.

Thirty traitors, screaming and wanting to rush over, exhausted all kinds of methods, still being pecked on the ground, bleeding to death.

And Pei Yilin, can he escape successfully?

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